When is pirating games excusable?

When is pirating games excusable?

game devs are fucking faggots who should eat shit

When is stealing games excusable?

Artists should be paid for their work.

never learn, retard.

Entitled baby.

Only do it when you are extremely poor.

I've never needed excusing, I just pirated whatever.
Has this turd of an industry fucking died yet?

or when you don't give a fuck

>Dev refuses to release demo
>Dev is EA, Ubisoft, Bioware, Bethesda, etc
>Dev is charging $60 for a 5-hour indie game
There's probably other situations but that's all I can think of at the moment

when the devs lose their right to earn money from their work
when the game becomes unsuported or it's impossible to buy it legally
when the devs/publisher go full jew

When your morals allow you to.

I completely agree. Developers, like all coders, are self-absorbed, cringe-worthy, autistics fucks.
Unlike serious coders though, they are completely inept.
They are the scum of the Earth, they should be shot in the streets, even if it means no games.
I hate nothing more than developers.
Beta, nu-male, SJW garabge human wastes, all of them.

Pirating VTM:B is more morally right than buying it

Games with season passes/paid dlc
I download them because I know the game wasnt sold in his entirety so that they can get more out of it.
Completed games with no further content those are the only ones I buy

every time i try to download gtaV i get about a minute in and i get throttled
any other game and i dont have problems

>When is pirating games excusable?
Never at least on Steam thanks to the refund option


Any time.

There are a gorillion better things you can use your money for than throwing $60 at something as trivial as video games.

When dev is massive faggot charging full price for 5h game, censoring shit in your region, or EA, Ubishit, Bamco, Crapcom, Bethesda, also when game is unpolished piece of turd comparing to what devs promised in the first place

FINALLY someone gets it in these damn piracy threads.

It's not about being financially well off to pay $60 x N per game, it's about what I'd rather do with it instead.

>use that video game money to invest in something
>use that video game money to improve your wardrobe
>use that video game money to learn a new tradr, language, skill, etc
>leave that video game money in your bank in case of a rainy day (illnesses, etc)

Thanks bruv

when all the DLC cost you around 100$