Was Ganondorf Retarded?

>Link is knocked out on the ground
>doesn't kill him

Why kill him when you could tie him up and fuck him?

Wind Waker Ganondorf really wasn't 'bout dat life.

>yfw Ganondorf did nothing wrong

>Sup Forumseddit thinks this is deep

shota sex slave > dead shota

You dont know what deep means.

It's a children's game

It's not really about being deep, it's more it sums up his motives in one brief sentence, sums up why he is the way he is and why he does it.

no, but you are

He's the way he is because two bitter hags raised him in isolation with the expressed intent of turning him towards the conquest of Hyrule through deceit, magic, and military power. It seems extremely likely they used brainwashing magic to produce their desired results.

That line is at best Ganondorf's nostalgia, or lamenting his choices that eventually destroyed his reign or Hyrule, but not his motive.

I'm more confused as to why Ganondorf hesitated at all trying to grab the triforce and somehow didn't see the King standing in a place he reasonably never could have reached.

Actually I'm interested in fact why the triforce didn't appear in his hands. It's almost as if there isn't any governing rules to the behavior of the triforce, and this shit is just being one by the whims of an alternating staff of scenario writers.

Link drives a sword right into his brain after this.

He breaks a ruby and turns him to stone.

I always felt Ganondorf was less spiteful in this game. It seemed like he was doing what he thought was right for him and the Gerudo.

it's like when you see an anime girl in real life and she asks you to rape her....

i remember seeing ganondorf in this game the first time and thinking "man what a fatass"

More generally:
alive shota>dead shota

Same until he broke out the "2 Kats Lmao"

twice the kat
twice the fat
