Tfw the Whip will always be shit in Souls games

>tfw the Whip will always be shit in Souls games

I just want to roleplay as Simon Belmont.

Other urls found in this thread: of Belmont Build

>can't be parried
>in DS2 they were status effect calamities
>range that would make the Dragon Slayer Spear look modest
They're mid tier at the lowest, OP.

Sounds like someone isn't man enough to use the whip regardless. What would Simon Belmont think about you huh?

>it's another, "i didn't play Dark Souls 2 because i heard it was bad meme" episode

oh boy

>no backstabs/ripostes

the whip is only OK if you pair it with a dagger

>Simon struggles through the castle, facing challenge after challenge including dangerous pits and hoards of evil monsters with his trusty whip and subweapons
>all so that some bitch ass user can complain in the future
Whips aren't that bad, even in DaS1, just adapt a few extra rules like Firebombs.

Dual spotted whip was pretty good in PvP. Some of the most fun I've had PvPing in any souls games was using 2 spotted whips, a katana, and a bow when Dark Souls 2 was still new.

Old whip dealt shitload of damage in 2.
Powerstanced spotted whips used to instapoison people, but they're still great.
BB Cane and Beastcutter also sort of fit, although they're different.
They can backstab and riposte in 2 though, and backstabbing in 3 is worthless.

nigga, notched fire or chaos (if you want scaling) +10
problem solved
it isn't extremely good, but it's not useless. You get Dex: C Int&Faith: D as well as 33 bleed damage

How would a whip backstab?

Somebody destroyed me at PVP using double whips in Dark Souls 2, and they were fighting against my best character build.

I don't know about the other games, but they seem pretty good in DS2.

Garrote ~

>he needs to backstab and riposte to win

the only garbo here is (You)

Whips are great in DS2.
Shame there's no chain whip.

They're good kill secure weapons when someone gets to low health.

Damn, that would've been a cool animation but for big enemies that are way higher than you, it would just clip through their back.
Maybe have it be PvP only.

There's a notched whip that's got metal spikes all over it. Basically the same thing.

Just play Bloodborne instead and use the cane.

>he needs estus flasks to win
>he needs weapons to win
>he needs a controller to win
>he needs hands to win

I guess but it needs to spark when hitting stone walls otherwise it just not the same.

>scythes are shit
>sickles are shit

The Great Scythe was the best DEX weapon in DS1

The flail in ashes of ariendel is straight up good though.

Sure it isn't the typical whip you are going to be looking for but it has it's own niche and serves it well.

They were really good in DS2. Check yo shit.

>weapon arts

I'd rather appear to bear hug a big enemy from behind than thrust a spear up its ass or punch it in the tailbone or spank it with the broad side of a sword.

>caestus will never be good

The BB starting cane/whip is pretty good

t. faggot who never played DS2

Cestus and bone fist was one of the most badass combos you could play with.

Try a heavy gem on them. They can be a LOT of fuckin fun with strength builds in DS3.

In Dark souls 3 the whip's double-handed R2 is a hard counter to spear Lothric Knights.
You outrange their reaction trigger. So you effectively hit them with it and back up until they die walking towards you.
If you held a gun to my head and told me that if i lost to a Spear Lothric Knight you'd shoot me, i'd use a whip

I've been doing this exact thing, and it is so damn challenging. My advice is to do a faith build and go for divine/lightning ASAP. That way you also get miracles to use and keep with the holy warrior theme. Also, Simon uses a shield in Castlvania II: Simon's Quest so feel free to use one if you're having trouble but want to roleplay. Granted, the shield in Simon's Quest is Dracula's rib, which makes no fucking sense, but the sprite always made it look like a knight's shield anyway.

The cane in BB is on par with the other starting weapons.

found the shitter.

the old whip in dark souls 2 is op on hollows because some sort of blessing. Who knew you could start as cleric and have a good explanation for using a whip? Also there are other whips are somewhat op overall. A long time ago I was attempting to rescue a Way of the Blue member (I was a blue sentinel) but the invader was dual-wielding dark infused whips. I was so thrown off and i got rekt (i was a early level paladin build).

Whips generally rape anything that has no armor.

I was in the full Royal Soldier set with a tower shield though ;_; I was a noob back then though. I think id be fine now.

stopped playing DaS3 when I found out heavy weapons are completely trash and players just spam thrust with broadsword

Sup Forums how is it now? is heavy weapon still shit?

>not making a character called "YourNameIsToby" and using the whip exclusively when you invade people

>he needs a strawman to argue

Did you play DS3 at launch, that shit was free parries

What would you expect from farming equipment?

It was pretty awesome. I've only ever used it once for a pull playthrough. It was a female character cosplaying as Velka. It was also the character I used to get the Occult Weapon achievement. I love the idea of occult reinforcement compared to just "dark" in dark souls 2. It felt much more sinister and special considering you were only able to get it fully upgraded if you waited until you got the lord vessel so you could warp out of the tomb of the giants (where a white titanite slab is iirc) or go full hardcore mode and speed run through skellie land and then TOTG without ever touching a bonfire.

full playthrough*

Most heavy weapons and hammer now have considerable poise/hyper armor when 2 handed, enough to power through r1 spammers

Cool might try it again

The old whip was completely OP for a lot areas. You'd 1/2 shot nearly everything that wasn't wearing armor. Used to break a lot though if you weren't careful.

Does poise actually work now?

Not him, but that was actually a pretty hilarious response. Thanks for giving me a good laugh.

I remember the Guardian Tail (or whatever the scorpion stinger whip was called) being great in DaS because unblockable toxic is stupid good.

No. Poise and armor as the series established is gone.
It's all tied to hyper armor on certain moves now.

The individual poise stat is a clusterfuck of hidden values that only activated with certain parameters.
You can thank weapon arts for that.

Also defense values and durability are nonsensical and barely function.
DaS3 is a textbook example of how to fuck up your mechanics in an attempt to balance your PvE game for a half baked PvP.

>tfw hated whips in DaS games
>play Bloodborne
>pick the threaded cane as the starting weapon because the name sounded cool
>regular attacks stunlock most regular enemies
>transformed attacks have huge range, great for crowd control, serrated dmg and due to its wide attack can hit boss' weak points or reach high easily
>minimal stamina cost too

Literally my main weapon for the entire game.

As much shit as people give dark souls 2, you have to give them credit for making pretty much any weapon viable.

What are you talking about, the spotted whip was great for pressure in DS2.

>start with whip, and switch to falchion after you get them poisoned
>opponent usually shit themselves soon after trying to run away to chug estus

No, I give them that credit for DaS1.
2 was swimming with meme builds like Resonant and overlevelled because of the fucking retarded soul memory system.

I loved fighting level 999 dudes with full Smelter Havel fastrolling and dual wielding Smelter Hammers.

The whip is fine in Dark Souls 1.

though that may be the product of the game itself being piss easy.

That's what I thought. I really don't like the weapon arts mechanic. Just over complicated the secondary ability mechanic for no real reason.

das1 had a lot of weapons that were actually terrible

which parallel universe are you from?


>the game where you can start as Sorcerer and have spammable magic missiles that one or two shot most regular enemies in the first half of the game, and can be spammed to cheese hard minibosses or bosses is hard
>the game that constantly shits out GOD TIER weapons right at the beginning like Zweihander, Uchi, and Claymore is hard
>the game where you can tank through everything with a shield or heavy armor is hard
>the game where enemy AI is mostly fucktarded and easy to exploit is hard

Aside from TotG which is a garbage level anyways, there's nothing remotely difficult about Dark Souls unless you self-impose challenges on yourself.

>tanking with heavy armor
>sorceror is the easiest class
>using a wiki makes the game easy

i dont even

For a beginner, having Soul Arrow and just being able to murder almost anything by spamming homing missiles is going to be easier than playing the game normally.

Also yes, in Dark Souls 1 the defense stats on armor actually meant something, with great armor and enough health a boss would take more than 6 hits to kill you. Compared to DaS3 where no matter what armor you wear you get 2 or 3 shotted.

just play bloodborne, you can start with a whip that is actually good and you can make it a flame whip for maximum Simon's Quest reenacting

>bone fist
I had a ninja turtle run with a friend where we both ended using double bone fists. Shit was hilarious, and a lot of fun.

The whip works well for me when I get summoned to kill invader cucks

No thanks. Handaxe-chan says you need to leave.

Just play Bloodborne

I have good news for you, OP. There is a game series where you can play as Simon Belmont.

>Scythes are shit.

It's not bad.
It's just not very good.

this tbqh senpai

Threaded Cane is bae

strawman? more like clone. Nobody said anything about winning until this faggot response these were perfectly valid comparisons. backstab and riposte shred. i think user was saying by comparison they are garbage not that without it he can't win that wasn't the point hence the clone comparisons. You were dumb. You did a dumb.
just retarded

Poise will be active again in the upcoming Ultimate Edition in April.

They're bringing back Poise in april.

>threddit cane

literally worst weapon

Whips were very fucking viable is Dark Souls 2.

Then do it. There's nothing stopping you from doing it. Only your ability to git fucking good and stop using whatever deals most damage per hit.

Gimmick runs are the funnest shit.

>not being a beast-slaying gentlemen
If you're not wearing a Top Hat and using Threaded Cane then you're no different from the monsters you're slaying.

The Belmont run was by far the most enjoyable I had in both Dark Souls 1 and 2.


I tried doing invasions again in DS3 recently and every other fucking shitter had this weapon. 7/10 people had this fucking thing. If it wasn't that, it was longswords, halberds, or Dragonslayer Axe or Yhorm's Machete.

I wear that based top hat since it compliments my mutton chops, but I use the pizza cutter good sir.

How is the Witch's Locks?

that is the ONE scythe that everyone uses in das3

meanwhile, while you saw tons of great scythe users in das1, people at least used lifehunt SOMETIMES. and the normal scythe was pretty good and neglected.

I believe the appropriate response it to git gud and not fall into the trap of LTG in the process.
You don't need an Estoc +10 with Knight Slayer's Ring and Hornet's Ring to win. And even if you do, it'll do fuck all for you if you get double teamed in the water reservoir.

enb made a video saying the great scythe was the best weapon in the game. everyone fucking had it from then on.

it really is a top-tier weapon tho. the only downside is that the normal 2hand r1 is pretty shite so people just used the running attack

The Corvian Scythe is pretty good in DS3.

oh yea, i kinda even forgot that weapon existed but it is pretty good now

>didn't do the belmont challenge

you can do it OP

fucking top tier

>that weapon art that just shreds through shields with shitloads of range and also hits people when they try to dodgeroll spam away from me

whip + shield that allows weapon art = god tier combo

whips can't be parried and 90% of invaders have never fought a whip user before and don't know what to do.

>powerstanced +5 poison spotted whip and +5 bleed notched whip
>poisoned and bleed with one hit
>watch as they panic to roll with no stamina and their life ticks away

I miss DS2 pvp

Gonna make a pyro build after the new DLC comes out for DaS3.

Desert Sorceress set, witches locks and the new curved sword pyromancy catalyst should be pretty fucking good.

Assuming the scaling on the new curved sword doesn't end up being abysmal.

Only Ludwig's sword is remotely plebbit.

ds2 pvp had way more diverse builds than 1 did

Is there a picture with guidelines for the belmont run?

who cares about whips
at least you have more than one weapon
lances have no such luxury

I'm a huge sucker for spears and staves in almost all games but barely any have a good representation or implementation of either. DarkSouls hatd pretty decent Spears. of Belmont Build