
keep it vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

>gaming with an RGB LED mechanical keyboard
>gaming with an IBM model m or Dell at101w
>gaming with a membrane keyboard
>gaming with a 2016 MacBook keyboard

>mfw correct opinion shows up

>Yeb not at the bottom


swap the first two





Admit that the Talea series has been shit since Xilia and its literally the CoD of JRPG's now.

All tales games are good

Im still assuming popcap is run by dendrophiles at this point

Berseria is good but otherwise you're right yes

still not as bad as the mess FF has been in not counting the a realm reborn


why isnt bernie on the bottom

Prove me wrong.



But user, System Shock has a fan game that's almost as good as Life is Strange.

Literally fresh meme OC straight off the presswordswordswords

>any xeno game, after gears

XCX is completely thoughtless. FFXII is completely thoughtless. Any Tales with "gambits" can be pretty thoughtless although the AI is trash compared to actual gambits in FFXII. I haven't played enough SMT to know if any of them are completely thoughtless.

should be all 4 in the top panel and "not playing JRPGs" in the bottom panel

This look gud.

le 1 upvote for u sir

>Anal Fantasy
>On top of anything

anybody got a few templates for these kinds of images?

Posting the correct one.

Feet and armpits = no activity. Ass = slight activity. Tits = more activity. Face = lit the fuck up. There is a reason why people always comment on shit like butter face or duck face.



>responding to nep posters

just giving them what they want. Report, ignore, hide, and filter

Wait a second. Is that Deltora Quest?

>no bellies
kill yourself

Shiiit, I miss reading those books


Swap Burnout and Forza

Nice joke there. Honestly TV should be above Vidya. It lacks the depth of books and the interactivity of games. Hell, the worst of TV is actually worse than the worst of anime, so it should be at the top of the list. I mean seriously find me ANY anime worse than that shit like Tim and Eric on Cartoon Network.


>no vi related

Well duh.

The Lapis IS objectively the best Gem because only retards don't realize how OP LUCK IS.

And only retards would want the Diamond that can fuck you up if the guy who gives it to you feels at all like he's being coerced.

The Ruby is a shittier Emerald, the Amethyst does jack shit, the Opal's power are fucking subjective as fuck because time isn't linear and the Topaz always clutched through

Haven't played Zesteria, but I can't imagine it being worse than Xillia 2. It is literally a copy and paste game where you do the same copy and paste side missions for money OVER AND OVER again. I was fine with playing tales games until I hit that one, and don't know if I can get myself back into them anytime soon.

World of FF is actually pretty fun.

>I can't imagine it being worse than Xillia 2

oh but it is

Pretty much every gem sucks dick and only gives some small stat bonuses, the soothing gem was used the most I believe. I can literally just shoot Lief with a gun and he wouldn't be able to do shit to me.



Its a book.

>Try and shoot Leif with gun
>Lapis bends reality using LUCK to defend him


How the fuck is this Sup Forums?


It was said to bring good fortune but it literally does nothing and is never really mentioned.

>inb4 fags who only saw the localization of the already shit anime think Zatch/Gash Bell being at the top is irony


to be honest the cdi games are actually pretty decent adventure games

I love their aesthetic too

Hmm, seems pretty hard to argue with this one. I rarely read manga because it seems like a lot of effort to find a good way to read it. I used to have an App that worked pretty well but it stopped working, and most websites usually block the shit I want to read due to localization. I'm also too lazy to download 1 chapter at a time if I have to download the manga. Is Hunter X Hunter much better than the anime? I really enjoyed the anime, but kinda hated the antman arc. Really felt like it diverged from the main essence of the show.

keep it vidya faggits

>Making Gash share a tier with JoJo




Graces f's story is trash and I still like that game.

FMA and Shaman King should be swapped desu



Here you go.

Taste coming through.

In reality it's reversed.

What are those japanese ones?

Taste for morons? Sure.

Dead Money was the worst by far, but because it was canned so heavily, it appeals to hipster idiots like you.

Okay whatever you say buckaroo but I enjoyed it the most by far.


Which is why you're stupid.


Maybe you're stupid, you ever think about that?

Gears >>>>>>> Saga > [power gap] >>>> Blade

>liking snake women


N64 the original Animal Crossing,
Gamecube the remake for gamebcube,
gamecube the remake plus all the content that NoA added to the game rereleased for the japanese audience.


>Censored "X" brain
I lol'd

100% true.

Xenosaga 3 had the eternal recurrence plot point which was pretty cool.


and all the other people who thought the expansion was shit for very valid reasons? Not likely.

Again, you're a complete moron, and you might as well be holding an "I'm a hipster" sign if you think Dead Money was the best.

X is by a long shot the most enjoyable video game of the bunch. The other games are great too but the notion that the game with the most quality content, outside of narrative, is the worst is absurd.


Fuck off back to Sup Forums.




Nep is better than FFXV though. Not even joking about this. Dead serious.


You know it's true.


will it ever stop hurting?

Remove catch entirely and put fairytale somewhere in the middle

Now it's good

>Little Eye
Why is Gerard such an awkward fuck.

I have no idea what half of these mean
Also the fact that more than 60% of these are ironic means we have yet to reach the age of sincerity
Perhapes it is prefaced with the age of meta-irony following post-irony

prove me wrong

>Dwarf Fortress
I kek'd

>The penguin
holy shit, user.

Try harder and xeno doesn't use gambit.


>keep it vidya
>OP posts an oreo

>Solid turd is better than explosive diarrehea
