Was it ever as good as the previews looked or were they selling a scam the whole time?

Was it ever as good as the previews looked or were they selling a scam the whole time?

It depends. It's either a joke or the most addicting game you will ever play.

It certainly brought cooperative gameplay in shooters to never beforr seen heights.

Around Taken King it actually started to become a decent game, but wikl never be as good as previews made it look. They outright lied about features.
If you can find the Collection for like 20 bux I would say it is worth it.

It's scam and everyone keeps falling for it. It was barebones at release and it had disc dlc. All of the expansions and updates that add stuff are all made from re used assets and the community eats it up.

It was pretty decent actually, especially with buds. Jewish as fuck though with massive gaps of the same PVP event between content were a bore.

>game was supposed to last 10 years
>they're already working on the sequel
I know some people who said they enjoyed it but I watched my roommate play several hours of vanilla and it looked fucking terrible. Supposedly they've been working to make/keep the game exciting but I've never seen anything from the game that made me think "oh, i'd like to play this". Not even a little bit.

I have 1000+ hours in it. It was an addicting grind with really amazing art direction and themes. It was a pretty fun co-op game to hang with the bros.

But it was marketed as some epic space opera with deep character development, wide open worlds to explore, and a sweeping story to rival that of LOTR and Star Wars. On this account it fell completely and utterly short. I'd describe it as the best 7/10 I've ever played.

I don't remember there ever being anything that they showed that wasn't in the game. Though it has been ages since I watched the original E3 reveals.
The main complaint about the game at launch was that the story was all fucked up and that there was hardly anything to do at endgame. Plus The Dark Below was basically on disk DLC.
The game has gotten significantly better now though and it seems like Bungie are actually learning from the mistakes of Destiny's launch.
It was a somewhat passable game around the time of the 2nd DLC, but The Taken King and Rise of Iron actually made the game kinda fun
Hopefully they fix their shit with 2.

I honestly felt this way during beta and did a complete 180 in opinion after actually playing it. The gameplay is smooth as fuck, everything elae can piss off but consolewise it's one of the most fluid shooters available. If not the most.

The F R A N C H I S E lasts 10 years

Wish you could've switched between 1st and 3rd person. I just wanted a bungie phantasy star esque game.

>they introduce permanent sword weapons
>finally get into enjoy some third person action with a cool elemental sword
>sword has ammo
deep disappointment

What happened to the story is the biggest shame about this game.
The lore that's there for them to work with is really neat, but they just have not used it properly yet.

800 hours here i will tell you, the campaign of the vanilla game is garbage for sure but the multiplayer is probably the best crack ive ever played on consoles.

PvP Raids, and nightfalls before they fucked it up.

But it was worth every penny. + i had friends or still have them who will be with me through the next game.

Awaiting Destiny 2

Came here to say this Do you really want the to be stuck using the same engine past 2 years that limits people to 30FPS or worse when there's a load of particle effects?

Hopefully the next one gives 60FPs now they don't have to cater to 360 and PS3.
My wife has easily put in 5,000 hours into this game without exaggeration. People aren't joking when they say it's addictive.

its going to be 30 fps, thats just the way bungie has always rolled. With that said they could increase the scale by a heapload.

>have some dude write a fuckton of lore
>but none of it has any bearing on what actually occurs in the game

This "write a wiki's worth full of lore dumps" crap has never, and will never amount to anything useful.

Destiny...had a hard life.

Destiny GDC presentations + Angry Joe review can explain what went wrong at launch (and a bit that went right)

It was a major mix of development hell + publisher pressure (Activision) that led to the launch failure.

It was not as good as the previews were selling, yet Bungie patches and DLCs has outgrown the launch scam.

Yet the second and third year of Destiny is still limited by recycled content since the game is being supported by a barebones live team (since September 2015) while the rest of the studio is working on an unannounced project (Destiny 2).

The three-year Destiny 1 project is finally coming to a close. I've put in close to 3,000 hours. It's an amazing, fun game when playing with people, and I've met tons and tons of people through this game. Co-op is a fundamental core of Destiny, and I wouldn't expect Destiny 2 to be catered to solo players.

I also call it the Destiny 1 project because despite the "10 year plan for the Destiny franchise", Destiny 2 is hitting the hard reset button, which to me is evidence that Bungie views the clean slate brought by Destiny 2 as one of the last major solutions to the problems caused by the Destiny 1 development hell and launch. Destiny 1 vets will only bring their old character appearance, and maybe, maybe some emblems to commemorate the Destiny 1 players, and that's about it.

so basically, Bungie harvested horrible lemons, yet worked hard to make some okay lemonade, and the okay Destiny lemonade ends up either hated or loved. the supply of horrible lemons is on it's last harvest (farewell Destiny 1 update is dropping at the end of the month), and Bungie believes they can finally harvest some good lemons, and make some top lemonade by the end of this year

Don't care much for 60fps but I do hope that its a stable 30, even at the Siege Engine.
Also can confirm to it being addictive. This is my time without time spent in the tower or in orbit

>tfw you fell for the "delete characters and start over for additional raid drops" meme when Crotas End had hot cheese strats in the first week

Oh shit, I didn't know there was a website for that.

In that case, here's her stats.

I wish I was as autistic as your wife, does she play with friends?

There's about 12 different people she plays with. She's talking to them and either doing PVP, strikes or raids with them 75% of the time.

It was her main form of social interaction, the main reason was that she was crippled up until last month. For 4 years she couldn't walk without agony because a surgeon fucked her foot up and she needed 2 further surgeries to repair the damage.

Fuck shit man
I have a bit over 70 hours in the game and I'm already bored out of my mind

I think the point has been made, games promises were somewhat under delivered but its quite clear the gameplay was too good to pass up and keeps people going for thousands of hours.

Seconding for this honestly. If you're a person who wants an engaging story you wouldn't find it in Destiny.
What you would find is superb gameplay, the guns felt great and the PvP was quite extensive; But you really needed to enjoy the repetition that MMO's naturally gravitate towards because of raiding and loot grinding just to min-max everything and get the best possible in every section of your entire character, or make another.

I didn't PvP often but I acquired at least 600 hours in the game just with PvE grinding.

>be pcfag
>buy ps4pro
>download the demo for this
>pic related

I actually gravely overestimated the taste and sophistication of console players