>Unironically using W10 on a gaming PC
Unironically using W10 on a gaming PC
what am i meant to use
>Unironically thinking W7/W8(.1) is any better after all the updates
You better not have updated your OS, user.
win 7
>Not using Windows 7 SP1.
Using Windows 10 since before it had an official release and i never had a single problem
But you can't play Forza Horizon 3 on that.
and nothing of value was lost
mac os 9.2
I hear Enterprise edition is fine.
unironically using windows 7 because you think it doesnt spy on you
hahaa oh naive little child
Only if you have shit taste.
how the fuck else am I supposed to get dx12?
Windows 10 has better performance than Windows 7.
>pic related
Hey guys Sup Forums taught me to use windows 98 because its super save. and i play minesweeper everyday because that all that runs on it
can someone help me with getting overwatch to run :)
Why are you so triggered by that? Is it so hard to accept that you might be shit at using a PC competently?
Botnet placebos aside, 10 simply performs the best, even on shitty old PCs.
I understand why you might get triggered by that, I also get triggered when a game has a problem and i see people saying that it just works.
But I also believe windows being so bad is an exaggerated meme.
Don't use it if you think it's ugly or if you are big into PC software.
If you use your PC primarily to play vidya/shitpost on the internet/watch animu you're fucking fine.
If someone wants to spy on you, they will. If they can't, you probably live in a shitty third world hellhole like brazil or detroit or northern ireland.
It's fucking fine. Unless you know your shit about software or give a fuck about the aesthetics change it's all blown way out of proportion.
>updating windows
Except all the games where it brutally rapes the performance and the compatibiliy mode does nothing.
What do you need dx12 for anyway? That will be an issue in maybe 5 years but if you have to use win10 use win10 LTSB
I installed it when it was first released for free download and immediately turned off all updates and features that we're intrusive. Haven't had an issue with it since.
ain't nobody knows what the fuck any of this means
install gentoo
One of the best games of this generation
>believing in random posts on the internet
>believing in Sup Forums of all places
I've had to hide the last few major updates because they lead to a never ending loop of failed installs. Trash OS.
How'd you run games that need direct x12?
you really think microsoft knows what theyre doing?
>Except all the games where it brutally rapes the performance and the compatibiliy mode does nothing.
Name some. I've played plenty of games and all of them run better on Win10, and compatibility mode works fine.
Do you really think that's a good reason to believe in anything posted on Sup Forums just because it fellates your dislike for a company?
Learn how to use the command line instead of being a GUIbaby
>hurr muh idiocracy
They fixed everything wrong with metro on desktop in 10
except the ads
Windows 8 made perfect sense. They were expecting people to be moving towards tables and hybrids. What actually happened was that hybrids fizzled out and everyone hate 8 on a regular PC.
>spending thousands on a gaming pc only to play emulators and Indie games
windows is designed around the GUI and that isn't really a bad thing
You can disable most of them. The only ones you can't disable are around online content that would be surrounded with ads if you viewed it in a browser
>settling with console performance on multiplats
What? I've been using Win10 for ages and I haven't had an "ads".
Am I missing something?
Then it doesn't make sense you retard. Following market trends like that just gets you hurt especially for a multi-billion dollar company like ms you retard.
any "ads"*
I'm fully convinced that most people defending Windows 10 are tech plebs who are too dumb to install another OS.
>make tablet oriented OS for gimmick hardware features
>preestablished userbase using monitors and keyboard/mice
>government facilities and schools still run XP
>dont even have computers with hardware to run the latest OS
>windows 8 makes sense
I've had WinXP/Vista/7 and Linux. I prefer Win10, thank you.
>Get called a retard in two sentences
Nice argument faggot.
> Following market trends like that just gets you hurt especially for a multi-billion dollar company like ms you retard.
>Companies shouldn't respond to markets
Holy shit, and you call other people retarded. They thought the PC market was going in a particular direction, for a while it looked like it was going in that particular direction. MS responded to that, as it should do, if it didn't it risked loosing market share to companies that did respond.
Bwahahahaha. This guy uses dx12.
How can so many people just ignore the blatant and obvious spyware that is W10? Do you just not care about everything you type, every email you read, every file you download being collected and compiled to be sold off or stolen by some other malicious entity? It's not about having things to hide.
8.1 with classic shell is literally a better 7.
>Buh buh that's third party software!
And on 7 you need third party software to mount .iso :^)
Dawn of war 2 for starters
>responding to short-term trends with long-term corrections
lmaoing at your business life right now
Let me guess, you're running windows 7 and think that doesn't happen there. It doesn't matter what OS you're using with Microsoft, they're already sending and receiving data from you. I don't like it but there is absolutely nothing you and I can do about it. I only upgraded because MS will pull support in favor of 10 sooner or later, and I wanted to try 10 out. It's not that bad if you disable all the shit that comes enabled when you install it, but I'm not saying it's faultless. There's just no good reasons to stay on 7 and no good reasons to upgrade, it's completely preferential.
it's not as bad as you think it is
>spending thousands on a gaming pc only to play emulators on 14 fps while laughing at peasants who play at 30 fps
It's not hard to prove, just put a host in the middle and run wireshark.
I've blocked all the telemetry updates off W7.
>blocking telemetry
Yeah no, it's not the only thing attributing to data theft.
No, I only use Windows in a VM with no access to the internet. That being said, it appears that W7 did not spy nearly as much as W10 does.
It is that bad. The options to disable the spyware actually do not do anything.
>7 and 8 may have spied on us
>10 blatantly, officially spies on us far more than ever before
"That means you should upgrade because of reasons"
>try linux
>install their nvidia drivers
>microstutter even in bloody TF2
gg freetards.
>doesn't spy nearly as much
That still doesn't make Windows 7 a better alternative.
They actually do something. But even the lowest option only available on enterprise and education does send "essential security stuffs :)"
If you have to use Windows outside of a VM you should use the version that allows you to do what you want with the least amount of privacy invasions.
If you have to use Windows inside of a VM you should use the version that is least likely to contain unknown exploits to break out of said VM.
Windows 10 is not a choice for either of these scenarios.
Back to your containment boards
How can so many people just ignore the blatant and obvious spyware that is iOS/Android? Do you just not care about everything you type, every email you read, every file you download being collected and compiled to be sold off or stolen by some other malicious entity? It's not about having things to hide.
I don't own a cellphone.
It's not the nicotine that kills! It's the smoooooke! The smooooooke
>Get Windows
>MS spies on me
>Get a Mac
>Apple spies on me
>Get linux
>Amazon spies on me
Is there anywhere left to hide?
How do you ironically use an operating system?
>using linux
>you can't even play most Windows only games (which is a lot) and wine has trouble getting some to play at all
>installing some shit also requires learning how command prompts works
Why do you linux users torture yourself like this?
I started lagging intermittentlty in online games a month or so ago. I'm pretty sure it's because of some windows update because I didn't change anything myself.
hope you didn't install any updates past SP1 then
bull fucking shit
I had to download one of those sketchy .bat files to get my laptop to cool down. within the first day it was using 99 percent disk usage, found out it was because of windows defender/telemetry
low and behold, after shutting that shit down the machine now works fine
fuck microsoft they have NOGAMES and now they've forgotten how to make a proper OS without having agent poo in loo spy on us and feed info to the NSA
It's substandard for games, but perfectly fine for pretty much anything else. And it's legit free with no privacy issues.
As for command lines, an average user can do just fine with software repositories. If you actually NEED a command line, you're probably tech savvy enough for it to not be a problem.
>OP unironically being a faggot
Basic telemetry is used to send a hardware profile to Windows Update so it knows what updates to push and, I think, some limited crash dumps that are non-identifiable.
There is nothing wrong with being suspicious as to what MS is getting, but there is no concrete proof of anything either, and many suggestions that MS actually does mind the privacy of it's consumers to the point of fighting govt access in court
Sounds like a shit Laptop
Hell youre using a laptop, you don't know shit about computers
what is this meme? been using windows 10 since last year with zero problems.
>W10 has exclusives.
that would be the case if my shittop kept using 99 percent disk usage after but it isn't and hasn't ever since I disabled defender.
you can google it if you don't believe me, plenty of people had the same problem and thought it was gonna kill their harddrive
The people who didn't upgrade fell for the meme. After 2020 they won't get security updates and they'll be vulnerable to being part of an actual botnet
>inb4 "power user" who doesn't update his OS and software because security is a meme and simply "don't be retarded" is all you need
>you don't know shit if you have a laptop xD
kid ive been around computers while you were still in your daddys ballsack, kill yourself
it's a fucking racing game who gives a shit lmao
The amount of actual blatant shillery that was going on during the free upgrade period was more than enough to convince me I don't want it.
Got em.
shit game, fuck off racecar shills.
>or northern ireland
Well fuck you too lad
I use dual boot. W10 With Linux Mint. W10 is only used for vidya.
I use win10 to wipe my asshole
Nah, you buy computers. Been doing since I've been inside your mom
What's so good about Gentoo?
Pick your poison Sup Forums
Windows 7 = Supports up to DX11.1 (modified for it) but is the slowest option
Windows 8.1 = Supports up to DX11.3, runs games better than 7 but you'll have to get used to the tablet layout
Windows 10 = Supports DX12, can play newer games that are exclusive to DX12 but have to worry about spyware and broken compatibility with some games
Linux = Not really all that good for gaming but good for everything else and free if you don't want to pirate Windows yet can't afford buying a license key either, might take some getting used to if you've been on Windows computers most of the time
Macs = lol
Smartphones/Tablets = Can accomplish most things PCs are capable of doing nowadays but are a horrible gaming platform. Newer models may be good enough to emulate 6th gen consoles
Yeah, let me go ahead and run Windows 10 on my Kaby L- oh yeah, that's right.
Yeah, let me go ahead and play my favorite games on my Linu- oh yeah, that's right.
No. (((they))) have their claws in everything, and the only way it's going to change is if people demand it.
>they won't