>just for curiosity
What does Sup Forums rate BOTW?

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Open World Trash/10


Few dungeons,a lot of good ideas, now make the Majora's Mask of our times


where the music/story/enemy variety/meaningful side quests?

Why do you care what this shithole thinks

If you do, here is a poll.


Really enjoyed it at first, but it got monotonous after a while. My favorite part of Zelda is the dungeons so I was disappointed to say the least, the shrines were not worth it.

Get some better graphics and framerate, add more dungeons and story, fix the music and it will be a 10/10

Music is great

A world that big needs a little more content and variety

By ticking off boxes its 9/10, compared to other games its 10/10

10/10. The biggest issue is that it's too easy.

I typically don't like open world games but I love this one. I know a lot of people will disagree, but there's a wonderful sense of discovery that I havent felt since Wind Waker back in 2003. I always want to see what's over the next hill or ridge. I've already clocked in about 50 hours and still haven't finished the game because I'm having so much fun doing sidequests and exploration that is more seamless than any other game I've played.

You think so? I feel like it's the hardest since the original. Zelda II didn't give me as hard a challege as this did.

4/10, could have been good if it wasn't for the huge empty sandbox and cutting down on content in favor of it
>4 "temples"
>each of which takes less than 15 minutes to complete
>bosses can be overpowered easily and don't pose any challenge
>that's the entire game

Personally: 11/10

Objectively: Floating somewhere around 9-9.5/10

Only thing I would've wanted more of is more story beats to bridge the gap between the major cities and their respective Divine Beasts, though admittedly I can't even begin to suggest how you'd do that without breaking the free-form open world exploration gameplay. Perhaps some more lengthy character-driven sidequests in the major cities would've been nice to get to know them better.

As a person who only owns a PS4 and a Vita, I can tell you that the game is crap and everyone who says it's good is a paid shill.

haven't played it though

It's only hard in the beginning. The difficult doesn't scale once you have better weapons and armor. Hopefully hard mode fixes this but who knows.

you're a funny guy, aren't you


Beasts and bosses were disappointing. Shrine quality was mixed but I liked more than I didn't.

Wow youre right. what do i do now, theres no game worth playing any more....

its one of the better games ive played recently. Best game of the year so far with Resident Evil 7 being second.

id say 9. theres room for improvement

One of the greatest games of all time. No other open world sandbox rivals it's contribution to the genre and videogames as a whole.

80 hours in and it's 8.5/10 but the first 20 hours is 10/10.


You forgot the mini-dungeons scattered around the world that are only useful for heart and stamina upgrades

I haven't play any Zelda game. Which one I should play first? I own a 3DS I (only use it to play Dragon Quests) so perhaps I should buy DS games first before buying Switch.

9/10. Technically flawed, but a well realised world that rewards exploration and creative play. It's the only Nintendo game I've enjoyed since I was a kid on a level that wasn't just 'well this is casual fun, isn't it?'. It's the closest I've felt to that childlike wonder, and sharing secrets and tips before the internet was a big thing. The last game that I felt this way about was Demon's Souls and even Dark Souls. But it has the extra sense of exploration that I got from something like Morrowind.

You disingenuous piece of shit fanboy.

It's shit.


empty bland openworld

menial combat

extremely bad open world design, even worse than Ubisoft titles

shit puzzles my 1 year old wife's kid can solve

And treasure, some of which is unique. And the equipment you get for completing them all. I guess if you want and enjoy puzzles or the challenges they could pose, they do that too.


The core gameplay is absolute 10/10 but it's let down by the dungeons and (spoiler) boss fights that are just NotGanon 1 through 4. If the beasts were actual dungeons with more enemies, a theme relevant to the environment they're located in - not just technoshit - and a more inspired boss battle then it'd be hard to fault. Weak final boss, too, and I wanted to play a real postgame.

That said, I loved it. I'm about to start a new challenge run with no armour and Boko clubs/spears only, and I've never wanted to play an open world game again after finishing it (Witcher 3, Fallout, Skyrim, etc)

>implying anyone who isn't underage or a numale would want to make the game easier by grinding for stat upgrades when its already disappointingly easy to begin with
>each of them consists of lazy physics puzzles or just defeating the same enemy that always follows the same pattern instead of actual good puzzle design like in previous zelda games

One of my biggest disappointments is the recurring theme for the beasts. I get that they method of reaching them could be considered part of it, but only one of those felt like a large task, or a posed any real challenge. And it felt like they had a correct order, like one would be easier to do before the others, despite your gear and hearts.


I think I overhyped it too much. It's not a BAD game, but got very repetitive after 20hrs. No desire to finish it

8/10. It would be a 10/10 if I didn't have to play on the shitty Wii U.

The best ones were solved outside of the actual shrine, IMO.

Frame drops on wiiu version a lot bit it's not unbearable. Only 1 drop to 0 fps so far in 2 days of play. I really like the world but I feel like the variety of discoveries could be more varied. I feel like the side quests could have more too them but they are ok so far. I don't hate the durability system but I wish special weapons could have their own independent slot so I don't feel like holding miphas spear is going to be something in stuck with until I get the home to put it on display(don't want to scratch the waifu weapon). I adore the aesthetic of the game but I still feel like it could have more too it as right now it feels kind of minimalist which is likely intended given less focus on civilizations.

Overall it's very enjoyable compared to a lot of other shit on the market but I would not advise someone to trust it as being something they can be playing for years.

>And it felt like they had a correct order

Agreed, I did the desert second and felt liked I should have left it for later. The bird was easier than the elephant, I was done in less than half an hour and never looked like getting stuck or having trouble against the boss.

best openworld game.

I haven't played it, but it's shit.

Just kidding, I'm desperately trying to find a Switch. Goddamn your artificial scarcity, Nintendo.

> he hasn't played the game


I started with the elephant, then camel, lizard and finally bird. It felt completely backwards. I've held off on finishing the game to do some side stuff, but I don't expect much more from the castle personally.

>fastest selling console ever
>artificial scarcity

(you) get cucked retard.

fastest selling NINTENDO console ever.

The geometry of the world feels varied and there's always something to do everywhere you go and I don't just mean the copy and pasted stuff like basecamps, korok seeds and shrines.
Towns are really good, there's heaps of shit to do and the NPCs are also, they got smart dialogue and you can follow them do their daily routine and sometimes they appear in other regions of the map and you can converse with them to see how they're doing.
Large weapon variety for a zelda game, it's fresh to be open to hundreds of new weapons, shields and bows.
The game is amazing and it's a shame to see so many people on Sup Forums throw such a shit fit over it, I don't really get it, must just be because it's zelda and that's literally it.

You could just start with the first game and go from there. The quintessential Zelda game which basically invented the "Zelda formula" is A Link to the Past, that's also a good starting point.

Considering they're the oldest company in the business that's still says a lot.

>extremely bad open world design, even worse than Ubisoft titles

I don't love the open world but let's not go nuts.

Oh its definitely a badge of honor, and quite the achievement. I was surprised at its success thus far.

Can you really blame someone for not buying at launch after the abortion that was the Wii U?


It's pretty good. Durability is a bit of a mixed bag because it means you're never really rewarded with really meaningful or cool items, just more crap that breaks eventually, only having 4 runes/items is kind of a bummer, the main story dungeons are too easy, and the cool stuff that's amiibo exclusive is a crock of shit.

But I like wandering around and exploring, just finding neat shit out in the world, combat is simplistic but I never get tired of dropping from the glider onto faggots with the plunging attack, and because of the breakable weapons you're often forced to improvise and think about shit a little. So that's cool. Some of the characters are really likable, and this Link is pretty fun with some of his dialogue choices and how people react to him acting like a clownboat.

They made 2 million consoles, lad. Based on preorders alone, they knew they'd sell far more than this.

haven't played it/10

Weapon durability needs some work and the game could use more dungeons, there are also a few framerate issues that need to be patched. Other than that, the combat has been massively improved by the harder difficulty and bosses are much more enjoyable, I don't think I can go back to the old formula.


9/10, and I've been harshly critical of the Zelda series since it went 3D.

It has that Skyrim effect of being flawed in countless ways, but it's still magical enough to casually put 100+ hours into it and still feel like there's no end in sight. It's not a 10/10, but I can't claim to put this level of investment into games I would call 10/10 on a regular basis either, so the rating almost doesn't matter.

10/10 by game journalism standards.

8.5-9.2/10 by real measure.

7/10 is the objective truth, max 8/10. it's a good game but it isn't "MUH BEST GAEM IN THE WORLD" or "MUH LITERUL MASTERPEICE OF OUR GENURASHUN"

I like its take on Open World but thats it, sure there are some Sandbox elements to the Combat i really like but i really don't have the drive to play it again after the credits rolled. 7/10 or something like this, i wish there was more sense of Progression, had fun the first 10 hours but after that getting form one place to the next always felt like a drag since i never encountered something interesting.

Yes it is.


7 for open world trash.

4 for a Zelda game.

Phantom Hourglass on the DS was my first, I really liked it perhaps you should try it.

So 11/10? nice

Fuck really? What games have you been playing?
I kind of resigned myself to accepting that this game was all about the exploring and just mucking about in the world and discovering new things.
The enemy AI was piss easy and the bosses were underwhelming.

Dying a lot because things arbitrarily do 10+ hearts of damage doesn't make the game hard, just tedious. Very little in this game is even slightly challenging, it's just the first Zelda in a long time to not be exclusively for fucking babies.

Well, mind you I said it's the hardest ZELDA game since the original. I speaking in terms of the franchise. When I hear people say that it's too easy, I tend to wonder how they got through the other Zeldas, since none of them (except maybe the original) are even close to BotW in terms of difficulty.


Few dungeons and half of those few are trash regarding the buildup/interaction with the characters/race. Technical issues with framerate, pauses, and other things. Little enemy variety and a lot of empty spots in the world that's mostly just filled with Korok "puzzles". I don't mind the weapon durability, it keeps it pretty fresh with having to get new weapons and finding ways to kill so you don't have to use up durability, plus it's easy as fuck to get good weapons anyways pic related. Pleasantly surprised that shrines differ in puzzles, I honestly expected the same 3-4 puzzles copy pasted multiple times. Combat is what I expected from a Zelda game, anyone asking for more technical combat really had high hopes there out of nowhere. A good bunch of the side quests were really good, see Tarrey Town. Physics are fun to fuck around with and it leads to multiple ways to do everything, including solving shrines/dungeons. There's more good and more bad points but you get the gist.

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I really wish I didn't have to pay for hardmode.
I'm adopting a wait and see stance. If they make the enemy AI more intelligent then I'm in, but if it's just padding like adding more HP etc, then I can't justify purchasing for this mode.

Next game needs to not be open world, and not be """""cel""""" shaded again.
I feel like the art style of this game was done solely because Skyward Sword looks like shit outside of the character models, and yet the same could be said here.

This is easily the best sandbox game ever though.
They accomplished exactly what they set out to do.
If I felt this game was anything less than a 10, I wouldn't be considering buying the Season Pass, but now I'm genuinely thinking about it.

I didn't like Skyrim
I didn't like any Assassin's Creed
I didn't even like The Witcher III

But I fucking love BotW. It's easily in my top 10 games of all time. The mechanics, verticality of world design and absolute freedom of movement along with actual content and reason to explore just make it one of the most fun gaming experiences I've had in years.

I almost wish it was multiplat just so discussion wasn't so bogged down by console wars. I truly pity everyone who likes video games but can't play this.

[Spoiler] what if hard mode is like master quest, changing where you get the main runes (maybe none in plateau), adding new runes, changing most shrines into complex puzzles, making the beasts the hardest dungeons up to date [/Spoiler]

Fuck I'm on phone and don't have Ctrl+s

Same. I'm also surprised they didn't do like what they did for TP HD and let the Ganndorf amiibo unlock it.

Because this user is right Hitting hard and being a damage sponge =/= difficulty. Combat and ai is as braindead as ever, even regressed sligthly from previous titles.

Never going to play/10

9/10 personally.

If they patch the fps firmware glitch on Switch it goes to 9.5/10. I've deliberately put off exploring the swamp area because of this.

I am 99% sure that hard mode is going to add a hunger mechanic

No one "can't play" Breath of the Wild.

You Zelda fans need to stop and consider some people have never thought Zelda games were more than mediocre and overrated, and this game honestly just looks less fun than most Zelda games. I got bored of the endless stupid hype over Zelda games when I was 10 years old and Wind Waker came out. Hell, I'll probably buy a Switch when a good game comes out for it, Zelda just is never going to be that game.

Anyone can play this game if they want to. If I wanted to borrow my friend's Wii U and buy the game, I could. If I wanted to buy a Switch, I completely had the opportunity and it's going to come around again. The thing is I really, really don't fucking want to.

In a year when the Xbox Scorpio and Nintendo Switch were coming out, I, a guy who already owned a nice PC, used to own a Wii U and also owns a PS4, looked at all the options in front of me, and just traded in my PS4 for a PS4 Pro. And bought 6 PS4 games in the past few months alone. I couldn't be happier, I feel like I've been drowning in games. Horizon is the first good Zelda game I've ever played in my life, and I've every Zelda game. Plus there are some PC games I wanted to grab this year so I'm glad I upgraded my PC for that.

Some people, like myself, just don't fucking care about Zelda and always thought it sucked. I have no idea how grown men and women still have interest in this series, I got bored of Zelda when I was 12 and realized every game is an easy piece of shit made for kids.


Everything is optionnal in this game.

Ganon is ruinning Hyrule. Why should i care ? He doesn't send me an army of guardian to kill me, hell he doesn't even do anything to block my path.

The game doesn't even throw me a challenge to check my progression.
Making a mini challenge myself by killing monsters with funny physics is cool from time to time, but i want to play a Zelda game, not a "Create your own adventure" sandbox.

Shrines. Glorified heartpieces quest. No impact on story.

Dungeons. All the same, missing half of what made the dungeons cool in past games.

Bosses. Uninspired dodge and spam monsters. Even the final boss.

Music is weak, compared to the background of the serie.

Story. Everything already happened 100 years ago. Bad storytelling through flashbacks. And still way too simple, just hire some writers to make a really epic story come on.

At the very least the artstyle and the NPC in this game are cool. But if Nintendo want to make a sandbox, just do it with another IP.


>No one "can't play" Breath of the Wild.

don't worry, as cemu becomes more stable, many PCbros will play it and will realise how good it actually is, outnumbering the sony fanboys significantly.

If the hard mode actually upgraded the puzzles it would be amazing but I really doubt it, all of the changes will probably be for the combat, maybe some limitations to food consumption.

This was a reply to the statement "I truly pity everyone who likes video games but can't play this."

No one "can't play" Breath of the Wild. People simply choose not to play it because they need a better reason to buy a new console/game.

>No one "can't play" Breath of the Wild
There he goes being fucking stupid yet again.

The best zelda game is okami though.

If I wanted to play Breath of the Wild, I would have ordered a Switch or bought a Wii U copy of the game.

I can order a copy of the game on Amazon, right now. My best friend who bought a Switch could lend me his Wii U indefinitely, today.

I can play Breath of the Wild, and I choose not to. And anyone else who has seriously considered playing this game has those options.

People choose not to play it. My friend who bought a Switch day one understands this, why can't you?

>user that says the game is good
>"my experience was-"
>user that says the game is mediocre
>"well, by looking at the game-"

>you = everyone in the world
There he goes being fucking stupid yet again.

Second guy is a retard but from my personal experience the game was just okay. Nintendo clearly put a lot of work into the game but I got burned out on it. I think open world games don't really do it for me. I would have preferred more and deeper dungeons, not just the simplistic Divine Beasts and shrines.

Strangely enough, I got attacked for my opinion in another thread.

For me, it is a solid 8/10. It's not the best game ever, it's not even my GOTY. But it is what zelda desperately needed after Skyward Sword and a great game in itself.

+It feels fresh
+Full of good content
+Amazing mobility (it will be hard to go back after you are so used to climbing and the thing that makes you glide)
+Concept of the shrines is cool
+No tutorial, handholding bullshit
+Getting into the titans was cool

-Shrines too easy
-Dungeons are too small and not complex enough
-The whole theme of the game feels pretty vanilla. I would like to see something that feels more unique again, like the gloomy Majoras Mask or the disney like wind waker. It doesen't matter what direction, just something that feels less like plain zelda
-Rain annoyed me sometimes
-Some serious frame drops
-Main story feels very formulaic. Once you've done one dungeon you exactly know how the rest of the game plays out

I have high hopes for the next zelda. Many said they want something to BotW now that MM to OoT was, and I can only agree.

$300 is not a lot of money. Billions of people blow $3000 over the course of a month.

ANYONE, and I mean anyone, I mean a 5 year old boy in Africa dying of AIDS, can play Breath of the Wild. They just choose not to.

Why is economics so difficult for Nintenbros to understand? Your game isn't some messianic deliverance, it's just a video game and people actively choose, as with all video games, whether or not to play it.

I've played the game off of a friend's Switch for a few hours.

It's another Zelda.

If you love Zelda, you're gonna love this game.

If you're like me and every single Zelda game has been a boring piece of shit to you, it's another boring piece of shit.

Why is this so hard for you to understand?

At least you tried/10

>I have money therefore no one can't play game
Here he goes again and again and again.
>economics so difficult
>when you believe $300 is the same everywhere in the world
And again and again and again.