Marie Rose stole the main character slot in her own series...

Marie Rose stole the main character slot in her own series. Now she won't stop until she is the main character in every series.

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SK is way too diverse for some flat shot to take over. Calm yourself.

Marie is infinitely better then Yumi that's for damn sure.

I want to honk Honkers' honkers

Why does Marie Rose always give me an erection. WHY. I don't want to like her, but I can't help it.

>pedo bait stole a rolle

ahahaha your serious, let me laugh even harder.

she's 18 you dumbfuck

Legal loli

That ain't difficult though. Marie sure as hell isn't better than mirai, however.

>yfw game gets on Switch
>yfw amiibo unlocks Peach and Samus


Mirai is cute but I think Marie is cuter. And Marie Rose actually makes me rock hard unlike Mirai

Mirai is better than Marie-Rose though. She looks like a kid unlike jailbait shit like Marie-Rose.

I love Honoka!

Poor kasumi even her half sister is more popular than her.
Ayane best girl.

Kasumi managed to get in the Musou All-Stars game over Ayane, amazingly enough.

Marie Rose and Honkers are there too, of course.

It's literally cowfest.

Marie Rose is infinitely sexier and cuter.

more diverse characters numbnuts

But Ayane is in the game too, yeah she is there as a Ninja Gaiden character but she appear as the main female character of that series.
Kasumi appear as just another DOA character.

Uh, weird. Haha, who would fap to this, right guys?

I don't want text, I want VISUALS!

Make visuals of Haruka giving me a blowjob pls

I only know how to put letters on a screen. Attempting to draw a proper circle, much less something sexy and on-model, would be a mistake.

Threadly reminder that Leo is canon male to female trans.

Threadly reminder that Kagura is a sex demon.


I prefer text most of the time, I like to know what the characters are thinking.

Can't be worse than Yumi.

On a related note, I'm kinda sad to see Bashou get shafted in Peach Beach Splash.

Really both Mirai and Ryoubi are superior to Marie Rose. Not just in body but because that also have actual personalities


Ryoubooty has the most worshippable butt!

Why the fuck does honoka exist? She doesn't even have her own moveset in the game she is from and is pointless to exist. Someone in the office is fuckin up bad.

>Dwarf and fake flat better than mosquito bites
Nuh uh

Enough to want her to strap your head to the seat of that exercise bike?

I want to cuddle Mirai.

So long as she lets me face upwards to lap at her while she pedals.

Does Ayane have bigger tits than Honkers? What's happening here?

It's true and you know it.

Like low key, Ayane's chest keeps getting bigger on the side

Ayane's boobs follow the same rules as Murasaki's, and Haruka's thighs. Every game, they'll get slightly bigger. You won't notice at first, but line them up and it's a progression of thicc.

Not him, but I can't into eyepatches. Kills a girl's appeal, regardless of what design the patch uses. Surgical gauze is especially bad. Yagyu would be pretty fucking hot if it weren't for the patch, and Mirai would also do it for me otherwise.

Kasumi is Old Hat.

Welcome to Honoka land

>tfw came to this

That's the highest praise anyone can give me, user. I'm glad you liked it.

I've got a huuuuuuge lactation kink and a cow bell collar that does clank real well when I'm being milked

The cow aesthetic was probably my favorite part of writing that. I didn't want to go full monstergirl with it, just for the sake of preserving Haruka's character, but the idea of her mooing was too good to pass up.

Yeah good luck wrestling that position away from Yumi.

user stop. You joke and shitpost, but meme magic is real.

What a nice camera angle.

Leo is a beautiful but lazy lion and you are just jealous

Because Love Live

Ryouna pls


The art in this series is the most mediocre shit I've seen in my life.
Why didn't they hire an actual hentai artist instead of someone's untalented cousin?

Isn't Marie Rose only popular because she is the only flat girl in a series of tittymonster games?
Even Mirai had more competition in SK
>Ayane is in
All i care for

Hey, I only want Ryoubi to abuse me. Ryouna has no standards.

I guarantee you they are looking for the perfect chance to swap her for Momiji as main Ninja Gaiden girl

What is that from, a game cutscene or animu?

That and being an extremely one-dimensional anime cliche even by DOA standards, as is Honoka. If you look back at the pre-Yumi polls Mirai was actually the first place girl, likely for exactly that reason.

Ryouna Loves getting abuse by Ryoubi too so that manners sounded right up her ally

TN has been all over the place with measurements ever since DOA1. In that game, Ayane had a bigger bust measurement than Tina, and was almost as tall. Then in DOA2, she was made smaller and shorter. Both Ayane and Kasumi were given significant breast reductions in DOAXBV of all things, then were bigger than ever before in DOA2:Ultimate. Then almost everyone got a reduction for DOA5, and Ayane got a massive increase in X3.

They also mess with the models depending on certain costumes. Someone showed a side-by-side comparison shot of Tina wearing 2 of her DOA5 costumes, and her hips were noticeably wider in the one.

TN just can't into consistency.

>tfw no good lewds of Ayane in SK style

Senran Kagura needs more fucking tit diversity. Even if it's just "two flat chicks" that's something. I love boobs but I love all boobs. With the way the Versus games are made everyone just has the same body, and unless we get a boob slider like SK2 that ain't changing any time soon. I want my titty monsters like murasaki but I want my more normal sized girls like Kafuru and my boards like Mirai as well, ya know?

So since no one really wants Marie Sue Rose and Honoka in the game, what two characters from outside of the franchise are more fitting? Note that they must be very 'gifted'.

>Kasumifags btfo
Is almost sad at this point.

The thing about Kasumi is that she gets left out of stuff like this because the little character she has right now needs to be taken abit more seriously


>Make a child
>Say she's 18
What did they mean by this?

>What did they mean by this?
Literally to piss off sweden.

Good. I want Marie to become the main character in EVERY SINGLE VIDEO GAME EVER.

More of these animations plz.

RIP Team Ninja. All they wanna do is parade Marie and Honoka around. I'm done.

No she isn't, Kasumi still ranks higher than Ayane in official polls even getting dethroned by Marie and Honoka.

Ayane being in more guest appearances is a holdover from the Ninja Gaiden days that made her popular for guest appearances.

Marie Rose is from Sweden you idiot

This has been discussed already, Senran Kagura is a series about big breasts, not "diversity".

>normal sized girls like Kafuru
>B 73cm

It's funny, on any other franchise she'd be flat as fuck, not like official measurements actually translate to the art or games anyway.

He is right, look up before posting.

Marie being swede is a jab on Sweden banning DOA Dimensions under the claim of child pornography.

Team Ninja proceeded to create a character that looks suspiciously young despite saying she is 18 and made her swede.

That's the point, faggot

Why?, she is more popular than Momiji. They have the chance of put momiji instead of Ayane in Musou Stars, they already have a proper moveset for momiji and they decide not use her.

Big boobed version of Marie. They have the same goddamn face

>Why didn't they hire an actual hentai artist
Nan is a hentai artist you dumbfuck.

Ayane is a serious character in the DOA series and she appears in this kind of stuff all the rime. TN have more favoritism for Honoka , Ayane and Marie than Kasumi at this point

No it wasn't

Strike the iron while it's hot, Marie was popular from day one so they went: "Let's make another Marie but now she is Idol themed and thick" and so lightning striked in the same spot twice, Honoka too was popular from day one.


Lolicons were a mistake

It literally is.

Her birthday is Sweden's National Day, no less. TN was top kek on that one.

Because she Momiji's paired up with Ryu alot more as of late and is alot more helpful to him. Imagine next NG game they'll reduce her to a few appearances and Momiji will get main girl for that game and then that decides whether it's sticks or not

No it wasn't the point

>tfw you hate what the series has become
>you stay anyway because of your favorite girl even when they don't give a fuck about her
>yfw that is starting to wear off as well
>you lose hope for the series
It was nice while it lasted

Why couldn't they just add Nyotengu and go full ara ara?

Hell, I'd settle for Evil Miyabi getting a character slot over Honoka.

With Ayane she's been series like since day one and almost every game's story has had more delevopment then Kasumi herself, she's good she doesn't need to be taken anymore seriously, Kasumi's suppose to be main girl, Main character even and now she's tryin to fight for relevance again. Appearing in this wouldn't help her do that at this point in time.

Enlighten us

Not that guy but while Momiji really got popular in NG ever since her introduction and indeed her apperances have only gotten larger, she still has quite a way to go before she hogs the "Main Girl" spot, that would literally writing Irene Lew out of the series again and making Momiji a love interest.

Honoka looks even cuter in 2D, which further proves my claim that 2D girls are superior in every way

Post more Mirai.

Nyotengu is quite popular already but she hasn't come even close to the explosion that Marie and Honoka were upon their debut.

What Nyo can brag about as of now is that she is already more popular than some DOA mainstays that were around 2 decades before her.

