3x3 Thread

What you liked/What you played

Here's a twist, guess the personality of the person you're rating.



Nocturne and Killer 7 are in my immediate backlog though
Redpill me on Soul Nomad


Soul Nomad is the lightning in the bottle Nis never captured again. Pitch perfect localization, amount of content, story, and it has my favorite tactics battle system with having each individual unit being an actual squad that you had to balance with boosts, picking the classes that mesh well, and different room effects.

The post game evil story is also really fucked up. Notoriously fucked up. If you want to be evil, straight up actually no strings attached or sad backstory to fall back on as a motive evil, then Soul Nomad has you covered there too.

It's a little jokey at times, but not to obnoxious points like Disgaea, it has actual weight and stakes to what it has, Gig shitting around aside since he can't really do much else.

It's possible i'm overselling it but I never get to gush about this game.




My nigga


>everything else
neat are you me

idk how people actually enjoy spacechem beyond the sweet dopamine from the first levels

6/7 - Prefers a fun game over "Deep" award bait. Likes atmosphere though.

7/7 - New games are only good if they're like old games

8/8 - You like the perceived and actual "best games" of 6 franchises.


liked/played/can't rate because I'm not cool enough

Nocturne is OK. I never did try Lance. RE games are trash.

I thought VJ was hot garbage.

I couldn't put up with playing Deus Ex for more than a few minutes. FPS-based games generally bore me to death. I can't understand putting handheld games on these lists. I've never bothered with a Yakuza game before, they seem like they could be OK.

FF12 is good. I'd probably like Rondo if I had a system to play it on. I never got around to playing it on PC emulation.

Yeah, Super Metroid is still solid.

I couldn't even stay awake past the demo of Okami. So much talking. Bloodborne, I can at least respect the design behind it but the first point of progress I made gave me the reaction of "Thank God I don't have to do that ever again", at which point I realized that the easiest way I can say that for the rest of the game is to stop playing it.


4/4 soulcalibur is the best fighting game series


forgot the image...

>FPS-based games generally bore me to death.
>3 FPS' on the list

>I can't understand putting handheld games on these lists.

1/1, You consider games to be your primary hobby, but you're matured enough to hide your power level. While newer games still have the capability of impressing you, as years go by it's becoming few and far between.

3/4, You enjoy a bit of escapism in your games, and enjoy feeling like a badass. Literally nothing wrong with it.

4/5, you might be inclined to consider your tastes more refined that most peoples and you may be right

4/4, Despite the length of some of the titles here, I get the impression that you have not once let a videogame interfere with your life

4/4, How a game makes you feel when you're not playing it is genuinely important to you

so much for guessing the personality


>you might be inclined to consider your tastes more refined that most peoples and you may be right

I do

Also I just started FEAR today, what the fuck is pic related's problem?

Yeah, I should have put the disclaimer that the picture wouldn't necessarily match my post.

I can't make my actual 3X3. So instead I just use what Metacritic says the actual best games are, because everyone on Sup Forums here cares about MC so fucking much.

Hope you're enjoying it. The real joy in that game for me was when I realized that literally every weapon is useful for the any point in the game, but I usually stick with pistols, shotgun/penetrator, and the assault rifle.

also Norton is a dick. And you know what happens to dicks in settings like that.



I really like the aesthetic of your chart, much better than most vidya 3x3s. It's good taste too from what I see.

Jesus how did I not realize that

Pretty good so far but getting a little repetitive. Shotgun is shit from I've experienced. Love the pistols though.

I don't even recognize some of those games. why not use images of the covers? Do not think we'd get along.

Same as above. Though over all better taste.

Good taste here. You seem to be pretty varied in what you play. I appreciate that.

so/so taste. I respect FEAR for its dope AI though.

You aren't rating out of 10 points. It's X/Y where Y are the games you've played from that list and X are the ones you actually liked.

Not OP but if you don't recognize the games from those images you haven't played the games, so your rating doesn't change.

3x3s that are just the coverse of the games look awful, there should be some thought in which images to pick which makes your 3x3 more unique.

How do you like the GBA Gunstar sequel?

>why not use images of the covers?
Because if you don't know what the game is you wouldn't be able to rate it anyway, you tasteless cockgobbler. If you can't even recognize my games by some random screenshots, get the fuck out of Sup Forums.

Might be a bit presumptuous to expect most people to recognize SpaceChem. The rest any self respecting Sup Forumsirgin should know even if they haven't played it.

>the only point of these threads are the ratings
The ratings aren't accurate if people can't identify the games at a glance.

3/3, you prefer local multiplayer over online gaming, but enjoy both.

3/3, Japan is a great country, huh?

4/5, god damn it, you stumped me

5/5, you probably resent people you judge you based on your vidya taste , no hard feelings

2/3, I'm inclined to say you're willing to put up with a lot of nonsense in games because of Kerbal, and I'm certain of it because of Spore

2/2, did you ever know gaming before steam?

I haven't played a Pikmin game. Upper right is a Pikmin game. There's three of them. How would I know which one it is based on that screenshot alone?


You'd recognize the HUD.

2/2 wat

>did you ever know gaming before steam?
yeah but nothing outside of pc is worth playing desu

I happen to like most of those games, but you need to broaden your horizons dude.

Missing out on some great shit, unless you're emulating.

kero blaster is a great choice


There are 25 Beatmania IIDX games.
Here is a picture of one of them.
Could you figure out which of the 25 games this is by looking at the interface? Technically, yes.

But I would be a tremendously arrogant faggot to assume everyone else could do the same, or take the time to research it. Instead, most people would look at it and say "IIDX whatever" and probably move on from looking at the rest of the mosaic.

Not street fighter v

I never played it actually. Gunstar on the genesis was like, my life in 4th grade. my best friend and I beat it... dozens of times.

see There are plenty of games that you frequently see in these 3x3 threads that are part of series, and from the chosen screenshots its not clear what entry they're playing. That's obviously not always the case, and certainly not for people that are very familiar with the titles, but, for instance, if I saw a screen shot RIGHT NOW, of a random base from, say Command & Conquer, I would not be able to tell you which SPECIFIC title it was, even though I've played them all (most of them?). It's simply been too many years.

In short: You and everyone like you just get grouped up "defensive faggot with shit taste" and the rest of us can move on.



1/3 and possibly underage

4/4, hopefully soon 5/5 as I'm about to dive into 999 and I've heard great tings about it
3/6 New Vegas is pretty good at least
6/6 my dude, I've been putting off getting into MonHun for too long. Maybe when the inevitable Switch version comes out I'll make the jump since I was never satisfied with the 3DS controls when I played the demo
3/4, RE5 is a bold choice for favorite RE game
8/8 I love you

>Yakuza 0

user, I fucking love you. Both made my top 10. I left Y0 out of my 3x3 to keep it one per series.

2017 has been such a great year, it's unbelievable. I haven't finished it yet but I've been absolutely loving Nier as well, and I can't wait for Persona, Spla2n, Xenoblade, and Odyssey. This year could end up being 1998-levels of great (judging by western release dates) if those games hold up as well as the all of these.


I was actually incredibly disappointed by Nier, cause the original is an all timer for me. P5 could easily be top 10 as well.