ITT we predict how badly Mass Effect: Andromeda will crash and burn

ITT we predict how badly Mass Effect: Andromeda will crash and burn.

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Negative buzz is powerful. It'll have the dedicated ME fans who'll buy and play regardless, but they'll overall have less sales than before. Real shame too.


From this, the scope & scale of the game, voice-work, and visual design (barring character design) give a good first impression. But the gameplay looks disappointingly mediocre, the animations are stiff and wonky and the writing plus dialogue wheel leaves a lot to be desired. Not to mention high potential of SJW-ing throughout.

it's going to be the last game Bioware ever makes

OP, if you feel like a failure it would be more constructive to go to the gym, learn an instrument, or teach yourself some marketable skills than shit on AAA video games to feel better about yourself.

It will be 100% garbage, receive 8/10's or higher and sell well enough for 2 sequels.

>This might actually be the second time Sup Forums was right

T. Asspained Biodrone trying to detract attention away from how bad Andromeda looks.

It will inexplicably sell very well like Horizon

This is the first time I've seen reddit normies complain about the shitty animation and retard faces.

I have a feeling this is going to be a lesson to Bioware that pandering to vocal minority groups doesn't fucking work.

Pandering to commies never works.

Naturally as casuals will fall prey to AAA marketing.

>Avengers wont be popular
>Overwatch is shit it wont be popular
>DAI is shit it wont be popular
>Andromeda is shit it wont be popular lol
Cant wait for the DLC to arrive so i can buy them and laugh at chan cucks who are mad their shitty games are never coming back while my cool progressive games will keep coming because they profit :3

>in kotor you are revan, they call you revan -ok
>in ME123 you are commanding serious millitary forces, they call you commander - ok
>In ME Andromeda you are the commander of big forces and you conduct an operation to find new home, they call you the PATHFINDER all the FUCKING TIME

what did they mean by this?

Why would we be mad that you're buying this? Go ahead. It's your money.

ME3 was shit - It sold well
DA2 was shit - it sold well
DA:I was shit - it also sold well.

If you think it will be different for ME:A then you are wrong.

Sounds like a messianic title.

I pay for good DLC

I could see this potentially being the tipping point together with Breath of the Wild. The Ubisoft collectathon open-world cinematic experience meme might finally die now. BotW was so incredibly fresh that this will probably feel like complete garbage to anybody who compares them.

It will be a massive success.

>Gene therapy
>Is stasis

Because most channers are brain dead hivemind weaklings who follow what Sup Forums and Sup Forums tells them is right and cool to hate since they lack critical thinking skills. So that triggers them :3



Can someone post me the female preset faces?

I can't fucking find it and I need to save it.

>>DAI is shit it wont be popular

DAI was popular? Everyone forgot about it after like a month or so.

i wonder how the paki who hates white will react. will he blame the failure on whites or will he be fired.

>we'll just throw in techno words together and it'll all work out right in the end like in star trek

I sure am furious user, but do you know what'd REALLY make those Sup Forumstards furious? Pre-ordering Skyrim for your Nintendo Switch! Climb mountains on the go!

Which eurocuck country?
Or you're a larping faggot looking for (you)


>even Walker thinks it's shit

It's like in some bizarre uniververse, Phillips got to keep making bad, ugly zelda games. These would be the zora.


Nah they are told to hate bioware because it is also progressive and anti Sup Forumstard.

That triggers certain white trash kind of people hard.

Anyone has the context of this convo? This gay cat better not be a bigot, i want to romance him D:

Europe, i am european, not a nationalist cuck like you to give a shit about countries



>I am European
>not a nationalist

The EU is a nation. They want you to become loyal to the EU.
Are you fucking retarded lad?

Wonder if that's his actual name


>EU is a nation
>Ameridumb education
No wonder you retarded voted for a corrupt fat orange liar

its gonna be shit

Relax Sup Forums, we are on your side.
It want's to be an empire actually.

Sup Forums likes overwatch
DAI wasn't popular. Sup Forums didn't even bother to shit on it to an epic scale like TOR or DA2.

You're trying too hard.


Also why are they sticking so closely to bi- pedal aliens?

Some of the other games have interesting alien designs.

It gets boring seeing two arms two legs and a distinctive face on almost every alien.

Rather ironic for a company so obsessed with diversity.

>xe thinks I'm a filthy burger.
I'm a fucking eurocuck just like you.

How blind do you have to be not to recognise that the EU is slowly turning into a single Europe wide nation state?


They had the big things in the citadel in the first game, but they never really did much. And they have the jellyfish and the giant slow guys. They don't use them much because talent has been draining out of Bioware hard since the first game but the universe has the potential.


I don't think bio ware is as interested in making a good product as they are making a safe one with some progressive thrown in.

>tfw too smart for game design

after buying me3 I decided I'm not going to buy anything from ea until I have pirated a good game from them,,
so it's going to take a while

Pics looks like Amy Schhumer

The EU is a confederation, not a nation you colonial retard.

>a single Europe wide nation state?
We got a long way till that happens, hopefully based Guy will help the process go faster

8/10 You had me going for a bit.

Let's all shitpost /r/masseffect when the 5/10s come out.

You mean GOTY ;^)

There won't be such a thing. Normies are gonna love this shit.

From what I've seen what the options are for the character creator it seems it will be literally impossible to make good looking women in this game.

Honestly even their unstoppable hype train is kinda slowing down with the first "negative" reviews are trickling in

People are actually hyped for this game?

>they think the EU isn't already a state in and of itself
>has enforced (in theory) border
>has taxation rights
>has a legislative body
>has an executive branch
>has a judicial system
>has a head of state
>has foreign policy
>has trade policy
>has a civil service
>has a law enforcement body
>soon to have a military
>has a diplomatic service
>has seats at the WTO and UN
By what measure is the EU not a state

Being way too generous, the only 5 that'll happen is this one.

How many times did I saw this same image in a week now?

Dude there are posts like daily with hundreds of upvotes on that subreddit that are just complaining how people are cynical for no reason and how it hurts their feelings because they are so hyped

How about you got there and stay there, redditor?

>A week
Funny how you say it is a week even though i took it 3 days ago

But you have to make yourself believe that there is no hype, the game isnt popular and anyone who posts about being hyped is a shill am i right ;^)?

No, the point is if you're hyped you're a retard.

It's going to get 7/10's, people will consider it a slight dissapointment, it's going to become the fastest selling Mass Effect and it'll top at a bit higher than ME3.
Don't be delusional about this matter, if a literally-what game with no hype whatsoever and only negative buzz like Ghost Recon Wildlands can become a bigger launch than Zelda or Resident Evil 7, this one has very little chances of not making bank.

To be fair they had to choose between a corrupt lying orange and a corrupt lying cunt.

How blind do you have to be to not see that the EU and NATO will collapse in less than a decade?

Only one of the acting like a 3rd world pandering to low iq, nationalism and religion, something that most politicians do but he went full speed 3rd world with it unlike the cunt.

Now you are trying really hard for some reason.

Pathfinder is their title, like Commander or My Lord. They also call him/her Ryder, or Scott/Sara if you don't change the default name

Just like how Andromeda wont be popular am i right ;^))))))))))))

Andromeda will be popular, it's a Mass Effect game, it's going to be a massive success.
Just like the EU and NATO will collapse since they have no purpose.

You mean the cunt didn't went full retard with her main supporters like the orange? Come on man.

>Just like the EU and NATO will collapse since they have no purpose.
newfag who has no idea why they were created.
Kys Sup Forumstard, you dont even realize you are being manipulated but of course you lack the intellect, you work in herds of sheep.

She didnt, she just added some random pro lgbt stances and tried to look progressive and made some really shitty slogans.

She didnt drop to 3rd world tier manipulation and pandering.

If you are talking about Trump, I do know that he's an Israeli puppet and I have zero trust for him.
Then again, we are talking about the US government, anyone who trusts american politicians is completely delusional.
But yes, the EU and NATO will collapse.
They have no purpose anymore.

It won game of the year. Like everyone's game of the year. If you only use Sup Forums for your gaming news than you missed it. That game was very successful.

>everyone cured the genophage
>no one met Wrex

Was he automatically dead if you started with 3?


crash and burn might be a bit much, i'm expecting more of a Mankind Divided/Mirrors Edge Catalyst 'oh, that thing came out?' in a few months


It will be fine

Didn't this same guy say that Witcher 3 was bad? When it's an actual master piece?

The issue is that most people didnt play the shitty me1 so wrex was dead since 2

>tfw had wrex and the female
>Sabotaged the cure because i much rather have salarians support me than derp bullet sponges

You've fallen for the supranationalism meme lad
Why they were created is irrelevant, they've both outgrown their bounds and fundamentally changed. Neither exists now for the same purpose they were created for and neither is necessary (or arguable even beneficial) in the current political climate.

>I want division, nationalism and war because companies profit form it
Good goy

Prints money too. Does't have it's nation, yet.

>Dumb fuck thinks it's still 1966

Cold wars over fuckboy. The only thing left to do is kebab removal

People will still buy it and they know it. They don't give a fuck.

Metacritic score of at least 85
1+ million copies sold in first week

>also a racist
Really makes you think

What is there to fight for exactly? WW2 only happened because of what happened post WW1.

Also, are citadel councillors for or against vorcha immigration?