Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/ ?
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/ ?
Other urls found in this thread:
>linking directly to polygon
kys newfag
>loses subscribers
Can I get a source on that?
pol gtfo
this is not v related
>stick to games, maybe
yeah like all those game journalists like to do
why is a nig going to be the lead in the new matrix movie
>random guy has opinions
>I don't like those opinions, so I'll write an article designed to make him look bad in hopes of ruining his reputation
Alrighty then.
he lost about 8000 but we are not sure how many he gained comparative to that.
Also lol at any comments defending him getting deleted. posted something and 2 minutes later it was gone.
I don't know what that means. Show me evidence of him losing subscribers.
Or is this a repeat of the Pewdiepie incident where ((((((they))))) claimed his channel had been hurt, when in reality he'd gained 300,000 subscribers in like six hours?
Only if you're a white supremacist.
I get enough of those bastards in real life here in the Pacific Northwest. I don't need to see them online too.
I subscribe with two accounts and make him two more money.
>stick to games maybe
You first polygon.
Funny how they forget the part where he cites and includes facts and statistics from credible sources. Literal nazi for doing that, amiright?
But he is literally gaining more subscribers
I'm sure the other 3 million subscribers will leave any second now
>half-iranian half-hungerian
>anti-immigrant views
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh wow.
He should go back to his own country.
Since all this come out he loses like 9,000 subs.
He's now at 3.117.924
I THINK he's fine.
Jesus fucking christ.
Just leave the poor fucking man alone, he was already selling his soul to disney and fading into obscurity.
literally didn't happen once in the debate
>That "debate" against destiny
No, he's actually a genuine retard I think
>gained followers
like clockwork
Sup Forums is anti nazis and anti racists, there's a reason why every thread about this loser is being deleted now. He doesn't belong on Sup Forums and won't be discussed due to his inherent white supremacist ways.
welcome to modern media, just look at colin from kinda funny. I saw someone this morning saying that it's good he got shitcanned because he was a white male.
also doesn't help he just put out a video saying that he's going to be putting out less videos
>people think he's completely anti-immigration
>when he's actually just for tightening immigration regulations
>E-CELEB cancer and Sup Forums crossboarding
Straight of the boat from r/Sup Forums, eh?
ecelebs belong in Sup Forums
>jon "hungarian one man holocaust" jafari
>jon "pop pop make niggers drop" jafari
>Jon "We're going on a ghetto safari" Jafari
>Jon "Glass 'em, gas 'em, put 'em in a stew" Jafari
>Jon "If it has a menora its time for a shoa" Jafari
>Jon "Don't Unpack, You're Going Back" Jafari.
>Jon "The Iranian barbarian" Jafari
>Jon "Empty my 9 into the welfare line" Jafari
>Jon "Aryan vs Creditor" Jafari
>Jon "If you aren't white, get out of my sight" Jafari
>Jon "human safari" Aryan Jafari
>Jon "Nigger Safari" Jafari
>Jon "shooting niggers like its Atari" Jafari
he lost like less then 1% of his subscripers
dude is has 3 million plus
it´s just another case of sjws overreaction
He lost like a week's worth of subscribers, he'll just bounce back in a few days. Who cares?
isnt this guy a fucking sand nigger tho? he's not even white, how the fuck can he promote white supremacy
fuckoff everyone for himself in this board
>link to polygon
>youtube celebs
>Sup Forums shit
Holy fuck all this fucking cancer in one post. Fuck off.
>implying Sup Forums isnt a Sup Forums level shitposting board where eceleb threads belong
Jon "I love white niggers" Safari
so basically he got rid of the 0.3% of his subs that are sjw trash
The problem with Jontron is that, when he has to argue his opinions, he acts like a kid learning about politics from his dad that just parrots whatever they say without coming to his own conclusions, not his actual opinions themselves.
jews ruined games
>be a retarded bigot
>lose subscribers
Boy, nobody could see that coming.
>Jon "shooting niggers like its Atari" Jafari
top kek
That means anti immigration in America. Policies are the works of facism here.
>>people think he's completely anti-immigration
>>when he's actually just for tightening immigration regulations
well thats more reasonable albeit i dont think the immigration problems are that bad, either way there are some view of him that are just silli}y such as "white becoming minorities"
thats not how demographics works, population growth isnt a linear function
Why is the alt-right so feminine?
>loses subscribers
Fake news. Sad.
But he's Iranian.
Sup Forums is a socialist board that believe sin the dream of technological luxury fully automated space communism
get out nazifag white nationalists ancaps
And in the 12th century there's some guy who wrote a whole book to shit post about another philosopher.
We really haven't changed much.
Wow amazing website, no crap there.
Which one was Operation Payback again?
at any rate everyone is entitled to his own opinion, at best you can expect lives gives him the chance to see things from a different perspective and maybe change his views, but throwing a shit-fit solves nothing
>giving more attention to a sad racist piece of shit
Just ignore him and move on, he's just not worth your time.
I subbed his channel when he went public with his power level, but I never saw a video.
Does he even do anything on youtube these days?
>claims to try to stay out of politics
>proceeds to get involved with political podcasts and debates
maybe you should stick to videos and release more than 2 of them a year you dumb fat fuck
i came here during the fappening
I doubt the idiot kids that watch this fat ugly cunt care about his political beliefs.
>underage girlfriend
>hits her girlfriend on stream
>browse and download loli
>probably into traps/shemales
>get spoony kicked out of channel awesome
>try to fuck spoony's girlfriend
>talk shit about avgn
>swears in persian
>doesn't care about his fans
>pirates games
>uses youtube's shitty copyright claim to attack his haters
why do we like this guy again?
>loses subs
well hes gaining one now and I never even watched any of his videos
FUCK globalism and FUCK rapefugees
he's like a kinder egg; brown on the outside, white on the inside
yup, just like pewdie pie he WILL come out of this ahead.
Jon is a really shit debater, he got fucking clowned by Destiny of all people.
you know what i hate? how burgerland thinks communism, socialism and social democracy are the same thing
communism is a fairy tale
socialism is a terrible idea
social democracy is actually a valid form of government
Was Colin the guy that called gamers entitled for not liking ME3's ending?
I know it was one of those guys and it wasn't Greg.
>white becoming minorities
How is this silly, my nigger friend?
Sup Forums would be a much better place if phoneposters and Australia were banned on sight.
Are people like Jon and Felix creating a new generation of Nazis?
Decades of anti-socialist propaganda.
Ok i know for a fact you are talking about someone else here. Did you click the wrong pasta to copy buddy?
So what did JonTron say? Someone told me he basically said that blacks and other minorities act the way they do, due to genetics? Is that true? Is he a Sup Forums lurker?
No, it's just kids being dumb kids. They'll grow out of it because objective reality has a liberal bias.
I am an immigrant and I have some anti-immigrant views. He is ok in my book. People are just hypnotized by globalism today
Jontron reddit meltdown is probably best thing i have ever seen
It was before your time, newfriend.
Pretty funny, coming from a loser with no children.
>that comment section
I should know better than to even scroll down for a peek, but I guess I get some kind of masochistic kick out of subjecting myself to such drivel.
JonTron is white
But the kike controlled media's backlash against them is.
Sieg Heil.
>v/ is anti nazis and anti racists
kek, kys niggerfaggot
Essentially, yes. In the actual stream though he came across as a blubbering retard, the quotes from it make him seem well put together when he actually was being an autist. No idea if he browses Sup Forums though.
Why is it that leftists always try to ridicule and antagonize people who have a different opinion?
Didn't they watch the Mr. Rogers show? He taught children to respect the opinions of others.
>le red pilled Sup Forumstard /ourgay/
yeah fuck off
Nope that faggot was never my guy I don't care if he has views I agree with.
because like i said population growth isnt a linear function, and the rate at which different populations reproduce is very often linked to their socio-economic status, as well as their death rates
in short, if those poor dirty immigrants "take over" they are likely to get better jobs, improve their social status and have less children
the whose white becoming a minoritything, its ridiculously silly, under that same logic mexico's population would eventually grow larger than the US
oh look, another e-celeb thread made by butthurt nazis who got cucked by a black bull.
how deep was lamar's dick in your anus, OP?
Is OP, dare I say, a faggot?
t. Tyron De La Washington
Sup Forums has had so many stupid operations over the years that it's not worth keeping track of any of them unless you personally took part in them, which I did not. But I came in February 2010. Funny how despite being here for seven years that 7 means nothing compared to those before me.
Considering the amount of ads (including popups for mobile) on the site, i wont be surprised if they're a major source of income for Sup Forums . No way we can rid of them.
Jon "being racist is okay" Jafari
Jon "I unironically hate immigrants" Jafari
Fuck you, you made me look at this cancer