How come if a game gets a 7/10 it's considered shit, while if a movie gets a 7/10 it's considered pretty good?
How come if a game gets a 7/10 it's considered shit, while if a movie gets a 7/10 it's considered pretty good?
Children in school who have to get 70% or else they flunk the class. It's the bare minimum to pass.
that's because 7/10 movies are pretty rare these days
I don't watch many movies really, are they that bad nowadays?
film has total control over perspective, pace, visuals, and construction. It's a medium that's been around a lot longer and has been deconstructed to hell and back so film theory often governs the way in which criticism is given
video games are a new medium, and are a lot more open-ended by virtue of being interactive. More emphasis is placed on "is it at all playable/fun", with everything above a 7 being a qualifier of how fun, how playable, how good
game reviews are a joke
if you want to know if the game is any good pirate it to test it or watch no commentary gameplay
Some of my favorite games are 7/10's
people watch movies
autists play video games
Too many 8/9s spoiled the system.
What's the game with the blue dude on the left? I know it was made based on comics and I remember playing it, but forgot the name.
Is it rogue trooper?
Yeah, that's the one
Kids in my school back in the day had to get over 90% or they'd be classified legally retarded and get a lethal injection
Times have changed I see
What kind of school did you go to?
They're kike agenda driven, banal fucking cancer. They always were but the kike has gone into turbo mode this decade.
five star system is the only one that makes sense
It was called the School of Life, and it's the only school that matters rookie
Is this what your nigger friends in your neighborhood told you?
I'm no rookie!
You mean normies watch movies* you norm.
*Unless you're referring to anime movies then you are totally in the secret no-normies club.
Because video games only score on the 9.X-10 scale.
9.0 = absolute utter trash
9.1 = a horrible mess
9.2 = awful
9.3 = garbage
9.4 = underwhelming
9.5 = decent
9.6 = above average
9.7 = good
9.8 = great
9.9 = fantastic
10 = masterful
just like the games then
Easy Allies gave BotW a 4.5/5 and people started throwing a tantrum in their comment section.
edgy. GTFO newfag
No scoring system is the only thing that makes sense.
How is kissing "edgy"?
That would require people to read reviews
Because a movie will last 1hr 30 min average while you're stuck with a game for much longer.
The context of ratings. Most ratings for good games are in the 8-10 range. This pressures reviewers into giving good games scores similar to the ones other reviewers give it. If they don't follow this rule, they get backlash from the community. My stance on the matter is that the backlash is justified. You're ignoring the framework of the scoring system if you force your own onto the general gaming public. On top of that, a scoring system is not defined by inherent features (the score 7 has as little value by itself as 10), but by the perception of the community. If the community perceives 7 to be a bad rating, it is - unless you explicitly state what each number is supposed to represent. But in that case, your review shouldn't be accepted by Metacritic, because it aggregates scores. If you define your score differently from everyone else, it is useless for such a website. In essence, fuck you Jim Sterling.
Another questions is why this context exists. While that could certainly be attributed to reviewers being paid off in order to give exaggerated scores, I believe that it's to a large extent because most games are well-made. That includes the AAA games Sup Forums likes to critizise.
because movie critics are not retarded
just check game reviews and movie reviews and you'll see vidya critica are just totally retarded
checked ghost recon wildlands review from "hardcore gamer" or someone like this on metacritic, this guy didn't said ANYTHING about vehicle gameplay, but he wasted like 20% of his review talking about RADIO
Two main reasons
1) Game reviewers tend to be manchildren who literally cannot critique a game properly. Their overweening fanboyness forces them to squee like a tumblr girl when they play most things. Also they have little understanding of gaming history, and new good graphics blind them to a game's true faults.
2) The gaming audience also tends to be manchildren who scream bloody murder whenever a game they like doesn't get a good score instead of behaving like adults. It's not a coincidence that the ONLY movie fans who behave like this are fans of capeshit.
half stars is decimal system
Because video game media is dominated by hype culture whereas only a portion of cinema media (Capeshit, Summer Blockbusters etc.) are dominated by hype culture.
Honestly, if a game gets 7/10 then it's a sign it might be pretty unique/interesting. The most popular games always get high scores and they're the ones that feel like they've compromised their ideas for mass-appeal.
No More Heroes is a 7/10.
Because games journalism is a joke and its much easier to get away with paid reviews due to a lack of actual respect for the artform.
The movie industry has undergone fully the transition from enthusiast-driven to mass market.
7/10 for movie is still tends to be drivel, but the mass market likes drivel. And the enthusiasts have just learned to stop caring, the medium is no longer about them. Just some carved niche.
liar, that nervous glance, that scared look in your eyes. their rokkie's eyes