Legitimately thinking of buying a PS4. Is it worth it...

Legitimately thinking of buying a PS4. Is it worth it? I already have a PC but so many good games have been coming out it's really tempting me.

Out of this list what are worth playing?
Uncharted series
>Eyes of Heaven
>The Last of Us
>The Last Guardian
>Final Fantasy XV
>Yakuza 0
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5

Other urls found in this thread:


If you want shitty games like Fate and Yakuza, probably. That's the only place you'll play them unless they come to PC.

The only games I thought I would enjoy on your list there are GR2, TLG, and BB and BB wasn't very good, TLG was the weakest ueda game, and GR2 was just a typical sequel with nothing amazing in it.

TLOU and XV suck too and you can play TLOU on PSnow for free if you want and XV is coming to PC.

I also played nioh's demo and thoughti t was absolutely terrible and Horizon is completely generic in my opinion, I'd rather play an open world game like Just Cause and I don't even like them.

Dunno what Eyes of Heaven is an P5 is on PS3 which you should own if you like video games, that system has a lot of good games.

Escape the GabeN and come home brother!

Make sure to buy a PSN Plus subscription and the Pro console #4thegamers

Also PS4 games are coming to PSnow as well. So seriously, eh. I'd still wait to buy the system, the fresh feeling games aren't system sellers in my opinion(TLG/GR2/Horizon).

And Nioh is seriously wretched, I don't understand why people were hyping it.

Ps4 doesn't have exclusives anymore.


Trolling aside most of the games you've listed OP, are pretty good. Just choose the ones you think will give you the most fun and just start from there.
PS: Uncharted is pretty good despite anything Sup Forums may tell you.

streaming is a joke

the only game worth it on ps4 is bloodborne, which is fucking amazing this guy has no idea what he's talking about, but honestly, I'd pass up on ps4

horizon is a shit zelda
last guardian is a shadow of what it could have been
nioh seems to be mediocre
ff15 is coming to pc
uncharted is a movie disguised as a video game

just wait for emulation

Buy one if you don't have FreeSync/Gsync monitor. PC gaming is worthless without one of those, or else you either drown in V-Sync or screen tearing.

Bloodborne isn't amazing though.

PS4 slim is cheap and very worth it if you can find a good game bundle.

Bloodborne is an absolute must if you like dark souls.

Its gonna be Yakuza 0 from me. loved that game.

>Legit thinks about buying a PS4 (Wants a PS4 for certain reasons and is inclined to purchase one)
>Asks if it's worth it


every single thing in the game complements the experience, level design, attention to detail, soundtrack, lore, varied weapon selection, yet not too many weapons

there have been entire essays written about this game, and nearly everyone who played it agrees its almost a master piece, if not for the fucking chalice dungeons

what didnt you like in the game?

literally the only good games on the PS4 are Destiny, FFXIV, and FFXV. absolutely nothing else is worth playing or even watching others play.



Are you shitposting?

I've played it and it was a subpar and just another Souls game. But a bit worse

Look at that.

>what didnt you like in the game?
Visuals, lack of interesting loot, difficulty(too easy), enemy design, animations, linearity, bad pvp.

Keep it.

He is a modern gamer. Absolute shit taste.

I was thinking of buying one, but considering I have a pc I can play all third party already.

The exclusives don't interest me enough and I've already played through bloodborne.

I might just grab a switch

I really can't think of a bad animation or design that stood out, maybe amygdala

by visuals do you mean graphics or gothic setting?

If you have a great PC, I wouldn't say it's necessarily worth it. But if you don't have a competent PC then PS4 would be perfect

>by visuals do you mean graphics or gothic setting?

Miku was my only reason to get one. It's a weeb machine through and through. I'm actually considering selling my original with a 2TB HDD since I don't use it much. What's a good price?

Sure, just what ever you do don't fall for the stream meme. I just tried psnow after the whole streaming to pc thing happened, and it's basically shit. 720p, lag input, heavy bandwith uses.

I have a monster PC with 980ti and next week I'm upgrading to 1080ti. Also have Vive. That said, my PS4 Pro still gets the majority of my attention. It is a slick console with some of the best gaming experiences/exclusives. All self-respecting gamers should have at least a PS4.

r.i.p PC . It. was nice using you as a youtube hardware


I got it almost exclusively for Uncharted 4 once it was announced. I was a fan of the series and I was holding out until a sequel was announced. So far, it's a pretty good console. Much better than when I had a Xbox One.

Uncharted, Bloodborne, TLOU, Nioh, and Gravity Rush is worth it. Haven't tried Horizon, but seeing as it looks like a third person Ubisoft game, I'm waiting for a sale.

nah, wait until christmas this year or next year when they drop the price even more

also ffxv sucked

I've got a competent PC so might get it.

200 bucks
or lump some games in and get it up to 250-300

Lately PC gaming has been feeling pretty stale and sterile to me. I just got a Switch and am loving it so far. I'm curious if I should look into buying a PS4 as well later this year or maybe next year.

Same boat with you op
This is the reason why i want a ps4 so badly

OP, I'm mostly a PC gamer too and I managed to convince myself to get a PS4 as well. I still don't really feel that it was quite worth the money, but that doesn't mean I haven't had fun with it.

There's plenty of entertainment value in Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Ratchet & Clank, but other than that, I've had trouble getting into it. I've played a lot of games on it and nothing really holds my attention long enough for a second play-through.

There's some really cool stories, like Last of Us and Until Dawn, but they not great 'games'.

I loved P4G (I own a Vita too) so I have high hopes for P5, but it would have to be pretty incredible to change my opinion on the PS4.

You realize that PCs could power better looking games 6 years ago right? And graphics didn't save the mediocre gameplay.

>Lately PC gaming has been feeling pretty stale and sterile to me. I just got a Switch and am loving it so far. I'm curious if I should look into buying a PS4 as well later this year or maybe next year.

>I just got a Switch instead of waiting a few weeks for superior emulation, PC gaming SUCKS.

> Is it worth it?
Sure if you want to play those games at 20 fps.

Hmm, may as well keep it until hackers can do backups and then do a sale. It hasn't been updated since Christmas.

No I genuinely liked PC gaming. It's just been boring for me recently. I have so many games that I've never even touched in my steam library. The Switch helped revitalize some of my love of games, and now I'm considering getting a PS4 for exclusives and some multiplats.

Also screw emulating newer hardware. That shit usually sucks.

yeah probably a good idea
don't know why, but ps seems to depreciate alot faster than nintendo shit
>but not quite as fast as xbox

It wasnt worth it until this year, and even then, I wouldnt recommend it. 90% of the games are indie trash, the rest are half assed AAA titles that are just copy pastes of previous games.

And Bloodborne is awful, you'll only see PS$ owners say it is good, that solely own a ps4, and not a half decent PC, because its all they fucking have thats half decent.

>Lately PC gaming has been feeling pretty stale and sterile to me.
PC gaming is stuck in the 7th generation.
Underpowered consoles struggling with their waggle gimmicks while still fighting the ever-green PS2 gave PC a huge boost as a lead platform.
But all that folded, once Sony got their shit together.
Windows 8 and AMD dropping out of the competition then put the last nail into the coffin.

i like how you think that proves anything when actual analytics, as always, show pc gaming growing and putting all of the consoles combined to shame.

nice though.

Until we see what games are added to that catalogue PSNow doesn't give PC any game worth of notice.

>i like how you think that proves anything when actual analytics, as always, show pc gaming growing and putting all of the consoles combined to shame.

I can play this game too.




what does it mean

It means PC won.

PSX fell out use and nobody is playing Crash Bandicoot anymore.

Comments used

>Why the fuck is """"Steam"""" greenlight so fucking shit?