Is taking advantage of glitches cheating?

Is taking advantage of glitches cheating?

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Jesus christ

Hooooly sheeeit. Big ole boobies.

I want to motorboat Lexi Belle's cute tummy!

Why do all American women dress like sluts? Why do they act slutty, yet claim they are not?

It depends on the setting, the opponent and the agreed upon rules.

At home against my nephew? I'll Wavedash, get outside the map and hit superjumps all day long.

At a tournament that doesn't explicitly say "no glitching"? Fuck yeah.

At a game bar where I'm liable to get shot by an angry rando nerd for beating him "unfairly"? FUUUUUCK NOOOOO.

In a time where every game can get patched via online, glitches left by the developers are intentional.

It's just the way acclimating to freedom is.

Women are still under the thumb of men in most cases whether directly or indirectly. Taking that little bit of freedom and pushing it is how they have to fight. incrementally.

It also helps that it fucks with dudes heads and they know it. That little bit of frustration in the eyes of every dude gawking at them has got to be pretty satisfying in a mildly-sadistic way.

Can't say I wouldn't do the same to them if the roles were reversed.

Yes, especially annoying for speedruns.

*unless its nintendo.

>learn about the resto glitch in Skyrim
>make dunmer vampire lord
>spend hours brewing exponentially powerful potions
>enchant gear to gain millions of points in each stat
>legendary speech & alteration 9 times over
>reach lvl 109, now a living god

"Restoration is a PERFECTLY balanced school of magick."

meh, it's pretty easy to track different categories of speed running.

No, unless you play games made by faggots from blizzard

Because women as a people have never been required throughout history to think critically or make important decisions so when given freedom just do what they're programmed to do and be massive sluts. Not their fault. Women probably aren't going to be around much longer though.

If you wanted to break your game, you could have saved yourself a few hours and just used console commands.

I remember watching a speedrun of DK64 and the game is filled with glitches and fair enough the speedrunner takes advantage of them but what's the point?

Sounds like you're just a dumb slut. Why not decide that that's fairly petty and trying to be more than that like at least wear nicer clothes that don't show everyone your genitalia?

>Women probably aren't going to be around much longer though.
What comes next, user? 2d or traps?

only time i used that glitch was to get a necklace to make my shout cooldowns instant, didnt use it to advance the story though cause it would be too easy. otherwise i was powerful enough vanilla, i would still one shot easy npcs, but ebony warrior was kinda tough if i didnt take advantage of cheap shouts.

illusion and conjuration is the best combo of classes for ez mode. next to stealth and archery

>Women probably aren't going to be around much longer though.

we already do it in real life, so it's a matter of personal gain.

Ps3 pleb here user, gotta make due.

Used to use the Ogmha Infinium glitch before they patched it.

A glitch or an exploit is a cheat, period. You can try to justify it or whatever, but it is still outside of how the game was intended to be played. Anyone remember snaking in Mario Kart? It broke the game when people found out how to do it. They weer sure to prevent that from happening again in future games.

Same with people that use glitches in online games. They get banned for a reason, and it's usually not because they weren't cheating or exploiting things.

I'm not a woman, but thanks for asking.

Why? Because it's hilarious for them to see dudes squirm. Seriously, fuck you, get over it.

I'm still mad.

its a fucking selfish and unsportsmanlike thing to do, because it only benefits the individual and does not benefit the learning of meaningful skills among the community. All you do is nurture a fiendish advantage that stops fun.

Holy fuck this a very virgin tier post user.

That doesn't sound like a very nice thing to do.

>see dudes squirm
Hardly. I look once, sure, but my better judgement completely shuts out any form of attractiveness that could possibly come from a woman dressing like that. You can easily tell a book by its cover with people now a days. Kinda sad.


I mean he is correct.

>implying he's wrong
Other than the "women won't be around much longer" part, there's some truth to what he says. Anyone who has actually been with and around women without their heads up the girls' asses can easily see this.

Woops, meant to reply to:

Nah, I don't think so.
But the ff7 speed Run where they port to the end of the game that is just another save file and not counting time spent on other save file is definitely cheating.