Spore (2008): No Man's Sky's Cooler Dad

I wish I knew how to perfect my dickgirl futanari master race. There is something about the body frame that just doesn't feel human to me.


This is the Celtonegroid species. Their society is very authoritarian and they believe themselves to be the master race with all other intelligent lifeforms in the galaxy being inferior to them. They believe in cleansing the galaxy and the universe of these creatures unless they prove useful in terms of labor. They are slavers. They were at one period in time a bigender species until the males started to mysterious die out leaving the females to adopt more masculine qualities such as reproductive organs among other minor characteristics. They believe that other bigender and mutligender species are primative while other monogender species, despite still being low in the hierarchy, hold potential to evolve into an advanced lifeform much like the Celtonegroids.

This game is sitll fun for me for some reason.

Spore was always fun, people were just butthurt they didn't get what they expected.

Creature stage was somewhat fun. It gets progressively worse.
Space stage is just awful.

The space stage was fun. Why does it seem like Sup Forums is allergic to just about anything that is/was fun?


You mean promised. Fuck you and fuck EA for destroying Will Wrights magnus opus.

I can see why I pointed the dick upwards since it can be used as a weapon in the game.

>2008 was 14 years ago

Are you posting from the year 2023? Did President Trump make America great again?

How come it was always so hard to apply clothing in this game without clipping?

I noticed this game is on GoG. Is it worth getting?

Yeah this, Spore was incredibly fun, everyone I know loved it and I did too.

>tfw made bug girls and fapped to it

>Arms and legs are the same length
>"why does it look off?"

Whats it like being 14 and.casual in 2017?

I played it the year it came out
I was like 14 then.

2008 was eight years ago.

Here is your (You).

Getting clothes to look good was always a bitch.

Can I import that into the game? Also, suggests on what I could do for my dickgirl people for the space stage? I want to conquer the Grox for their are inferior to us.

Cell Stage was fun and then it got worse with every Stage. Space Stage was fun for a while again and then it becomes incredibly dull. This is probably the game I regret buying the most. I regret it even more than Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2.

I bought the Collector's Edition on release and just recently bought it on GOG to replay it again to see if it really was as bad as I remember it being. I really wouldn't recommend it. You may have fun for a few hours if you never played it, but it's just an incredibly flawed game and it's about as deep as a puddle.


>cell stage was fun
>and then it got worse with every stage
What the fuck am I even reading?
I guess you're right about space stage getting dull, but it's a good while before that happens.

>What the fuck am I even reading?
I really liked the Cell Stage desu. The problem with it as with all stages is that it just has no depth to it (it's also too short). The game tries to be many different games at once and fails at all of them as a result. It just feels very unfinished.

NMS is the same.

I dunno creature stage was pretty fleshed out, I agree civilization and tribal was really short and shallow, but still fun.
The game's important parts are creature and space really.


watch the E3 demos and dream about the game that could have been :(

No my friends Spore was not that fun you just have autism