>game has a stamina system
Game has a stamina system
>game has an HP system
>game has characters
fuck off gook cum guzzling retards
>anime posting
Take your weeeaboo bullshit back to Sup Forums. Japan seriously deserves a third nuke.
On front page?
mad? :3c
>its another silently hate on BoTW thread because im a baby and not good at vidya
>game has a worst girl that drags down the show and other characters
after you get three stamina wheels its pretty much a non-issue in BotW.
Here she comes!!!
Please don't say mean things about my wife.
Image not related.
I actually agree with a frog poster. Weird.
>game has a banana slam jammina system
What? Go fuck yourself!
Sup Forums you can't do this
>game has weapon degredation
Seriously this horseshit ((mechanic))) is so fucking stupid it hurts. I understand if it's against armor or rock but cutting flesh from animals or monsters or peasants and you need to repair it is fucking bollocks. A magic sword made out of fuck all rare materials shouldn't break after 50 swings.
>Spends the majority of the show either being a bitch to the other girls (for completely nonsensical reasons) or being a completely boring and irrelevant background character that not only never gets any real screen time or character development but gets badly overshadowed by Nozomi and the other girls.
Anyone who seriously tries to defend Eli either really hasn't watched the show and movie, or doesn't understand the meaning of good writing.
>game has a relationship mechanic between party members
>you can destroy their relationships and make everyone hate each other
But she's hot
>game has weapon durability
No game benefits from this.
>I don't like Dark Souls!
Waiting for OP to explain how endurance and stamina is different.
Still hurts to look at, please delete.
>Being hot is suppose to justify being a bad character
Also she isn't even that hot. Especially compared to certain others
Maki > Nozomi > Nico > Rin > Kotori = Umi > Hanayo > Honoka > Eli
Girl I like> girl user likes> alpaca> Maki
>Only defense for a character is "lol she's hot"
Typical Sup Forums
Why are nintenbros so insecure that they have to preemptively defend BotW in any thread that could possibly suggest a criticism of it?
This is a serious question: is there a video game character that's anywhere as terrible as Eli Ayase?
>Umi not at the top or at least higher
It's her birthday, be nicer