What game made you lose all faith in videogames?
What game made you lose all faith in videogames?
It wasn't one game, it was a bunch of games from that era during the 7th gen.
MGS4 is definitely one of them, but stuff like GTA4, The Force Unleashed, RE5, Dead Space 2, Ass Creed/Uncharted/BamHams success. All of that made me lose faith in modern gaming.
Red Dead Redemption was the straw that broke the camels back, and I quit modern gaming around that year and went almost exclusivly retro.
I forgot to mention but Mass Effect 2 was another big disappointment that caused me to lose faith in gaming. I didn't even bother playing ME3 or DA2. ME2 was bad enough, I knew the studio was dead and that EA was killing it, like they killed Pandemic and Battlefront 3.
Wildstar was the last nail the coffin for the mmos
>MGSV was the only game I was looking forward to
>Game was unfinished
>A lot of things said in interviews were not present
>Cut content was kept in
>Story wasn't even good
>Open world was empty
>Also first part was sold separately
>Game wasn't even that great
>Technology moments even felt unintentional
I'm wait for RDR to hopefully bring it back. Same with MGR2 if it ever comes.
>open world
This shit literally kills games.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.
I legitimately feel a phantom pain. I'll never be that hyped again for a game.
>red dead redemption made you lose faith
I think it really depends. If the open world is used as a narrative and atmospheric device to encourage exploration and discovery both of the open world itself as well as the game's mechanics and secrets and stories it can be really great
but if it's just a hub with all your objectives and potential sidequests mapped out for you and generic camps scattered throughout, then it serves literally no purpose other than wasting your time. MGSV should've featured open areas ala Ground Zeros.
>A lot of things said in interviews were not present
Like what?
Damn, RDR fags really get triggered when people criticize their overrated open world mess.
>damn RDR fags really get triggered
lol k
You okay there buddy?
I can't imagine how livid you must be now, try not to think about my posts, and maybe you will calm down enough to formulate an entire sentence.
I've been only barely interested in video games since I bought Bioshock Infinite. I don't even own a current generation console. I was a little nervous about getting Infinite with all the back and forth I heard about it but I put my trust in Adam Sessler and got it anyway. I finished it but the buyers remorse is so great it has pretty much killed my interest in video games.
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Although I was losing faith for the last ten years
The future is bright, but it's hard to see it if you own Nintendo consoles
>if you own Nintendo consoles
Not anymore, don't worry. I learned my lesson with the WiiU
MGS4 actually helped to restore my faith in third person shooters
Between "A REAL BIG BOSS, HUH?" from Meryl and the fact Otacon has Snake wear an eye patch people weren't very sensitive to Snake in MGS4.
How tone deaf do you have to be not to realize a guy might not want to be compared to his asshole warmongering pseudo-papa?
Final Fantasy XIII
That gameplay and such a cringey story could be produced broke me.
He doesn't really care, he even started using knives and CQC
I haven't lost faith in video games. Yet. I have lost pretty much lost all faith in the western market, though.
That being said Dark Souls 2 and Zero Time Dilemma were the most dissapointing games I've ever played.
Looking forward to Persona 5 right now.
Not necessarily games in general but my favorite genre.
Most of the mechanics are borrowed from better games and then implemented in such a way that they're not longer really interesting. The map design and game modes are straight out of Team Fortress 2 and they somehow managed to fuck it up worse than Valve. The whole thing screams cash grab and I'm convinced that this game was only made to take advantage of the new esports trend. The only thing this game has going for it is it's art style and the fact that they bothered to polish it before release. Outside of that it doesn't have an original bone in it's body. The next few years is going to be riddled with various FPS titles copying ideas and business models used in Overwatch and I fucking hate it.
>He doesn't really care
Maybe not, but it's still insensitive.
>he even started using knives and CQC
With a pretty dumb explanation. I recognize it's there because of gameplay reasons, but I think a more interesting explanation would have been simply that he never liked using it or that he simply didn't have a knack for it. The fact he didn't use it simply because Big Boss taught him is fairly contrived.
Still, the rest of that conversation between Snake and Otacon is pretty cool. One of the few interesting story moments in the game. It's a shame a lot of Big Bossfags didn't pick up on it.
This pretty much. Not very optimistic about the Western industry but good games are still coming out.
you could CQC in MGs1 though.... yes it was extremely basic punch, kick or choke but it was still CQC
diablo 3, mgs 5, kiddie gambling ones (hearthstone, tf2, cs:go
drakengard and its fanbase are honorable mention
Nothing has made me lose faith in videogames.
Everything that is mainstream has sure copied and pasted mechanics from better games. Now most games have a leveling mechanics, skills, perks, open world and many other RPG mechanics and put them in the game despite thinking if it really adds anything to it
It makes niche games stand out to me, there has been many games i've played that don't appeal to a wide audience that i enjoyed the shit out of and i still remember to this day
Its because of this sea of reptetitive dullness in modern vidya that the real gems stand out easier to me and i love it
Spore, I am still mad.
Its not one, like this guy said . Its a combo of EVERYTHING.
Buggy, unfinished games released like BF4, asscreed unity, sonic boom, etc. Shit that CLEARLY needed more time and was forced out the door.
Shitty port jobs, like RE4 PC, C&C consoles, lichdom battlemage, etc. Again, needed more att. than "oh hey, it booted. ship it"
Shitty devs, all with a fucking agenda and spending more time on that agenda than the fucking game. I dont even need examples for this as its almost every fucking release now a days. And yes, I know devs have always shoehorned their ideals into games. Oddworld is the best example. He took the idea of his dislike of megacorporations and environmentalism and made a FUN game about it. The theme was there, but it wasnt in your face 24/7 like current market and was even wove'd perfectly into the story/world/narrative.
Overhyping games/___ killer. While the latter has died down almost completely, I feel it falls into this category. Games like NMS, watch_dogs, and every single "wow/halo killer". whats worse is, this issue feeds into my last complaint, which is
The marketing is working and the publishers basically get to dictate whats a huge seller, leaving people who pissed them off (but put out amazing games) sorta screwed. People follow the marketing, which is why great games like titanfall 2 and TSW died early deaths that they clearly didnt deserve.
Its this entire fucking system that has me down.
That's not the CQC I'm (or the games) refer to, though. When Metal Gear talks about CQC it's specifically referring to the martial art developed by The Boss and Big Boss and the gameplay mechanics MGS3 introduces.
There's a codec conversation in MGS4 where Snake and Otacon talk about why Snake suddenly uses CQC when he never did before. The conversation also includes a knowing wink and dismissal of post-MGS3 Big Boss wankery.
Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3.
Both came out in 2012.
This one.
Coming to Sup Forums and seeing people unironically state falsehoods like Super Metroid > Zero Mission
Pretty much my opinion aswell
I'm only able to play games these days because it's one of the few things that make me not think about life.
This industry should have a collapse that would drive all this shit away from it, sadly it won't and we're forced to just watch is get worse.
I agree with most of your post my man but I am curious as to why RDR was the final straw. To me it's one of the better examples of "modern game", to me the open world meme is actually excusable in this one instance because it's rockstar and they actually know how to make it work
>replying twice
Damn that is butthurt alright.
I hope you get over it one day.
RDR had a lot of hype around release, bought it day 1 on my PS3, it was just unimaginable disappointment. I don't know why you defend Rockstar or the open world aspect when it's their worst open world yet. It's fucking empty and lacking on content. Most of the missions are boring as fuck to actually play, way to much traveling while listening to fucking dialog and not enough actual cool fun stuff. Same problem with GTA4. I fucking hated GTA4. I fucking hate nu rockstar. But I thought they'd get better and GTA4 was a one off miss for them, I'd loved every game Rockstar previously made. So despite the GTA4 disappointment I thought RDR would be a return to form. So it being fucking shit and just as bad as GTA4 cemented to me that Rockstar, one of my favorite studios was now shit. I mean I started playing GTA with GTA1 on the PS1. I wasn't some secondary who came to the series with 3 or VC. I'd been a long time fan of the studio and now they were making generic trash open worlds and putting the story (which was shit BTW) above gameplay and actual fun. San Andreas was their high water mark. The studio will never again reach levels even close to SA.
The fact that everyone praised it though, it's the same reason I listed ME2. It was a big disappointment like RDR. But then everyone praised it as if it was the greatest thing ever. I was disappointed in the gaming community as a whole, that gaming had gotten so bad that a mild effort pile of shit like that is suddenly noteworthy and getting praise. It was like the Bioshock situation but worse. At least Bioshock was passable and worthy of some of the praise it got. Games like GTA4, RDR and ME2 were disgusting piles of shit that disappointed me to no end, but the fan reaction to them was the most disgusting of all. It was a confirmation that casuals had taken over and now mediocrity was celebrated.
Adding on to this. I lost my faith in gaming with RDR because of the fan reaction as much as the game itself. I played it and I thought to myself, I am sad that Rockstar is now a dead studio that produces shit. But at least the gaming community wont stand for this fucking tripe. But how wrong I was. When I saw this shit getting praised not by just corrupt reviewers, but by nu gamers. I knew gaming was dead. If they could get away with games like RDR, what else could these lazy fuck publishers get away with? And I was right. Look where gaming is now. Developers watched, publishers watched Rockstar getting away with RDR. They saw that people would eat up shit like RDR purely because of a new setting and le open world meme. And they acted upon that new info, and now gaming is destroyed because you all praised something to the high heavens because of setting, story and le open world meme.
Fuck you, fuck you all. You killed the industry when you accepted shit like RDR and other games like it. Now this industry is dead, artistically dead. Everything is the same few fucking games over and over again with a new script and coat of paint to make you think it's new again.
Fuck RDR. Fuck Rockstar. Fuck their fanbase.
I leik rdr an ur dumb lol
mad: The Post
>>The marketing is working and the publishers basically get to dictate whats a huge seller, leaving people who pissed them off (but put out amazing games) sorta screwed. People follow the marketing, which is why great games like titanfall 2 and TSW died early deaths that they clearly didnt deserve.
Holy shit this. So much of what sells is dictated by marketing, but then they say they can't make X type of game because it wont sell because they wont/don't know how to market it. It's such a crazy feedback loop.
They just put minimal effort into a title, market it to hell and back and it pretty much success almost all of the time. Marketing is way to powerful in gaming both in the creation and greenlighting of games and in influencing what people buy.
>Fuck RDR. Fuck Rockstar. Fuck their fanbase.
absolutely correct.
Rockstar started with this "look mom, look at our stupid broken physics. look mom, look" shite last generation.
And they ruined basically everything with it (well there's also the lack of actual content and so on) including Max Payne 3.
>player character falls over
>have to watch stupid animation of falling
>have to watch another stupid animation for the character to get up
>finally get control again after multiple seconds
It's graphics over gameplay. It's shite.
RDR wasn't as BAD as IV, because there are no cars in it, so they didn't also implement their broken car contols in it as well. But yeah, it was shite too.
GTA III was open world, they changed that up to more and more scripted missions. And with IV we were already on the level of "turn on invinsibility for this car here, until this point because we want that it happens exactly like this".
I do not understand why so many retards bought GTA V after the mess that was IV.
>broken physics
And I mean just watch what Breath of the Wild is doing. You get "lol funnies rag dolls" too, but you get control almost immediately again. You don't fall over for multiple seconds and then have to watch another slow as fuck animation for the player character to get up. It's almost instant. That's how it should have been done.
I haven't lost faith in the industry quite yet, but the reception to the announcements regarding the remake of Final Fantasy VII was what made me lose faith on Sup Forums.
I can name one: the blacksite from Ground Zeroes. It was literally never addressed again after the game came out. They fucked up.
Open World is a common misconception. There is a metric called "landmarks" - meaning that every place should be unique not every activity.
Ubisoft can't get it right whereas New Vegas did it flawlessly.
Mass effect 2
Assassins creed 3
Pokemon ORAS
But nothing like MGSV TPP, i stopped playing for months because of how shitty it was, fuck you kojima, you are a hack
I regained my faith starting with my BLOODBORNE purchase a year ago. Breath of the wild continues to strengthen my faith in them again, but some games from 2011-2015 really made me sick of vidya for a while.
Not unsurprisingly, I'm becoming less and less receptive to discussions on Sup Forums. You literally cannot discuss a game without people coming in and starting arguments about why the game we're discussing is overrated trash and why x game and y console is so much better.
>Dead Space 2
You mean 3, right?
When they started costing more and having shorter lifespans.
>Focusing on graphics instead of gameplay
Wasn't MGSV crap solely because of konami?
I think people that truly believe that are delusional. That's not to say Konami isn't culpable in certain respects, though.
Hell no. A good part of it was Kojima being a hack as usual.
>Skull Face's incoherent plans
>Venom "Punished" Snake doing jack shit without Kaz or Ocelot's orders
>Russo-tier shocking swerve at the end
>"Revenge is futile" message makes the entire game pointless
Not one game like others have said, but TW3's entire release bullshit did it a bit. Several games I was looking forward to being unfinished or bad ports didn't help either. XCOM 2 being shit was also another thing though that's partially my fault for not fully understanding how much I disliked the reboot's gameplay before putting down $60 for 2.
2014 made me lose faith in modern games industry.
After 2014, I spent 2 years going exclusively through my backlog of retro games without touching any new releases. In those 2 years I missed there was only 1 or 2 games that I've wanted to play.
2017 is slowly restoring my faith though.
I've never really followed AAA games, but Loadout really soured indie/midcard gaming for me. I spent good money on the closed beta, then bad business and game design decisions killed it. Which is a shame, because it was a fun game. The only games I even bother supporting nowadays are niche games (mostly engineering games) that at least recognize they'll never be major-league.
>Russo-tier shocking swerve at the end
I don't think it's really all that shocking, and even if it was I think the game is sufficiently built around it to justify it. That said, it's not a graceful twist and it's not a graceful story.
>"Revenge is futile" message makes the entire game pointless
I don't see how.
I agree about the rest.
op pic is my related.
More and more female protagonists, when all I want to do is play my power fantasy male.
>wasting all the Konamibux in music licensing
That fucking faggot was the reason the game came out unfinished unfinished.
>double unfinished
Both parties were fucking idiots.
Star Fox Zero
It was so clunky, it looked decent graphics wise, music was alright, kinda disappointing its a reboot of 64, but what really set it off were the controls you couldn't change to your liking.
Its not cool at all to look at the gamepad to play a game you have your TV on for, it didn't feel like shooting from a cockpit it was just needlessly there. If maybe they thought about these gimmicky controls maybe it would've been an OK game. But all these factors combined make a tedious mess I'd never want to play again. Might as well keep Star Fox on limbo until you have ideas to make a fun, new game.
Why Dead Space 2? It was a pretty good sequel. DS3 I could understand.
>Red Dead Redemption was the straw that broke the camels back, and I quit modern gaming around that year and went almost exclusivly retro.
what other wild west cowboy open world shooters are there tho?
>I don't think it's really all that shocking, and even if it was I think the game is sufficiently built around it to justify it. That said, it's not a graceful twist and it's not a graceful story.
I admit I just wanted to make a Vince Russo joke, but it still seems like a cheap way to make
>I don't see how.
I suspect a lot of it is because it's the newest game but takes place in the middle of the series, so a lot of plot points can't be properly resolved because doing so would break canon. Skull Face isn't mentioned in later games, so he's just killed of by fucking Huey without even a boss fight. Huey has to survive until Otacon gets molested by his stepmother, so he can't just be executed like pretty much everyone in-game wanted. Eli/Liquid would have had a chapter/boss fight to himself, but it wasn't released in the final product, so the point is unresolved. So only two of the villains (Skull Face and the Man on Fire/Volgin) get any immediate comeuppance, and even then they're anticlimactic.
>but it still seems like a cheap way
But like I said, the entire game's story is built around it. It ties into the revenge themes, it ties into the game's themes on legacy and identity, it has a direct counterpart in the story with Skull Face's background, etc. I agree the game doesn't necessarily do it well. But the idea it's some tacked on shit or something isn't accurate at all.
>so he's just killed off by fucking Huey without even a boss fight.
Skull Face is a character defined by being a secret schemer, not a combatant. Obviously his duties as commander of XOF meant he could probably handle himself in a fight, but that wasn't the defining quality of his character at all. I don't know why people expected a boss fight with Lust Whoman anymore than Hot Coldman.
The fact he dies in an underwhelming, anticlimactic way is part of what the game does thematically. Carrying out vengeance frequently isn't very satisfying or fulfilling. Sure, they made their grand statement by shooting his limbs, but ultimately he dies like a miserable putz because that's what Skull Face is. Besides, the climax of the game is already fulfilled in sneaking into OKB Zero (even if it's not a wonderfully designed area, that's a different argument) and the fight against Sahelanthropus.
The same goes with Huey being let go. Venom isn't really consumed with revenge the way characters like Miller or Skull Face are. Miller himself realizes this and admits to it in a tape.
You're right about Eli's plot being left awkwardly hanging, though. Sometimes an open plot point is satisfying in its openness, but in the case of Eli it's not that interesting since we know he has to fail somehow. The game might as well have showed it happen.
Battlefield 3 forcing you to log into the single play campaign on a fucking Web browser.
EA Battlefront
>$120 for a game
>Worse DLC every time
>Company comes out and says unfinished game isn't worth it, won't add anything, moving onto next $120 game
>battlefield 3
>to play single player you have to open it through your Web browser
I've never bought another Battlefield game because of this
Breath of the wild, literally the most white people-oriented sexist cis game ever made
None. Handhelds really pulled their weight over the last decade or so which mitigated my increasing disillusionment with consoles, at least until this year anyways where consoles are suddenly getting games out the ass.