Polygon telling someone to "stick to games", a little ironic dontcha think?

polygon telling someone to "stick to games", a little ironic dontcha think?

Other urls found in this thread:


>gaming journalist has no self-awareness
not ironic at all

>reading polygon
>reading any "gaming" + "news" site



>Reporting "news" WEEKS after the fact
>JonTron has lost almost NO subscribers after the event or during the proceeding weeks that followed
>Gaming "journalism"

Pretty sure Polygon has multiple journalists who have different opinions on some things.

This is now a Megaman thread.
Who is your favorite robot master and why is it Guts Man?

and reading polygon makes you retarded

I look forward to Jon becoming more like Spoony with spending all day shitposting on twitter instead of making videos.

Immigrants are just people who are trying to get a better life in a more civilized country.
It certainly is dickish behavior to mistreat them just for that.

Least subtle attempt at silencing opposition since the PDP articles.

So can anyone give me a good reason why its a bad thing for white people to become minorities in 'their own' countries?

I don't see a problem at all with this



>gaming news is now obsessed with politics

you can thank SocJus subversives for trying to drive gamers out of gaming in order to turn it into an indoctrination tool.

> Sup Forums

What did he say?

>loses subs
poor john tron now he has 3m subs instead


>fatty does nasty thing
>gets bullied
>gets depressed
>stops making videos
>shitposts for a while in an attempt to make himself feel better
>has alt-right followers
>alt-right followers get bored and leave - they don't play games anyway
>he has no one left
>fades away

Save this post
Or don't, because in 2 years you will no longer remember who this dude was

funny cos jontron is an immigrant himself

>So can anyone give me a good reason why its a bad thing for white people to become minorities in 'their own' countries?

because everything is white mens fault.

if we don't let you in, we cant oppress you. its for your own good really

Good thing Jon has other ventures to fall back on

fuck off

i read this post in jontron's voice


Because eventually there won't be any more white people left to pay for the shitskins.

Does anyone know what exactly he said that was anti-immigrant?

Is this an Onion article?


Too bad this is no longer ironic because he seems to actually hate black people

What happened to JonTron did he do full Sup Forumstard or something or is this just a continuation of the dumb PewDiePie shit

it was probably more like

>i unsubbed
>he's losing subs!

Idk, but he tweeted that colonialism was good. Which should be the focus of this scandal, not the run of the mill anti immigrant stuff.

>instead of making our own country better lets go to a country with incompatible ideals and ruin it!

Fucking brilliant 10/10 nobel peace prize material.

Did he actually say anything anti-immigrant or is this just Polygon being Polygon?

>but he tweeted that colonialism was good
But it was

no you see its okay for polygon which is allegedly a vidya journalism site to NOT post about vidya because they follow a strict LIBERAL AGENDA
jaunt ron who isn't even a 100% vidya dude should just not voice his opinions because they're toxic alt-right hate speech.

journalists aren't capable of self-awareness

I'm tired of megaman.

>he tweeted that colonialism was good
That's what anti-immigrant.

Not good reasons, Jon can't make these claims if he can't back them up with any factual evidence. There is no data supporting that 'whites run the world' or 'western world' is superior, these are simply racist ideas held by basement dwelling virgins

Only if you can explain why it's okay for another country to have a vast majority of a specific race as long as it's not white.

Non-white people will not preserve ideals that white people hold dear.

Science, acceptance of homosexuality, secularism, equal chances, technology, striving for AI and galactic travel.

If white people become the minority, the white countries will stop caring about white things and concern themselves with non-white matters such as:
>eradication of homosexuals
>removal of opposing views
>mass breeding

It's in white people's interest to preserve white majority, even if they'd be fine with total extinction of white people.

>Caring about a youtubers subscribers that you have to feel like it's somehow important


Colonists were the immigrants of their day.

It was good. For us. Idiot.


he's been full Sup Forumstard for a while you clueless cuck

as are most reasonable people

If "getting a better life" means exploiting western countries with overly-generous welfare programs, then yeah, they deserve mistreatment.

>western countries are more civilized
why is that? is it because they are white? then filling them with non-whites will turn them into third world shitholes like the countries these non-whites come from

It is not my fault that white skinned people produce much less children than brown skinned people, I don't have to answer this question because its not a question that needs to be answered by me.

HAVE MORE KIDS if you want to 'fight' this from happening.

He doesn't believe in importing millions of people from the Middle East because their values are incompatible with Western liberal ideas. Jon was a fucking Sanders supporter.

If whites don't "run the world" then there's no reason why we should feel guilty about keeping immigrants out of our country.

Because they won't go around forcing people to conform to their ideals and culture

this shit is 2 hours long.

hmmm, I wonder

wtf i love jontron now


>There is no data supporting that 'whites run the world' or 'western world' is superior, these are simply racist ideas held by basement dwelling virgins

He never said any of those things. You changed the claim to an indefensible strawman after you got told.


Go to sleep Dr. Wahwee

You stupid motherfucker you just have to look at South Africa and Zimbabwe to see that the western world is superior to other cultures.

I'm sure Indians loved all those famines...

More like a Trump supporter in disguise

>2 hour video
>nobody is going to check it
>everyone will just assume Jon said something anti-immigrant in it because the internet said so

I see through your game

Hong Kong is decades ahead of the rest of China because of the British occupation. India is the same way. If Africa hadn't been colonized, they'd still be killing each other like they do today but they'd use spears instead of guns. The middle east when straight to hell right when the lands were turned over to the native people groups. Had the western nations kept their colonization in place, the world would be a better place.

>Because they won't go around forcing people to conform to their ideals and culture

>non white people dont do this

dude muslims are the biggest offenders of this are you serious lmao

>why is that?
Let's see
>better welfare programs
>better education
>lower income inequality
And lastly:

He was born in the united states

Immigrant here. I feel sorry for the lad. I don't really follow streamers or anything but assuming he lives in the US all these fucking "journos" can go fuck themselves

The reason why white/Asian families are more successful economically is because they have less kids. The more kids you have the less money you have.

Let's not forget how prosperous the Native Americans are either!

>not even youtube comedians stay out of trump/politics bullshit
It's gonna be a long four years.

Try again without moving the goalposts.

>what is sharia law
>what are the sharia law zones made in europe for the muslim immigrants

>there is no evidence that western world is superior
Thats a nice meme, go live in Uganda or India.There is a reason why europe and america has the highest standard of living

We stole materials from their country

You cannot judge other cultures by your own cultures values.

That's an unfair comparison and a racist one at that.

Provide evidence of this. Black and Mexican families have tons of kids and they can support them all pretty well actually.

It's a little over 1 hour. The streamer who hosted the debate rants about how ridiculous Jon was after Jon leaves for about 40 minutes.

They deserve being denied entry, not mistreatment.

Countries don't have an obligation to take everyone in, but once they do, some level of responsibility is expected

Name more than three non-white first world countries excluding Japan and South Korea.

to mudslime immigrants.
maybe he should start taking care of the immigrant problem by telling his parents to fuck off back to iran?

Elec man

Not believing in double think does not mean you're a Trump supporter. I will never understand the left and their infatuation with Middle Eastern values considering they are not at all liberal.

I'm sure you have lots of peer reviewed articles from respected sources to back up all of this.

I don't recall being recruited to join a mosque lately


Napalm Man's design is great, even if MM5 isn't the best.

Muh 8 years!
You lost! Muh voting war!
Corporate drone got voted into the office and will be voted there again!
Librul tears are worth a destroyed nation!

to be fair you can skip to any point in the video and jontron is gonna be saying something right wing

I know making up quotes is the sort of thing people would do but jontron genuinely did say those things

>richness is inherent in the dirt

please kys and never breed

It watched the video I'd say he was an outright racist.

Western culture is supeior though. People arent fleeing the west but are fleeing towards it. Their homelands are shit. Their cultures are shit. And they want to invade yours and they will contribute nothing but backwards ideas on religion.

Yes because severe overinflation, barely controlled anarchy and fucking government ignored mass murders and rapes are the cultural values of Africa.

I meant Indian as in literally from India. It's been 500 years since we figured out native Americans aren't from India.

Does he actually believe black people are taking the white wymen does he think they're sub-human?

I didn't think he liked his parents much

No government should be "responsible" for anyone. If you expect another country to take you in, it's YOUR responsibility to bring something to the table.

That must explain why West and North Africa are model examples of first-world countries.

White guilt will never not be funny.

>e-celeb shit
JonTron's shit anyway.