
Would you?

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she has the biological body of a 6 year old

I don't do old ladies. I don't do children.
She's both.

>still posting chris hansen in 2017

no I would not buy Breath of the Wild for the nintendo switch

Isn't he an honest to goodness cuck? I don't think a cuck has any right being associated with pedophiles.

why would you? just wait for cemu at the end of the month

How do I recharge those abilities you get after you complete the divine beast dungeons?

Imagine it like this
>go to see scientist woman
>she's a 6 year old girl
>starts aggressively hitting on you
>eventually forces herself onto you through BDSM restraint

>mfw nintendo does porn better than porn game companies

But the mind of a 120-130 year old woman so fuck off Hansen

Daruk's Protection, help me


I'd do her great-niece though.

There's hardly and pictures of her. so I can't, even if I wanted.

>still only like 6 lewds
Life is suffering

they have a long cooldown. just wait.

She knew what she was doing.

As long as she keeps on the outfit, with the thigh highs on, no panties.

So basically, what she always wears.

For those interested this guy is uploading the cutscenes in Japanese with the English subs: youtube.com/user/Gamechamp3000/videos

yeah but if you are turned on by her physical appearance which is biologically of a 6 year old that is pedophelia, if it's the body that turns you on, that's pedophelia.

It's pedophilia because they are not mentally ready and matured enough to understand sexual interaction, she's an old granny and definitely knows how to work a dick it's her attitude I find attractive anyhow

We are captivated by her intelligence though.

So would you like her if she looked like BotW Impa?

Actually hell yeah, that'd be adorable

Whatever happen to the kickstarted(?) new season of to Catch a Predator?

Last I heard anything about it was 2015?

>start watching that show
fucking idiots can't tel what a honeypot it

No one fuckin cares, sjw

>pedos are legitimately stupid

Why are you surprised?

Yes, that's exactly why she is so hot.

Isn't this how Nick got in jail?

>65 shrines down
Halfway there boys

Do you see that flute on her backpack? Its not gonna be there once im done with her.

You got scammed, retard.

Stealing is against the law, user

The concentrated sexual knowledge and power of 5 cougars, compressed into a package so new you can still smell the shrink wrap.

Anyone who says they wont is a damn fool or a damn liar.


>still have the picture of her on my slate because it's really cute and makes me smile

>Bird faggot still sounds like a faggot.

Why are western artists so shit?

Just the flute?

>Translator's note: Hahahahahaha is Japanese for "Good luck sealing the darkness!"

Because they don't want people thinking they're in to a six year old girl. Better to pretend they are a shortstack

>he doesn't like lolibabas

But it wouldn't be illegal. Why should we judge?

Thicc smols are the best.

I'm writing a Purah x Link fapfic.

let me run it down for you
pedophilia is an attraction to underaged bodies. in itself, it is not illegal. it is simply a diagnosis.
engaging in sexual acts with underaged individuals is illegal however.
Who's the only bunch that would do such a thing in the first place? Pedophiles. So naturally people wouldn't trust them.
Being a pedophile isn't a crime. Acting on your desires is.
Are you saying if you look like a 6 year old but are a consenting adult you're not deserving of a relationship?

>body is canonically prepubescent
>give her tittys anyway so you can pretend you aren't a lolicon
lol denial

Not really
Her mindset is also that of a 6 year old, she's practically just 120 in number alone and nothing else

No 120 year old says shit like Genki and Snappity snap

They are fucking retarded. She has a fucking elementary school bag for fuck sake.

Reminds me of the faggot who draw this swimsuit blue-haired pokemon girls with tits despite it being confirmed she was flat.

Evidently they do because Robbie's wife did an impression of Purah (who she hadn't seen in ages and doesn't even know about the de-age experiment) and apparently Purah acts the same way as an old lady

What if he just likes tits man

that's not why having sex with a child is illegal, if it was then having sex with midgets or really small petite girls would be also illegal.

It's because the government or states deem that a child can not handle the responsibility of sex not mentally handle sex. Purah has the mind of an older lady

Then why not draw any of the Zelda girls who do have tits

Because he also likes this character, and has the sexual fueled desire to put two things he finds attractive together

>thought I was the only one who kept the picture

>You will never lick her smooth salt water covered body clean after a hard day swim lessons

It hurts to live

>green her chick is flat-chested too
Now that's something I wouldn't had guessed.

That's anime-only

Yeh but it's canon unless the game actually show her in swimsuit with tits.

It shows her with tits in her normal clothes


I'm fairly sure it does that in the anime too. It might have been the clothes that make it seem so.

Those are tits

Considering how off-model the anime is compared to the game now, we shouldn't consider the art canon anyway.


I'm fine with that

Someone plz post more Purah

I'm going to be so far up her ass whoever pulls it out is gonna be crowned king of hyrule.

>this fucking manga

>not titled the next Hero of Legend
If you're gonna steal a joke at least try, damn

But what about Midna?

her puffy vulva is gonna whistling the song of storms for eternity.

hilarious and original



source please




that face needs a fixing