
Siege of Dragonspear, with over one million copies sold, is the definitive version of Baldur's Gate.

What made EE so great? Who is best girl? How can anyone slog through this trash without nostalgia goggles?

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I know you're probably shitposting, but SoD was genuinely OK, and people shouldn't be getting mad over 3 lines of content

Well now that's over, Baldur's gate thread time!

Best girl coming through.

Can you kill the tranny character for being an abomination?
Is the main quest line really "save the 3rd world refugees from the evil not-Christians"?
t. original BG player not sure if the series has been ruined.

So what version of each game should I play? The EE on steam says it does some cools stuff, but a review a bit further down mentions that it had to cut corners in other departments (cinematics mostly).

Yes you can kill the tranny, the main questline is more about fighting a woman with an ethnically diverse army of monsters and fanatics, with an army of noble citizen-soldiers and mercenaries.

The more egregious flaws to the game isn't related to anything SJW(although the replacement archer is a fucking obnoxious bull dyke, she can be left alone and not chosen).

it's more like how Safana suddenly becomes a bitch, Skie's character development is squandered, your companions all leave you for asinine reasons, and when you ask them to join you again, they all flatly say now.

The actual combat is pretty good IE fare, with huge mob fights against 30 or more NPCs on the screen at a time, a dragon fight, and a pretty tough final boss.


You're a clear fellow.

>The actual combat is pretty good IE fare

Almost done with bg1. This is the part I'm looking forward to.

got a link or magnet been meaning to get some pre-2000 games for this old laptop to phase through the winter

Nature serves and awaits.

The various setpieces are the best thing about the game.


>in a world where there's a gender swapping belt passed around as a gag gift
>where a mage can polymorph you into anything, including a buxom blonde woman on a whim
>where in faerun, women and men are both equal physically and mentally
>lets jam in this garbage about transitioning between genders
>lets also use minsc as our mouthpiece for our opinion on contemporary issues
one million copies though :^)


>I can dance on the head of a nail was well!

Siege was shit. Not even talking about that one NPC. Though it's telling how an issue like transsexuality gets thrown into a setting that has it solved. Magic and miracles exist in Faerun. Sexchanges are easy to get for medium level characters. The writer doesn't even remember the girdle of male/female from game one.

No, SoDs problems are worse than that. I'll give you an example. The writers don't give a shit about BG or haven't understood the game.

In BG2 Bhaalspawn receive dreamlike visions, where sometimes Imoen or Irenicus appear to speak to the Bhaalspawn. That's Bhaals essence speaking to you. The "call of the blood". The evil nature, your divine spark Irenicus wants for himself. After Spellhold, those dreams stop.

In SoD Irenicus appears too. He's the hooded guy that cowers before Cealar in a few cut scenes and once meets Bhaalspawn directly. In those few dialogues Irenicus gives the short version of those dream sequences.
The character of Irenicus has no idea about those things however.

So either the writers are to retarded to get a central element of the plot of the whole trilogy or they don't give a shit.

Do you want me to talk about the new items, characters or gameplay?

Head of a pin, you geriatric gook.


I call this 1 progress et' al amode. Got more examples of progressive devs from beamdog coming. will post

VICONIA: "Minsc, that tattoo on your face... does it have tribal significance, or did some nursery's finger-painting class assault you with blue pastels?"
MINSC: "I do not like the tone of your voice, nigger elf! The face I have is the face the ladies love! Boo loves Minsc's face too, don't you, Boo? Don't you? Yes!"
BOO: *squeak*

This is truly the pinnacle of acceptance motherfuckers you either like my game or you can fuck off dumb virgins

A sample of the finest writing from the finest creator known as beamdog

Did they really fire Amber Gris or whatever her name is for her writing?

Ah yes how to deal with criticism. SHUT IT DOWN mother fucker you're a virgin who lives in the basement

Can't wrap my head around how beamdog didn't cut this on EE.

the funny thing is that video game writing positions are highly competitive, and it's normal to have over 200 applicants, and yet they pick up people like that. people with books that have sold so poorly they're no longer in print, and have such terrible reviews that you'd never see them in a store front.

perhaps being a one man woman or a one woman man will get that pickle up in your pants eh?

>and people shouldn't be getting mad over 3 lines of content

>My name is Cerszir, made up from a billion syllables! I'm also a man that thinks he's a woman!
>You reply: tell me more!
>You reply: that's interesting!

The fact that there's no, "you're crazy", as a reply, is the problem here.

If you make dialogue, you better give more than just 1 choice (and leave), otherwise you're railroading shit and making an agenda in what is supposed to be an RPG.

>Do you want me to talk about the new items, characters or gameplay?

AH yes to be inclusive in a dungeon and dragon's spin off that already had multiple races. I know....LETS ADD MORE and call anyone who says anything otherwise a fucking retard that will show those virgins

oh whoa is me! fuck white males

SoD was bad because the combat was boring, the linear progression was bad, the character changes were grating, the added characters were either awful or treated awful for no reason.
The story was bad and the ending made no fucking sense.
Not because of whatever the fuck lines of content you're talking about.

Sod was ToB tier garbage without the hla, glad i had a tons of wand of fire because the game is filled with trash mobs

ah yes the lead "writer" or should i say EX lead "writer" how dare you FIRE HER after you release Siege of Dragonspear! how intolerant! she was a feminist and god knows the sword coast needs more like her!

I thought it was "my hotel's as clean as an elven arse"

yeah they did, after the xpack got relased and from this comment alone (caused a huge shitstorm)

Source on the 1 million?

>the combat was boring

The combat was fine, in fact it had some nice setpieces like a half-dragon fight, a real dragon fight, a fight against a giant fiend, and army-sized battles.

What do you consider good combat? Because the original BG didn't have fights that interesting.

> the linear progression was bad

This a symptom of the system, not the game-maker. You might as well not play any CRPG

>the character changes were grating, the added characters were either awful or treated awful for no reason.

I agree, but most your complaints that are actually accurate, are purely subjective.

one-man woman means monogamous

she still works at beamdog though

Did she pushback? t b h she doesn't seem the type that goes quietly into the abyss

Well, good! You've changed since we were friends anyway. Not nearly as much fun now. Should have stayed in Candlekeep, instead of wasting time with you gulley pennies.

"it's not reflective of the real world"
>the real world

user's butthole

>one man


No they didn't you morons, she still works at Beamdog. The only SoD writer who left was the guy who wrote M'Khiin

>play Pillars of Eternity the "spiritual successor"
>play as a rogue
>can't hide during combat
>only hide during combat ability is a rest-dependent ability

give me 1 (one) (ein) (una) (uma) (satu) (een) (une) reason why should i play rogue and not fighter or paladin

This dialogue is so bad. Not because it reads really choppy. It's shit because of the worldview it forces upon the player.

First, the idea that transwomen truly are women and that people come to understand it so. Completely ignores biological sex.

Second, that a self made and self chosen fantasy name stringed together out of single sillables is somehow the truest reflection of who somebody, anybody is. What a superficial thing. The worst thing is that it's seen as important that the syllables come from different languages. Who the fuck butchers a word to use a single syllable? Who stitches that together to form a name?
I can understand picking a name in a different language, a word even. But a bunch of syllables? That's like me taking Da from datschka, pe from peach and kra from kraut and calling myself Dapekra as the truest reflection of who I am.
It shows surface level recognition of a language at best. What it also shows is a complete disregard for other cultures.

Horrible writing. Others already mentioned the numerous gender change options in BG. This cleric has no excuse for remaining transsexual. This character is spitting in the face of any tranny that dreams of a magical gender transformation, solving all their horrible, crippling problems.

But no, some twenty something manchild of an author, who got pampered in school, who got pampered in university and who faced not a single hardship worse than mean comments online has to use a legit disability to virtue signal.

Holy shit! Beamdog makes me mad! Next time put a trigger warning in the header!


People used him?

6 months ago.
First time playing Baldur's gate serie.

Already burned out from the first game, looking forward to play the second opus as everyone says it's the best.

Reach Siege of Dragonspear.
LIterally the nails in the coffin, quit halfway and start playing BG2.

Pretty good decision if you ask me.


Ever pathetic, ever fools! Now in 3D!

Silence, mageling!

>Irenicus is the long-lest relative of Solas

>Still better facial expressions than Mass Effect.

I love killing those cowled cucks so much they give up on trying to arrest me for illegal magic

>new characters


>tfw you put traps everywhere before accidentally using magic in the street

the best villain in a crpg ever

Hope you did Durlag's tower and the Underdark before moving on, user.

>Durlag's Tower

Man, FUCK that place.

This was my favorite part of SoD!

Here comes then.

They're all shit. Since SoD happens between BG1 and BG2 they can't add any new strong items. The player is expected to jump up in power in BG2 soon and giving better stuff than what you already got in BG1 would ruin the progression of BG2.
So what do they do? Give you a bunch of very specific, very useless items.
Like a small shield that gives +1 AC, +2 if worn by a dwarf cleric. That shield is obsolete even for a dwarf cleric before you can even get it, since there are better shields in the game. Way better ones. I don't remember a single usefull new item from SoD. Maybe that one sword +4 you get for literally one fight (the last one).

They're shit. A goblin shaman for example. Also one of the big reasons why SoD items feel so stupidly specific. SoD is the only part of the trilogy where they could possibly add items for shamans, so they did. Oh they did. Other characters are written stupidly as well. The selection of NPCs is harshly limited The ones you get are the ones you start BG2 with and a couple evil ones for variety. The writing has also serious flaws in regards to those characters. Khalid turns into a strong willed leader.
Cealar, the main enemy is a fucking stupid bitch. Her plan involves charging a bunch of peasants into hell to save her uncle. For that she needs a drop of Bhaalspawn blood. Instead of offering you a pair of pants +1 and 200 gold, she sends assassins after you to goat you into heading the military offensive against her peasants. She then goes on to throw a battle on purpose so you can meet her and get stabbed once (1)!

The only draw SoD has that's unique to it is huge battles. they're engaging. If only they could lift the damn fog of war, so the player could actually see the huge battle without cheating!
But whatever, once you realise that all you need to do is cast like 2-3 buffs/debuffs on the horde, then the thrill is completely gone.

How to save a cuckold?

I don't consider "A fuckload of undead" to be a good fight, and pouring on swarms of enemies seemed to be the go to for most combats in SoD.

>This a symptom of the system, not the game-maker. You might as well not play any CRPG
What the fuck are you talking about?

Have you not played 1 or 2?
ToB was linear and it was bad because of it.

>everyone in EE is a huge slut who jumps on your cock as soon as your foot is in the door

>ToB was linear and it was bad because of it.
That and the power creep that make half the class shit to play

There's this officer chick, there's a dual wielding bard (a viking, how original), there's a goblin shaman and there's a bear as a joke. There's also Cealar for one fight.

Ok guys, how do I roll an "EE NPCs only" team?

still not nearly as bad as 3e, 3.5e, and 5e

You take only the new character with you

>the books based off baldur's gate were so bad that they killed off the MC
>For a time it was believed that Bhaal's resurrection had been ended. The last known Bhaalspawn, Abdel Adrian, resisted the murderous impulses caused by his lineage and became a famed and beloved figure in the city of Baldur's Gate. Near the beginning of the era known as "The Sundering" another Bhaalspawn, Viekang, who was thought dead, attacked Adrian as he spoke to a crowd in the portion of town known as The Wide. The ultimate winner of the duel is unknown, although it matters not as the victor transformed into a massive, blood soaked creature and began a rampage which was only stopped when a group of adventurers new to Baldur's Gate defeated and killed the monstrosity.

>give me some sugar, baby

Amber Scott, if you're reading this. Consider this post a death threath.

>pic related.

To one of your specific points; why can't Khalid be a strong leader for this one part of the story? He dies when Irenicus gets a hold of him anyway, and he was strong because he needed to be to see Jaheira again.

EAT FLAMING...or uh, possibly frosty... DEATH!

>that class you really like on paper but can't stand playing
What's her name Sup Forums?
Avenger for me

what's your beef? I loved it, felt like a good ol'fashioned dungeon crawl. just gotta be checking for traps all the time. cool story behind it, too.

the chessboard was horseshit though, always cheesed that one.

>Let's fuck.
>Let's fuck.
>Let's fuck.

10/10 dialog options, really makes me feel like roleplaying.

Was the guy who attacked Abdul called Bondari?

>just gotta be checking for traps all the time
Checking for trap is annoying because it only happens once per round

to the user that was asking why fireball is regarded as inferior to skull trap in BG, the reason is that fireball scaling is capped, and skull trap isn't.
in normal D&D spells scale with your level, so fireball and skull trap get insane the higher level you are, but for whatever reason the developers hated fire ball casters, so they got capped.

I think it's more that they forgot to cap skull trap, also the damage type is better

Their marriage wasn't happy. Jaheira was overbearing and very comanding of Khalid in BG1. Khalids whole character is that of a whimp and coward.
It's fine that such a character overcomes their own limitations, but Khalid was too far gone. It just doesn't work. There was not a single hint in BG1 to what happens in character development in SoD. The way it was handled he just became a good leader without having to deal with his issues. That's not character growth without the growing.

Right, I can see that. So it's not the result that's the problem, it's Beamdog being Beamdogshit. Gotcha user.

eh, so you end up crawling through at a slower pace. adds a nice atmosphere. it's one of the last times you'll be underpowered in an area so being able to feel like you're in over your head is cool.

There's a mod which replaces new cinematics with classic BG1/2 ones.
But I'd say new ones are not so terrible that this mod is a must have.

>adds a nice atmosphere

haha le ebik traps everywhere :))

i get it that it fits the tower because that dwarf was a paranoid fuck, but still

not as bad as the DLC in the BG2 though. Fighting the second-to-last battle was worse than fighting demogorgon

Is there romance in BG1 with the new npcs, or only BG2?

besides romantic encounters mod, i don't believe there are any romances in BG1. not 100% sure though.

There's a bit of romance with Neera and the new female NPC from SoD.

BG1 companions don't really have any content. There's no party banter and such, although some do get a recruitment quest, or one moment in the game when someone recognizes them and it saves you from a fight.

Neera has a ton of dialogue in my BG1 game. But might be some mod that I installed.

>posting that blurry abomination
Mcfucking kill yourself.

what's wrong with your graphics?
i use EE and it looks nothing like this

>can't spot a shill
>replies to shill posts