Give me a fun build idea

Give me a fun build idea.

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Right hand whip, left hand caestus. Invade at parish, any time they use an attack with a long start up time use the caestus for a speedy jab that does almost no damage but is sure to stun them thanks to the lack of early poise armor.

the eat the fire keepers souls on accident build.


Ooh, I've got a build that's so difficult to use, you many never finish the game!

Faith build.

CB Chainmom 45 dex pyro
Murakumo Havelmom

There are no other builds

You're thinking of Dark Souls 2. This is 1, where you can have 10 giant fuck off lightning bolts to throw around before you fight the Taurus demon.



whip only
throwing knives and firebombs at your discretion

SL1 dual caestus only.

Moderately using all types of magic mixed with a Heavy armour two handed Tank.

>tfw no chain whip

bare fists



Bows and crowsbows only

Lets do this.


>No Magic
Shit start already
I prefer crossbows personally
I can tank decently I guess, but that's not too great with just bows.

Gimme something I haven't done before


>Right hand whip

The game has whips in it?


Hopefully I don't get something I've done before.

>no magic, fists cleric
So Monk? Might be cool if fists are viable

I probably won't even do it because I'll get something I've done before ;_;

Reinstalling for this.

Dex build but you use strength weapons

>spear & sorcery
Holy shit wait this is actually the one thing I've never done before

Smackin people with your catalyst

>You're thinking of Dark Souls 2.
>the game where 40/40 of Int/Faith make hexes retardedly OP

Karmic Justice build

Fug me

Hows Hammers and all forms of magic for a first timer? I literally haven't gotten out of the first room cause I just found my controller since the winter sale.

it's rare to see someone on Sup Forums who hasn't played DaS before. I'd suggest sticking to swords for a first playthrough. Big hammers are the only hammers worth using and might be hard to get a hang of.

Pacifist build:
win the game by no killing any enemies except bosses

hardcore mode:
You can't kill bosses, you must find others to do it

tfw onlyafro is a trap now

last time I got halberds and I managed to get black knight halberd early on(near grass crest shield), good fucking shit

I've explored every inch of Dark Souls, slaughtered all the bosses in challenge runs, etc. I haven't played it in several years but I feel like any 'new build' playthrough would play out basically the same way.

How do I recapture the magic again and make my next playthrough fun?

Are the medium/small hammers just not worth the damage output for the swing speed or something?
And how's using all forms of magic? Pyromancy is the one I'm least interested in, but I've also heard that it's the most powerful.

someone give me a cheese build. I want to comfortably platinum the game with little effort. DeS, DS1 and 2. Thank you in advance.


thats a pretty good giant dad

Yup. One you get for cutting the tail of the first boss of the DLC, one for killing an NPC invader, and one is lying around in blighttown.

This, but wearing xanthous crown, travelling pants, black hemmed gloves, and dwgr.

>build theme
Also rolling

That ain't a faith build that's a hex build.

I love how they even managed to add the havel and fap rings too

That's the part I can appreciate the most.
>everything you need.

Downgrade the lightning spear from sens, then use it to make the moonlight butterfly horn at the giant Smith.

Duel shield tank with kirks armour.

Aint no stoppin now.

Needs more interesting options.
>1-3 2 hand, 4-5 medium shield, 6-7 greatshield, 8-9 small shield, 0 dual wield

>Must use a specific ring in one slot
2 Leo
3 Dusk crown
4 hornet
5 Cloranthy
6 red tearstone
7 fog
8 slumbering dragoncrest
9 Wolf
0 Calamity

>1-4 only npc summons
>5-9 only pc summons
>0 no summons

Rolling for calamity