If I want to play the good guys in Warhammer Dawn of War, what faction is the best? Is the Eldar a good choice?

If I want to play the good guys in Warhammer Dawn of War, what faction is the best? Is the Eldar a good choice?

> Good guys
> Warhammer 40k

My sides! They are beyond the sight of the Astronomican!

If anything - Tau - they were brought in for this purpose, but a lot of theirgoodness was later retconned when GW realized that good factions do not belong in the grim darkness of the far future.

> Tau, literal communists weebs, with a shit-tier rigid caste society and full societal brainwashing.
> "good"

Yeah, sure

Orks, their society is perfect and their mindset is incapable of painting them as the bad guys.

There are no real good guys in 40k.

There is no good guys in 40k.

Eldar are racists who consider even humans barely more than smart animals, and who fear death more than anything. They would kill a billion humans to save a couple of Eldar.

Dark Eldar are even worse - they steal stars and torture/rape for fun.

The Imperium of Man (Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle etc) are a bunch of fascist, genocidal, religious fanatics who want to kill all aliens and purge/murder any humans who disagree with them.

Tau are a society of brainwashed space-commies who want the greater good for all which basically means "join us or die". They don't want to kill you, but are happy to brainwash you or render your whole species infertile.

Tyranids want to eat all life.

Orks want to kill / fight everyone.

Chaos (Chaos Space Marines, Daemons) want to destroy the universe.

The Necrons want to kill everyone and reclaim their lost Empire.

See Every other faction kills, rapes, slaughters,and enslaves other factions because they hate them.

Orks do all but one of those things just because they;re fucking orks, and they can't even do that particular other thing. Because they're Orks.

Literally not a single evil thing about Necrons

They're just a bro tier ancient civilization who want their lawn back

Tau are kinda good in a way, their society accepts other races into its fold openly but the entire ethereal caste is shady and the Greater Good is more like a communist subversion type thing

They could be considered good if you didn't mind eventually dying in their service, I don't think outsiders can live as citizens until some sort of military duty

Orks are also pretty good, they just want to fight until they die and then get reborn and die again plus the WAAAAGH making things work that otherwise should not see Ork Dakkajet/Koptas

nobody is really good though, not compared to what we live in, these are the two that have the most tame society though, lots of wh40k is about the fighting but what i can gather is Tau/Ork are the best society to be accepted into

Nids are qt little space bug and are very pure and highly lovable though, see pic they are very qt

Isn't the Emperor of Mankind a good guy?

>they are very qt

>fucked the entire universe up by being too autistic to be a dad

The Eldar aren't imperialistic like every other race, they just want to be left alone.

And only one guy can save us from this grim dark future.

They can't even be corrupted by chaos. Any or that's been infested by a demon has caused the demon to go insane from frustration.

You can kill that boss, you're stronger, I'll help, you'll be the one in charge.

But 'es bigga den me.

Repeat ad nauseum

Maybe. But it doesn't really matter since he's either dead or basically a vegetable on life support being used as a space beacon.

Sort of. He's mostly good because

>Didn't outright hate xenos, was just wary of them after they fucked over humanity a good bit
>Just wanted to put an end to Chaos (Which technically isn't the best idea)

However, he could be considered bad because
>Fucking TERRIBLE father to the Primarchs
>Didn't tell anyone about his plans because he was paranoid as fuck
>Wants to fully kill Chaos, which would turn most all sentient life (Humanity at the very least) into emotionless stagnating machines, but he doesn't really know that

All in all, he's kind of Lawful Stupid.

Friendly reminder that a single fucking one of psychically devoured a full fucking Craftworld. And people say the Tau are the punching bags.

>who want to kill all aliens and purge/murder any humans who disagree with them.
can you really blame them though? When the only potential allies are backstabbing, conniving traitors and the corruption of chaos is literally almost everywhere you kind of have to be fascist zealots just to survive
A "fair, democratic" society probably would have been consumed already

Not really.

The Emperor basically Hitler.

Except imagine Hitler is a total badass and a military/scientific/political genius, and every other country wants to kill Germany.

But ultimately he still fucks up.

>(Which technically isn't the best idea)

Having no access to the warp doesn't make you emotionless or stagnating.

Humans built their greatest civilization before the widespread appearance of psykers.

Tau are barely psychic at all, and are highly intelligent, have emotions and have developed very quickly.

Psychic nulls/blanks still have emotions and intelligence.

Necrontyr were still highly intelligent and advanced despite not having psykers.

>want to get into WH40k
>starter set costs $150
>paint costs $60
>space marines paint set for three pieces of plastic costs $50
>higher end stuff cost $300+

How do you autists afford this shit

back when I was 12 I used my mom's CC

By Chinese knockoffs in bulk alternative by second hand, lots of people i know from the local tabletop group does it. Fuck GW and their prices.