This is Deku Princess. Say something nice about her

This is Deku Princess. Say something nice about her.

Best girl.

she fits in a bottle

She's got bigger wood than me.

Dick sucking lips

I hope I'm not the only one who fell in love when I put her in my bottle.

Why wasn't she in Hyrule Warriors?

>Caring about Deku's
Pick one

Get in, bitch

P-please don't be lewd when talking about Deku Princess.

>caring about majora's mask

fucking kill me

portable cute

Superior girl, and superior race

Dekus are by far the best fucking Zelda race. I hate how they were essentially split into shrub Octoroks and Koroks

>Superior race
Hardly. The Deku are far more fun and interesting than the Zora. They also have really cool designs.


>Has fins
>Doesn't have a nut for a face
>Can't fit in a bottle
>Doesn't care about monkeys
How did you come to this conclusion again?

>they will never bring dekus back

I won't disagree with you on Deku designs, Majora's deku's are some of the most original designs for a fantasy race I've seen.
I just have an affinity for elf-fish, and their sweet fishhead domain.

Them sweet sweet fish-tats. Good luck with those shrubby tits.

The Goron elder isn't a female, is it?
Do the Goron even have any female member of their race? Are they just born from the dust of mountains?

The Goron elder is, in fact, male. He's referred to as Grandpa (or was it Dad, I can't remember) by the Goron kid in MM.

This still makes zero sense.

Could they really not figure out another way to carry her back?

I bet she sucks like a wet vac.
What if her juices is delicious sap?

She's just showing off her flexibility!

You don't exist anymore

I bet my penis going into her little bird house would also be a tight squeeze, if you know what I mean.

how about you go back to plebbit?


>implying redditors could even handle top tier discussion on princess dekus

This made it into the final cut of Majora's Mask. Say something nice about it.

The pain expressed on his face mirrors my own and makes me feel less alone.

Was just replaying MM about an hour ago and think I found a soft lock glitch or maybe some variant of one as I couldn't find it listed anywhere online

>1st cycle hide and seek
>forgot where to find the last Bomber
>he was in N. Clock Town same as Jim
>it was midnight so the event where Sakon robs the old lady happened
>tried attacking Sakon but no luck so I just went after the last Bomber
>after catching him a cutscene with the old lady started
>the usual one about complaining her bombs were taken
>nothing happened after that
>no Bomber cutscene to give me the secret code
>Jim went missing as well
>couldn't redo the hide and seek
>tried going everywhere in Clock Town to see if Jim would respawn but no luck
>ended up just resetting the game and it took me back to the beginning of the 1st cycle, Dawn of the First Day

Has this happened to you guys before or have you seen it anywhere else?

Was this 3DS or N64?


I was playing the Wii U virtual console updated version.

I've never had the happen to me, but I'm wondering if you could replicate that same glitch on the 3DS.
It sounds like the game overwrote the Bomber quest, due to it not being able to handle the two quests concurrently.

Yeah I was wondering if my situation would count as a "storage" glitch like in Windwaker, but I'm not too familiar with glitches overall. Just wanted to toss it out there to see if anyone knew about it.