
They are dragons, not lizards!

I wish the horns in game were prettier.

This fuckin idiot forgot to mention saving balance if you pull it before ewer/spire RR
You have a lower chance of pulling balance (1/6) as opposed to the aoe effect (1/3) so it's better to spread the balance and dig for something with a higher chance of popping

They're fucking tranny-bait is what they are.

Does anybody even fucking play on excal? I never see any of you faggots

I wish the hands were more monstrous like that in-game

Would be problem with gloves

When do you think the benchmark for Stormblood will be released?

>Know a girl who is getting 20fps on minimum in Idyllshire

Mang rip. She's our LS leader too.

I get like 15 fps on minimum in Idyllshire

You are soooo fucked.


I plan on upgrading to PS4, I can't be bothered upgrading my PC when FFXIV is the only PC game I play

I wish they were this pretty and beastly ingame

Liberate Chaos with me.

illbred would be a baguette

Someone in the last thread asked for controller hotbars, I'd actually like to see how people set theirs up as well. Can crop all the rest of the stuff out if you'd like, I'm trying to play around with the extended options but I'm curious to those who might be more experienced with theirs.

who odin here

Fictional baquettes don't count

I'll prolly move there after I'm sure that it's the least baquetted server.

>RP as hyur supremacist that hate all non-hyurs
>it's not actually rp


HW benchmark was released in late April, so somewhere around that time I guess?

>mfw you meet that one non-hyur player whom you enjoy their company
and slowly fall in love


Reminder that the Combat "Rework" will only extend to cutting down the number of skills, getting rid of cross class'ing and altering some effects.

Things that are confirmed NOT to happen and probably will never happen:
-Action / non-hotkey combat
-Reduced standard GCD
-Return of the 1.0 momentum to movement
-Hybrid Jobs
-Increased Party Sizes

>lalafell with hag voice


How successful do you think forming a static that does exclusively trials for the birds until everyone has them all would be?

With random groups you have to get lucky to win a roll out of 8 people that leave and get replaced usually always keeping you at the same chances to win, or get 99 boss kills. And of course you run into group errors where people play sloppy and the like.

Would there actually be an interest in this if I tried to start one? Trials are the only content I'm really interested in at the moment and was wondering if it would be possible to find a group of 260+ players to farm them out with a couple days a week.

I play on Excal. What's up?

All I want is skills that are straight upgrades to be removed and turned into traits if anything.

I dont want to have to fucking open my skill menu when i'm playing scholar to replace broil with ruin 1 everytime i'm doing a level 50 trial or dungeon.

Chances of that are actually pretty good considering how they're changing thunder.


he made me sad, but i like how his questline went.

Are there any dye pigments that match the bronze plating on the Midan Coat of Fending? I may not be looking hard enough but I can't find any that get close.

won't work so well. most people in this game want things but can't be bothered to help others. they think every achievement is based solely on their own merit and has nothing to do with the 3-23 other players

Sounds stupid
14 is all about cultures hating each other, all races except ala mhigos live with each other just fine

Hopefully you have a Ps4 pro.
Now that software 4.5 or whatever is out, the "boost mode" is finally a thing.
VERY noticeable frame rate increase, desu.

Hyurs and elezens are the only united races though.

Hey, aren't Wildwoods horrifically racist towards Duskwights?

All three of them.

The rest are 99% united.

>Pick the most boring design of the most boring concept of the most boring race
>Be surprised when it's the least popular race in the entire game and possibly franchise history

Daily reminder that they could've prevented this.

>forest city
>Being lead by minority dying out race who no one can question
>pseudo elves and humans live with each other just fine
>Desert city
>Being lead by pedo baits, but generally if you capable to actually earn money no one will question you, all racism is directed to the refugees because the refuse to work and earn money
>Sea city
>Every race live just fine, they even allowed trabby to lead them. Very progressive
>Snow city
>Ruled by elves, but humans can have leadership positions without problems

>spend most of my time gathering since majority of pve doesn't interest me and it's fun making money especially before expansion
>enjoy it since i can just watch stuff outside game and still make a profit while not really paying attention
>friend of mine has recently taken to following me at certain gathering nodes and accusing me of botting
>explain to him how I can't since I play on ps4 and the option literally doesn't exist for me
>he does so again today
>same explanation
>"Why were you ignoring me while gathering then?"

people are so exhausting

can't a man just be anti social and make money in peace?

I think they said something about Changing how secondary stats works too.

Are you talking about Roegadyn or Elezen here?

Why does your friend even fucking care holy shit.

>Things that are confirmed NOT to happen and probably will never happen:
>-Action / non-hotkey combat
>-Reduced standard GCD
>-Return of the 1.0 momentum to movement
>-Hybrid Jobs
>-Increased Party Sizes
SOunds fucking great

Why WERE you ignoring your friend, though?

Usually if I run across a friend at random while doing other stuff I at least have the courtesy to give them a brief /wave before going on with my business.

Any experienced players on Cerberus? My friends and I are trying to make a group to go through all EX/Savage content in order starting with primals, but we keep getting first time pugs who don't read mechanics.

Were doing it all level sync'd btw, UNSYNC is for pussies and weeklies.

Depends if yall are german or french.

Except everyone will be SAM and dps queues will be FUCKED. I welcome 5man dungeons/9man trials/30man raids/8man savage

>inb4 ps4 rimitashyuns. Prease understando

he wants to know not only what bot i'm using but where i got it so he can use it too

it's bizarre

I didn't even notice he was there until after I had left

We only speak English.

>Except everyone will be SAM and dps queues will be FUCKED.
I don't see a problem. DPS players were asking for it. They already said they don't care about queue at all.

>stalking you while you are gathering your shit
Sounds like a faglord starving for your attention. I bet it is a cat.
But you should probably set your status to Busy and turn on "system sounds on background" (or whatever the fuck it is called) to listen to tells.

yeah they're also ugly, not cute. so who fuckin cares

I want to tank in this game but every single tanking class is boring as fuck.

I had to tank 2 bosses in weeping city as MNK today because tanks weren't doing their jobs and nobody could rip threat from me even when I wasn't doing positionals.

How many fucking times does Yoshi have to tell you that people tend to stick with their current Role instead of switching to the new one.

I hope they never add viera.

>hurf durf tanking are so boring

Guess what? So are DPS. Mainfag can go fuck themselves.

I got you bro.

What's your name?

>He doesn't want to play as cute bunny bois.

Fucking fag.

Wow a race that will attract both fujo and memefells, not cancerous at all.

>no one could rip threat
they could, just that no one gave enough of a shit to try and save you

what are the chances of them making one clan of Viera the amazon/studs and the other being young like those ones?

Pls explain.

>tfw maining an entire role
having 3 jobs to choose from when I wanna tank is fucking glorious, never gets old

Yeah, sure. It will stabilize come 4.1 maybe or 4.2 but expect cancer queues in 4.0.


Does your static meet like half an hour before time and role dice on whose doing what role?
How the fuck does that even work during progression?
I understand doing all of the meaningless content with whatever fucking job you feel like but I doubt many teams want a player that goes "I feel like DPS'ing today, someone else tank!".

Why the fuck are all races just humans with a couple of different attributes?

Because they are all different races of humans

Only thing that I'm not very keen on doing are healers because fuck getting cucked by accuracy.

Because fuck off furry.

>that female bunny face
That is what you get from spending 3 hours looking at a single angle on character creator.

Well if your group is actually clearing content then chances are by this point they've got more than one job geared up and ready to go, and said secondary job might be of a different role.
It's not really unreasonable for raid groups to do stuff like that - people shuffling their roles around every now and again is a good way to keep things fresh.

Because I don't really feel like playing as an amorphous gelatinous blob

Salem Gamorrah

I honestly think that FFXII had fantastic examples of different races. Making them all cutesy humanoid works for attracting certain.. kinds of people though...

I can't fucking wait to meet the Garo Xaela tribe.

>there will be a quest where you have to pick out a suitable horse to fuck the girl xaela

You can want to play different creatures without having a sexual attraction to them. Believe it or not. I'd love a race of big beetle dudes, like Stun from Bloody Roar, but I don't want to fuck Stun.

>people shuffling their roles around every now and again is a good way to keep things fresh.
This so much. After you got used to dance most stuff ended up being just a chore. Swapping role/job actually kept thing fresh to certain extent.

Viera women will be tall and lithe, yet thicc in the right places
the Viera men will be cute shota bunnies

everyone wins

>Don't want those horn in your ass
Don't be a faggot, user

>decided to turn off ACT for a day
>doesn't feel like popping my blood vessels anymore

>I'd love a race of big beetle dudes, like Stun from Bloody Roar,
Holy FUCK a character like that would be the perfect fit for tanking, aesthetically. I WANT IT.

I'll accept this too.

>some people complain that all races are hyur with gimmicks
>then more people complain that other races don't have good hyur-like faces and animations
In the end people just want to use cute accessories without wasting gear slots on them, like Viera and bunny ears so they can use glasses instead of the gold saucer bunny hat.

This is the correct answer.

because its statically proven that no one plays races that aren't human looking in features.

Good thing every race in XIV looks very human then, even the Au Ra with their scales and horns.

>human like

>children aren't humans


>cute xaela will be the new custom delivery NPC
>super friendly and sometimes flirty with you
>YoshiP promised to Koreans "dates with NPCs", so this would be a good opportunity
>max satisfaction unlocks her a quest about her marriage
>you have to choose the horse
>she says she will give it a test drive before going back to her usual delivery spot
Best weeb trap since the au ra retainer with fake animu personality.

So you be sayin?

Why is there still not a quest in game to offer a free fantasia, something along the lines of the slutty dancers in ul'dah and you have to do stuff for them, then the reward at the end is a fantasia, knowing this you realize they themselves used it and were once men.

They're shitty monstergirls

Because moneys, it's one of the things people really want that can justify putting it behind a paywall

What will Lakshmi's elements be? Susano is definitely Lightning/Water


Holy isn't a valid aspect dingus

Astral maybe, but she probably wouldn't be pure astral

>died three times in a row in PotD
>one commendation
are they taking pity on me
I think we can exclude fire/lightning/ice for Lakshmi
what will the third tribe be for dailies though?