>dad boss
>uses mind attacks do induce feelings of worthlessness, disappointment and rejection
Dad boss
>mother boss
>constantly insults you no matter what accomplishments you have and constantly accusing you of doing negative things that you are not doing, but she is
>asks for help and then gets upset and furious when you try to help
>dad boss
>tells you to be yourself then bullies you and tries to have you sent to an insane asylum, then disowns you when you actually do it
this thread hits too close to home
past a certain point it doesn't really affect you
>fire boss
>you can't fire me i'm your boss
>uncle boss
>wants to run a bank making operation out of his banks
>manchild boss
>uses determinism to justify sitting in his room and whining instead of doing something to solve his problems
t. Manchild
>life boss
>aunt boss
>has massive tits and constantly wears low-cut shirts and expects something as arbitrary as natural selection to stop you from wanting to fuck her
how can someone be an atheist and still believe in free will?
i hope people don't think quantum uncertainty means free will
I'm NOT an atheist and I STILL don't believe in truely free will.
If anything is not truely random, then it's not free, is it? You are reacting to a previous action, using knowledge that you gained prior. You are calling on all of your previous actions, reactions and learnings to make a decision that you only made because of some other stimuli. If there is a "why" to anything, then you didn't TRUELY make that decision freely.
If you said "well, fuck you, I am going to do the opposite of what I should normally do in the next situation I come across, to prove you wrong" you would only be doing it because I went on this whole rant.
You are a mass of atoms that are bouncing off of one another in the exact pattern that would only have happened had the universe started in the exact way it did.
And if God decided to make us, then he didn't make us for no reason. There had to be SOME reason. And because of that reason, he didn't truely make a free decision either. So, God is just a mass of whatever God is made of doing God things, because he is a god.
You have the moveset mixed up. The mother boss cries bitterly in front of you and blames herself for raising you so poorly that you ended up as a freeloading NEET that's a burden on their parents at the age of 22.
>"""best""" friend boss
>WOW sorry i fucked her dude i didn't know you guys were THAT close jeez
>dad boss
>it's cut content
>"""best friend""" boss
>WOW you're a faggot? You know you'll never be a girl right?
Thanks bro, I've only known you like 14 years why should you try to understand
aw shucks that's awful, hope things are working out well for you
>dad boss
>he doesn't fight back
>just cries and hugs you
>hugs restore your hp
>he says, as he posts a picture of something he'll never be
Name 1(one) and only one(1) game
It's called tough love.
>mom boss
>dies automatically when you reach level 20
My life's looking up rn, I can get over an old friend :)
She* baka desu senpai
I cant imagine he'd be delusional enough to think he knows what's best for me desu senpai
>dad boss
>leaves halfway through the fight
What did I do wrong?
>Divorced dad boss
>Genuinely cares about you
>Can only be seen 28% of the entire time
>Mom boss tells you to avoid him
>Just wants hug
>Ex boss
>Enter the stage
>They're already fighting someone more handsome and experienced than you
>dad boss
>don't need to fight him because he left before i was born
>friend boss
>never spawns
I'm going to a bible study group this weekend because I've become so lonely. Hopefully I meet some people
>dad boss
No such thing. Is he in a secret area or something?
LISA the Joyful I think
You should look up Laplace's Demon and see why it was dis-proven.
At its smallest level free will is an application of quantum mechanics.
It can be fun, but some people always try to plug exactly what the comprehend. Just let them know everyone interprets the book differently and also the book has gone through so many iteration and translations you gotta be careful what you read because you never know. That part kinda sucks :/.
that hit me harder than it should have.
Yeah,. it's going to be interesting. I'm going with a cute girl that I know from uni (she has a boyfriend though). She invited me and it's the first time I've I guess "hung out" with someone outside of school in years. I hope I meet a girl or some friends I can do stuff with.
I'm catholic and the group is methodist though, I think. Oh well, almost the same.
>alt-right boss
>invades every other boss chamber and even when you win you lose xp
>I cant imagine he'd be delusional enough to think he knows what's best for me desu senpai
Gee, man, idk maybe he knows what's best for since it's your best friend and probably knows you better than your parents.
>family boss
>They ignore your wishes, don't respect your life decisions, conspire behind your back so that you end up doing exactly what they want and never listen to you when you tell them what you want to do in life because they immediately try to convince you to do exactly what they want to do.
>Dad boss
>Becomes less powerful than you after level 12
>Wastes all of its resources to the point where it has none left by level 18
>Has to clone your identity to have anything at all by age 20
Would be better if they didn't include him in the game at all
>what's best for you
I think I know what's best for me, and since my decisions have brought me out of a long suicidal depression I'd say I made a good choice
Nah, you're delusional. Kill yourself and make the world a better place
>dad boss
>there's no boss
And that costed you your best friend, he was your friend since childhood, I assume? You know you'll never get something like this in life, right? There's no such thing as having a "best friend" in adulthood, there's simply no time to develop a bond as strong as a childhood friendship.
Your individualism will lead you to suicidal depression again. Trust me, been there done that. If you're still young, rethink your attitudes, talk to your old friend again, try to make him understand and accept your situation. Listen to what he has to say. It's always better to know someone's opinion especially if that 'someone' is your best friend about certain things, because they're seeing it through another perspective.
You guys might've had a heated discussion before when he found out about your faggotry, but now both of you are calmer and ready to have an honest conversation about this. True friendship is something precious and unique, it's not something to be dismissed like trash whenever it's convinient. Good luck in your life, user.
>dad's boss
>fires him
>dad's boss
>Give him a raise or I'll fucking gut you
>No way fag
>dad boss
>uses a psychological attack
>"you winning son?"
Geez user you're not very good at bullying
If I can get him to talk to me I'd love to try to fix things, but it all depends if he's willing to listen desu and if I can get over liking him
very relatable
i guess people just turn into massive cunts after they fall for the pussy meme for the last time and realize they´ve been working 20+ years just to pay bills
whats gonna give you happyness when you realize you were memed into reproduction and slavery? calling everyone shit who isnt coz then you get to fall in the safe space thinking of having yourself as number 1, while in reality you´re just being pathetic, selfish little shit.
You didnt donate a million to africa or cure cancer, you bullied an underaged kid for years due to not being your exact mirror image. And when they are, you lose interest coz not even you like yourself in that age. You fucking faggot
>dad boss
>kills himself
Easy exp and therapy
>defeat dad boss
>"g...good job son...I'm proud of you..."
>girlfriend boss
>finds another person to battle while you're in the pause menu
cant blame him for laying out the truth
>mom boss
>timer kicks in
>ten minutes to beat her
>cant quit
>cant pause
>losing the fight closes the game
How did this turn into an RP thread?
>dad boss
>sends you texts telling you to pay your student loans so he doesnt get calls anymore
Cause I'm a huge attention whore
I bet you want to waste 4 years of your life """studying""" liberal arts.
>dad bod
>it's actually just fat
>Sup Forums boss
>browses an imageboard and never actually starts playing
>Dads boss
>Happy life because no women to be bitches to them
>Free money and healing when encountered
> tfw your son brings shame and dishonor to the family you created because he allowed bad ideas into his
One day you will wake up from your delusions and end your own life. I sincerely hope you didn't chop off your own genitals
>Boss Boss
>Loot he dropped doesn't even cover what you spent to gear up for his battle
>dad boss
>spent most of my playthrough in prison
>gets released around 21% game completion
>communicate with me through the codecbook
>"how much are you earning?"
>turn off codec
>throw it in the sea
>no encounter since
I hope it stops.
>attention who're
Like pottery
>Tfw your son wont commit seppuku for dishonoring your family so you have to kill him
> Mom and Dad combo boss
> The fight starts with you trying to express your discomfort and sadness
> Dad boss tries to offer half baked advice that only sounds sage, but doesn't help anything in the long run
> Mom boss cries sometimes but always makes it about herself. If you're crying, she'll remark that at least you still feel
God it fucking hurts, Sup Forums
>dad boss
>his level is a maze, and you can't find him no matter how hard you try
well why else would they feel the need to tell everyone they meet they cut off their penis?
>dad boss
>I won't let ya win this time son
>Mom boss cries sometimes but always makes it about herself
Fucking women.
>(((Financial))) boss
>continually takes money faster than you can replenish it
>but dad i never win!
>Exactly son. No one does.
Not yet, srs is super expensive, I doubt I'll be able to afford it for a long while, plenty of time to think about if it's right for me
I knoooow
senpai my goal is for no one to know
like many retards you don't seem to understand what free will is
your actions are the inevitable result of predetermined factors because you are the inevitable result of predetermined factors, just because a person can only ever be the sum of their genetics and experiences doesn't mean they don't make choices
"free will doesn't exist" is just an extension of "the devil made me do it", why blame yourself when you can blame a nebulous concept
you're using an uncommon definition of free will. most people really do see it as the magical ability to make choices because of some magical hidden essence in the universe that is unaffected by cause and effect.
fuck most people
>"free will doesn't exist" is just an extension of "the devil made me do it", why blame yourself when you can blame a nebulous concept
That's only if you extrapolate the idea of "there is no free will" to "I have no moral autonomy". I believe in a sort of pseudo-free will like how a computer can generate pseudo-random numbers from deterministic factors. It is REAL but it's close enough.
That's not what I'm talking about. It's more like, once I'm done with my master's degree, I want to work for a while, breathe a little, have a simple and working life for a couple of years, but they want me to keep studying, go for the PhD immediately after I finish my master's.
I told them several times that I'm feeling pretty stressed out, that if I continue this path without some kind of break, I feel like I'm going to break and end up hating what I'm doing, but they don't listen. They believe that I "don't know what I'm talking about" and that "I should listen to them."
You see, I don't live with them but they still want to control my life. Whenever I do something or take a decision that's against their wishes, they basically throw a fit and release an autistic screech, they stop talking to me and tell my brother and my grandmother to convince me that what I did is wrong.
I'm this close to cut ties with them because they don't respect me and refuse to treat me like an adult.
>Dad boss
>really hard at first but gets progressively easy has he gets further away from the Mom boss
>Dad boss
>Gives you useful pointers on how to play the game the whole time
>Praises you when you put his lessons into action, tells you he's proud of you when you figure out the deeper systems of the game on your own
>Is in your party for a while, but eventually pulls back and serves as a supporting character who is always able to offer some useful pointers if you get stuck or lighten the mood with a bit of comic relief
traps are gay
i feel bad for your dad
>or lighten the mood with a bit of comic relief
>all his jokes are terrible
>you have to chuckle anyway
>son boss
>wastes his time seeking pity online instead of reflecting on his mistakes and correct his course of action
>just because a person can only ever be the sum of their genetics and experiences doesn't mean they don't make choices
It does though?
Please explain, because that's literally what it means.
>cuck beta doesn't make a move in time
>gets assblasted when his friend fucks her instead
you should be happy for him since you were too much of a bitch ass niggaaaaaaaa to tear up the pussy yourself
Psh he has two other sons to be manly, I wanna be a cute girl
>son boss
>try to steer him away from being a faggot on the internet
>Game over
Gameover screen
>dad boss
>its already been killed before you can reach it
>he fell for the friend meme
>user boss
>gets all preachy