ITT: Unpopular opinions
I unironically think this is the best game in the series.
DMC2 is my second favorite.
ITT: Unpopular opinions
I unironically think this is the best game in the series.
DMC2 is my second favorite.
I though contrarian is a meme
thats not even an opinion though, its just wrong
That's what my best friend tells me every time I bring it up...
2/10 made me reply
I think its better than 3 but worse than 4 in terms of combat. I also think mass effect 2 is the best in the trilogy
I agree with the first part. Was in all honesty one of the more fun games of that year
ME2 is the best in the trilogy, I agree.
The SMT series aside from Persona is fucking boring. The writing sucks, the gameplay isn't great enough for that to make it worth playing, and the difficulty in those games is either grind or just some absolute bullshit statuses or 1 shots.
As a guy that mistakenly got DMC2 cause his aniki and himself rented the first one TWICE cause it was so damn good.
You're so fucking wrong.
The only good thing that game had was it's Lucia side and Bloody Palace.
Sadly I never got to play DMC3 till I got it for an xmas present from some roomies.
Was totally a better experience. I actually finished DMC3.
>tfw DMC3 nearly flopped because of DMC2's reputation
I liked this one. It got slated I think because people didn't like change/reboot but I had fun playing it none the less. Last boss let me down a bit bit I really digg it to that point.
Undertale is boring and the only good thing about it it the music
Devil May Cry is better, but DmC is second best.
You got alright taste.
DmC =/= DMC2, you fucking mong.
Read the spoiler in the op.
My bad. I apologize.
How the fuck did you like DMC2?
How is that even possible?
I microwaved the fucking disc.
Anyone who doesn't main Goro is admitting to being in a secret homosexual relationship.
Psi-Ops is one of the most kino vidya games ever. Ever.
>Sneaking up behind a fucker and draining his psychic energy till his head fucking pops.
Muhhh diccckkk.
Cold Fear ain't nothing to fuck wit.
Better than Resident Evil 4.
Sasha is still the best porn star.
Urban Chaos is better than any of the faggy Batman games, and Rocksteady is fucking retarded for not making a new one.
Homefront: The Revolution is a great game after patches.
It was a decent game before, but now it's a solid 8/10.
If you don't always play on the hardest difficulty setting, you're shit at video games.
There are exceptions to the rule, but they're few and far between.
>samefagging this hard
Half-Life didn't innovate SHIT.
Trespasser did it first.
Everyone knows I'm samefagging. I'm not hiding it.
I'm posting images with every post. Half of them got the same resolution.
There is exactly one (1) good Sonic game.
played it now that is was cracked... it's fine. nothing to write home about.
HATRED is great if you like difficult games and violence.
Manhunt is the best stealth series ever.
Some censorship is okay.
Yeah okay that's norm-
I agree. I want a modern one made. But I'm afraid it'd be ruined.
Honestly, how would they even do it? Just another FPS but instead of guns, it's just wants and staffs? Because there have been a few games like that, and all of them have been horrible. I can't see myself enjoying it if they just made a reskin of the original.
You're my nigga.
I didn't fall for that hexen shit. They copied doom did it right once and that was all you needed
>DmC:DE is the best
>DMC2 is my second favorite.
What the fuck.
Bloodborne gets the credit it doesn't deserve. The only good Souls game was Demon's Souls.
I could believe if you said FF X-2 is your favourite Final Fantasy, but this I can't believe.
I can deal with you thinking DmC is the best one. I mean, you may be like 12 years old, so that's possible.
But then DMC2? No way. Unless you just never played DMC1, 3 and 4.