This is what happens when a reviewer gives BotW a bad review.
You literally can't make this shit up.
This is what happens when a reviewer gives BotW a bad review.
You literally can't make this shit up.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm surprised they haven't started a petition to remove Jim from metacritic
It's sad how many people posting here now weren't around for 8.8
The difference is that 8.8 was accurate, 7/10 isn't. Especially when said "reviewer" gave DR4 an 8. NMS a 9, and Horizon a 9.5
He just scored it low for attention and revenge against Nintendo for trying to monetize his vids because he is petty.
who fucking cares though?
Fuck off who the fuck cares also the ones who gave zelda 10/10 gave other games a low score even when they are better than zelda,yes look how hypocrite they are.
>who fucking cares
Apparently EndofDiscOne and 20 pages of buttbabbies
>7/10 isn't
>fps issues
>bland OST issue
>empty world issue
>enemy/bosses variety issue
>small dungeons issue
>artificial content issue
>Defending Jim Sterling because you hate Nintendo this much
Says more about you than any of this says about nintendo fans.
I'm not defending nintendo either, I literally do not care what score botw was given on a review site, why the fuck would I?
I care about shitty threads filling up the board wasting my time
said it all
Review is inherently subjective.
If you really want objective figures, take 20/30.
if serious, gay
if falseflagging, still gay
The enemy AI was pretty bad sometimes, too.
>fps doesn't matter if the game is good (Bloodborne)
>OST is actually really good, Gerudo Town (night) and Goron are some of the best tracks in the series alone. The lack of bombastic and epic music in the field adds to the atmosphere
>subjective, I always saw wildlife regardless of where I was
>Enemy variety is fine because you have to take into context the brunt of what you fight need to be using weapons for the durability mechanic to work as intended, along with no slowass enemies like redheads who pose no threat outside of cramped rooms. Thunderblight and Waterblight also the only 3D Zelda bosses I've ever died to.
>The issue with the dungeons isn't their size, but backseating from the champions and their homogeneity.
At worst you could rate it 8/10, but it sets a new bar for open world and when 9's and 10's are handed out like candy for open world shit, then either all scores ever made need to be downsized or give BotW it's due.
Im not defending Jim but a 7 is not a bad score, this is 8.8 all over again
It's not though, see
>giving a shit about a man's (or whatever gender he is feeling that day since he is genderfluid) tastes when he unironically dresses like this
This is why shitendo still exists, you're literally not allowed to say bad things about their garbage games. Drones are pure fucking cancer.
Why do people care so much about scores? Like holy shit, if you enjoy the game why do you care what other people think. Does it make it less fun if someone says it's a 0 a 4 or a 7?
Saying bad things is one thing.
Purposely going out of your way to give a nintendo game a much lower than everyone else gave it rating because you are angry at them for shutting down your youtube videos is another
No, but scoring a game low because you're retarded should have consequences, like God Hand which IGN did eventually go back and fix.
Reminder that numbers cannot hurt you.
Jim is a certified retard though. He'll give a 10 to something like Shadow of Mordor but Zelda reinventing open world games isn't worth a 10.
And why did they shut down his videos?
>your income can't hurt you
>your gpa can't hurt you
>your blood pressure can't hurt you
Autism so bad that some NEET literally can't enjoy the game anymore because a paid reviewer gave it a score he doesn't agree with. Jesus Christ this hobby attracts the biggest of faggots.
Why do I find him so revolting?
I mean there are plenty of chubby or fat guys that are likable and you'd like to hang out with and all.
But this guy just... I hate everything about him. The way he looks, that pale skin, the way he dresses, talks, writes, thinks. Everything about him is so repulsive, I bet he smells incredibly rank. Like wet pork meat or something.
>e-celeb drama
Sterling has shit taste but there's nothing wrong with having an opinion.
If anything, we need MORE reviewers that don't buy into the hype machine and actually review these huge AAA releases without any bias and with honesty. And that's coming from someone who loves BotW and considers it by far one of the best 3D Zelda games.
To be fair though, Sterling is also a gigantic troll, so he probably gave it a 7 solely because he knew it'd rile people up.
>but Zelda reinventing open world games
Always makes me laugh.
It's their policy. If you create content about anything Nintendo using Nintendo game footage, you go through a program with them and they get a cut from it.
He didn't like that and raged about it on his twitter for the past 2 months or so. Now he took revenge with this review.
>implying it hasn't
lol hope you liked it cause there will be more of it
What the fuck does that flag even say? I initially thought it said
>The pride game journal
But looking further it reads
>Th Pride Garme Jurna
True or not, mediocre reviews of BotW are not going to hurt the game or the franchise. No wonder reviewers accept payment for better reviews or rate shit higher than they should. If you do try to give honest feedback your community turns their back on you and people discredit your opinion. Honestly reviewers have more to lose by giving out bad reviews than the developers have to lose by getting them. What a fucked up system.
if he rated dr4, nms, or horizon any lower, he'd have to lower the botw score, so stop crying and be happy that your shitty game even got a fucking 7 to begin with.
>all this Nintenbro damage control
>after they laughed at Sonybros over the 4/10 review and subsequent petition
Holy shit this is amazing. Thank you.
God Nintenbros are so pathetic
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Just go find some non-Nintendo game to use for content you want to monetize. Not using Nintendo games means you still have about 90% of the rest of the industry to pick and choose from.
>bad review
he liked the game overall though
>talks shit
>lives in the usa
why do britbongs do this?
Jim Sterling is basically Anthony Burch in every way, except he's also morbidly obese.
So he's even worse.
>tfw enjoying BotW and haven't read a single review
>there will be more of it
No, there won't. This kind of "interactive background and scenario" world is a very old idea. Devs just don't put it into practice because there's no CPU power, currently. That's why when you blow a rocket into a wall in GTA the wall stay static.
Why is anybody paying attention to that fucking fat drama queen. He only gave 7 because he wanted this situation to happen, he knew that Nintendo faggots would start crying and anti-Nintendo faggots would start following him.
He's only good at victimizing himself to get supporters to his patreon account so that his wife can pay to sleep with other people.
And a guy gave Nier a 5/10 when he didn't even complete the game.
What's your point? Nobody will remove that 5/10 andthey wont remove Jim's on this one. Deal with it
Hey, can't knock what works. This thread alone is proof that he's getting that attention he's craving.
>person has their own opinion about a game
>people demand them to change their opinion on something
i seriously dont understand this.
if i think something is bad, why do i need people to try to convince me that its good?
No shit. For a board that constantly discusses how most reviews are all paid shilling bullshit by degenerate writers and people should just ignore them, they sure like to discuss them a lot.
GameFAQs thread?
This is what happens when anyone gives a highly praised game a low score.
This. How is his opinion that of a professional? He's swayed by whoever gives him money or allows him to make money off their own work. He has a bias against Nintendo and anyone saying otherwise has only recently joined on the "Sucking his Dick" train.
Amazing. That just pretty much confirms what I said. You literally have to pay them to criticize them. And drones actually defend this abysmal company. What if you just mention them without using any visual cues, do you also have to pay them?
Jim gave NMS a 5
>He just scored it low for attention and revenge against Nintendo for trying to monetize his vids
this has now become meme tier autismo advertising from this literal faggot
You know it's possible that people don't like games you do right?
He only gave it a 7/10 to get people to go to his site by being contrarian.
It's the only logical conclusion for someone who gave a game like Fallout 4 a 9.5/10.
>"I'm not just some guy"
Yes, yes you are.