A fish with baby legs has no right to be so cute.

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Too bad she's DEAD

I really dont see the issue here, she is dead yes but just like the hyrule king or the other champions they could just remain in hyrule as ghosts and chill out.

Mipha wouldnt be able to directly get dicked by Link but they still could enjoy themselves by having link masturbate as mipha watches and talks lewd as fuck.

Anyone find any 5 star horses? If so where?

Just give it up. Paya already did.

Am I the only one who does not give a fuck about horses? All my friends constantly pester me to catch a horse which I did and got bored of after two minutes. The final fight only solidified my hatred.

post sidons please.

what's the point if he can't impregnate her

Mipha had the only story of the four champions actually worth caring about

Yeah there's literally no point to horse travel or horse fights.

If the whole reason you bought the game was to explore mountains and shit, there's no point to having a horse.

Sure i missed a few side quests because I was literally never walking/riding along the road itself, but I also found 114 shrines and 300 koroks without any kind of guide. I even got Epona from the smash link amiibo i had laying around. Never ride her for anything.

why is there so much fucking waifubait in this game

>cross species children

it will come out as some retarded half fish thingy that will beg for death every day of its life

I have an intense FOMO when riding horses

>talks lewd as fuck

I've beaten Ganon, bought a house, and done most of the shrines

What some good side projects to invest my time into?

can you marry in this game? sorry im out of the loop

>Yeah there's literally no point to horse travel or horse fights.

So is this the new thread?

I hope.

>literally 2 scenes in the fucking game
>people can't stop shilling about her
seriously fuck off

Zelda was a much better character, grievances about her voice aside.

I'm obsessed with the game and even I don't fucking get it.
The devs take their time and effort to really flesh out Zelda and people shit all over her because of her voice quality in two of the memories.

Her voice isn't even that horrible. People that say "her voice makes their ears bleed" or whatever such nonsense, don't know what truly bad voice acting sounds like.

She still dreams of getting dicked though. She just hopes Link doesn't go for Zelda.

I would use a horse more if they did it RDR style and just have it appear off screen when you called it.

I'd honestly love to know what you got out of it. Not in an aggressive "you wont change my mind" way. Like, I rode my horse after catching him for a good hour and realized its a hassle since im just climbing mountains and skipping the raod altogether anyways. Also he got shot by a guardian and I then realize how useless he truly was. I didn't even revive him because I got better horses. There's no reward for horseriding, but climbing mountain peaks is rewarding like 99% of the time.

Did I miss something fun with the horses?

>fighting monster
>while collecting my loot I hear the dragon theme
>look around and see the tail end of a dragon flying away
WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? The dragon theme should overide other themes desu

I kinda prefer how they did it. Makes me really look forward to finding stables.

I think there's a Brawl in the Family comic about that and why SNES Zora are ugly monsters.


That's not videogames.

>tfw 5 star speed horse

Seriously fucking cruising with this thing.

Eh, you're right. Maybe this isn't the place.

It really is that bad. The delivery is bad. The fake proper english accent is half assed. The woman herself is an amateur nobody who is admittedly good at speaking in her natural voice (which is deep and very mature sounding), but why the fuck they decided to go with her for a 17 year old elf princess is beyond me.

And again, its the accent that kills me. I'm sure it was something along the lines of "sound more like a princess, sound more proper" that brought out that god awful touch of english accent (mostly on the soft O and A sounds), but like the king himself speaks in regular american english. Even he's got a better voice, despite sounding excruciatingly like a 30 year old amateur actor pretending to be an old man. Like why not just hire a younger girls and an old man? Even if you pull people randomly off the street, likely with awful delivery, at least the voice would match the character.

Mipha is a culprit as well, but her japanese dub also puts on a falsetto baby voice so at least the dubs are consistent with each other.

Outside of the special ones, I don't think they exist. I think the cap for wild horses is 4 in any category.

Well shut my fucking mouth.

its pretty goddamn bad

miphas is similarly godawful

its really out of place in a game with so much polish everywhere else and in a series that hasn't had any voice acting before and they completely drop the fucking ball

I just got a 5 star speed horse. 2 star in strength and 3 stamina, but holy shit are you fast.

Well god damn, that is one hell of a horse. Where'd you find that thing?

no habla mexican

It's someone's picture on GameFAQs. Lindor's Bow apparently.

Thread is also saying that the horses don't actually have random stats, just random colors. You'll keep finding the same group of three horses with the same stats, one 4-4-5 and one 2-5-3.

Will have to go verify it. Once I figure out where the fuck Lindor's Bow is.

>tfw there will never be Gerudo love interest for Link

Start marking the spots where you see them and what time it was at. They take the same sunset to sunrise flight every single night.

Quick question, how easy is it to move screenshots to your computer? Can I just save them to an SD card?

I heard SD cards get linked to the first Switch you put them in, but I'm not sure if that stops PCs from using them.

>not reading her diary

>climbing Akkala Citadel
Christ on a bike, what was that
The flying guardians are so fucking tough
Parrying the beams is hard as is, but they take like 5 hits, and god forbid you stay locked on the whole time, AND that their waggle doesn't cause a parry to reflect off into the stratosphere

I had to Solid Snake that shit
You bested me, game

Malon will always be half Gerudo in my headcanon.

Man, it is incredibly silly how quickly you gain rupees in bowling. I paid off the entire house including expansions in around 20 minutes of it. Is there anything faster than that?

Also, regarding Amiibos, does it always unlock in a shirt --> pants --> hat --> weapon order or is it just entirely random?

I feel like they were intending for you to sneak past, because fuck that noise otherwise.

Is there a good way of taking down flying guardians besides parrying? No way to cut off their propellers or anything?

No idea

I tried smacking them with Magnesis metal blocks, but they took fuck-all damage and starting beaming the blocks, zero fucks given

Shoot their propellers and they hit the ground long enough to shatter a few pieces of dry spaghetti on them.

But I really didn't fuck with that, I just used ancient arrows. It was pretty annoying to shoot them down unless you had a bow that shoots very long distance. The walking ones were a bit more enjoyable in my opinion.

It's a possibility, I know that at least the Wii U formats USBs so that only it can use them, a PC can't even read it

Is there a king's room in Hyrule castle or am I stupid?

>everyone loves Mipha
>no one gives a shit about actual best girl Urbosa

She is unobjectively top tier so there is nothing to discuss.
Everything about her is great

>Wants to kill Ganon for being a iteration of her people
I love this idea of this pissing her off of how dare you dishonor my race.

It's entirely random, at least in my experience with the pixelated Link amiibo
Both me and a friend tried the same one, he got shirt->pants->sword->hat while I got pants->hat->shirt. The sword hasn't dropped for me yet in a couple of days trying

But it might be because the percentages with that amiibo are lower or something, with SSB Link everything went much faster, while the pixel Link took a lot of tries to get anything

Armor only took me about 20-30 scans on WW Link and Smash Link to get bits of armor, but I've been at WW Zelda for about an hour now and no shield yet. I think non-armor stuff is just obscenely rare.

Her loli version is better

I heard it's hidden by a bookcase in the library

I wish the fucking developers would make up their minds about whether Gerudo's are straight up humans or not. OoT Gerudos have rounded ears.

you know they breed with hylians, right? that makes them half-breeds so their ears will have multiple forms.

Who cares. They probably didn't even think about it back then.

>I love this idea of this pissing her off of how dare you dishonor my race.
That shit was so great. I was so glad they brought Gerudos back and actually did them better than the way they were in OoT or MM.

She's great too.

Yeah, it's kinda annoying but not the biggest deal.

All Gerudos breed with Hylians, and in OoT they all had rounded ears. I think if it was an inherited trait for them it would have taken root long before Link showed up.

I'm starting to think it might get locked or something until you reach a certain point in the game so you don't get overpowered stuff too early. I haven't done any divine beast yet, so I'm thinking that could be it, after all I heard that the Biggoron Sword has 60 damage

But it's probably that my luck just sucks

>>Wants to kill Ganon for being a iteration of her people

Nabooru already did that. BotW is so far in the future I doubt any of them know his origin.

t. Alberto Urbosa

they never said they can't have pointy ears, you just assumed they couldn't.

Yup, there it is. I was wandering around looking for almost an hour like an idiot.

what do you even do with those Dragons and why did they use Japanese Dragons instead of the true ones?

You shoot arrows at them to make them drop materials.

Urbosa straight up says that "according to legend, Ganon was originally a Gerudo" or something like that.

Don't just say something, post the picture!

Shoot arrows at them for mats

>take a lynel bow/rito hero bow/korok bow
>equip one ancient arrow
>aim for the body/anywhere that isn't the propeller
>one shot kill

>find a savage lynel bow with 5 shot
>have an even bigger room for error doing the same shit

When I was Googling it to make sure I wasn't doing exactly that a couple people on GameFAQs said they got it as soon as Amiibo scanning was available, while others thought it might be locked behind getting the Hylian Shield.

At least it makes sense with the Twilight Bow as it has absolutely no arrow drop, infinite ammo, and like 80 damage I think it was.

Because the smell of fish reminds them of their mother's womb.

Please make a pause on the fish worshiping and answer me this: should I sell my rubi, diamond, amber and shit or are they useful later in the game?
Text description say they have the power of water, electricity and such. Does it mean something or is it filler text?

>>take a lynel bow/rito hero bow/korok bow
>>equip one ancient arrow

I ruined the final boss doing this.

30 Damage though I got one that deals 43.

>why did they use Japanese Dragons instead of the true ones?

The dragons don't bother me but turning Kakariko into something out of Okami was a little much.

Late game upgrades. Amber and Opal are plentiful so feel free to sell those.

Wait, it works on Ganon?

Save your diamonds. You can sell everything else. If you have a stack of 10, there is a Gerudo in Goron city that will pay more for them.

I'm trying to finish the memories quest and I can't tell where my last photo is supposed to be.

It kind of looks like Hyrule Castle, is that where I have to go?

"According to written legend, Calamity Ganon once assumed the form of a Gerudo man. That makes this much more personal."
I think that's the quote

Does a fuckton of damage at least.

Agreed. I didn't really like the jappy direction of Kakariko. Plus there's no little easter egg in the theme for the old Kakariko.

Please continue the fish worship now.

>Plus there's no little easter egg in the theme for the old Kakariko.

I was so fucking happy when I noticed DRI in the Rito Village theme.

Yeah, I just watched the cutscene.

I mean, you can't get more explicit than that.

Also, best fucking girl by far and away.

Thanks for letting me know. I killed him with just the Master Sword/regular arrows at first.

On that note, is there actually a postgame? My save has a star on it, but Ganon's still here.

Def best by far

>Get Mipha's Trident
>Break it two seconds later
>Costs 5 Flint and a Diamond to remake
Fuck that.

Um, what the FUCK am I doing with this constellation shrine?

Is there anyway to give me a hint without outright spoiling the answer?

>people complain about Zelda's voice

She's nowhere near as bad as:

This is a bad picture. It looks nothing like her.

It's much, MUCH simpler than you think it is.

Look at the wall at the end of the room

I know exactly what you're talking about. I dunno how to tell you without giving it away but try counting the stars on the wall.