These are your average dota 2 player.
These are your average dota 2 player
Other urls found in this thread:
>there's people in this world that don't carry a gun
Explain you'reselves
looks like an average day in the gulag to me.
What the hell is going on?
>being american
It's China, who gives a fuck.
>a small fraction of the group is representative of the whole
fuck off
Ah, BRICS countries
Americans everyone
Why the hate?
Kek, this is your elected president. Fucking subhuman retards
>Plastic Surgery
>#2 Mexico
>#3 Brazil
This shows exactly why i can't wait for north Korea to nuke Americans
>he didn't lose his virginity as a teen
explains why you're so jelly brah
jesus christ why would anyone choose to not live in america
Seriously the world will be better off
not sure about mexico but Brazilians love butt implants. I think the guy who invented butt implants is Brazilian.
Yeah you could really say that, but then again, you remember USA voted for bush twice, americans are really retarded.
>not being free to end any life that fucks with yours
Do europeans enjoy being at the mercy of an ineffective bureaucracy and public "protection"? If you don't desire the basic right to protect yourself and your family, you're barely a man.
amerisharts are so cucked they let russians choose a pres for them
Korea, not even once
They should all kill themselves, not a single one of them is a decent human
> not posting the part where dude just plays, doesn't look at them and ignores everything going on and the fucking kid with a machete still chops him in the head before leaving
>no sources
>most of these are outright fabrications
isn't that what the thread is implying
Man China is fucked up
The kind of laws that have been in place for so long its literally eroded the common morals of the whole place
The funny of the video is that people keep playing in the back in spite of this having just happened in front of them
The reality is, they try to get involved, they're libel to be held accountable, for whatever fucking shit reason the courts decide
Thats why so many videos of people just ignoring dying people in the street exist
if theres no way to know who did what, and they don't know who did what, they can't involve themselves lest they get roped into the legal proceedings
The weirdest part is that you got a few guys still playing games on the computer as the attack goes on, as if nothing is happening.
China gives zero fucks
I'm sure it is
American education everyone
>muh fiscal year
That's literally arguing that since Obama was president when winter started, until winter is over, it's all Obama.
Who's the idiot?
>all those #1's
everyone else's just mad they can't catch up to us
>See people armed with machetes
>Try to be the hero of the day and grab a bat
>Aim for the face telegraphing my attack for like 10 seconds
>Get fucking stabbed sliced up and left to die from bleeding
I'm pretty sure all he as thinking was
because they have that retarded rule where if you help someone, you are liable for their medical costs
>The incarceration rate of white people alone in the United States is on the same level as Russia.
Explain yourself.
I always wondered why cops don't leg someone that would stop these situations without killing or getting more people killed makes no sense
People usually roll over people they hit with a car a few times to make sure they are dead.
It's cheaper and less legal trouble than if the person was still alive
China is pretty fucked
Cheaper elective surgeries there. CHEAP cheap.
Im australian and even I know how fucking retarded this image is
You honestly think cops in america are trained under the same expectations of whats to come as pacifist Kraut land?
Are you the barneyman of Europoors or something
>shoot negro in the leg in america
>spend 12 years in prison for cruel and unusual punishment
No, our police are doing a real fine job killing feral chimps, a real fine job.
Americans everyone
Don't associate me with that Canadian freak
russians are eurasians
that's not the same as being a european type white
>risking -25 for some chum
nigga pls
Fucking animals.
Also thanks for restricting my gun rights even more, EU.
Niggas probably turned up the game audio as the attack was going on too.
Its cheaper and less problematic to let people die on their own than trying to help them, in china if you try to help someone you can be forced to pay the medical costs of whoever you helped so why even bother.
It's strange, I absolutely love melee based gore in games, Killing Floor etc, have ever since I was a kid, but the mere thought of either committing the act or being the victim of a stabbing, slashing up with a box cutter or hacked up with a machete etc puckers my asshole something fierce
Shit is fucking brutal on a whole new level, i'd rather be fucking shot.
Some guys are holding up a internet cafe to steal some computers and cash, but they don't have a real gun (hard to get in China).
Store owner threatens them with a bat/pipe, they run out.
In reality, they just ran to their car to grab actual machetes, store owner hits one of them, so they chop him the fuck up.
Don't tell me you want to be like those retarded Americans carrying a gun everywhere
will the dude stabbed from counterstrike finally be topped?
Because in America (bless be upon it), shooting a maniac on the leg means he can sue you, as well as the hospital bill being payed for by taxpayers. So it's better to just kill him and ensure he's dead.
someone describe the webm to me please im too scared to open it.
Our cops barely get psych evals or training.
Perfect for people who want to go out and kill.
Hardest part of the job is literally looking for the necessary circumstances and provocation.
I'd like to have the choice you faggot.
With all the new imports of sandniggers that might be a necessity in a few years, for some people at least.
they all fun while some guy spills tomato juice.
Men run around for a bit then one trips and spills his kool-aid on the floor
the only chimp here is you, due to the fact you seem to go bananas whenever you see a black person
Makes no sense, because his family or estate will still sue.
>being anything but American
I can't even imagine how fucking miserable that must be. Your country having a negligible amount of international presence, just a pawn in a game being played by US and China.
Except small parts of Western Europe the rest of the world is largely unlivable compared to 1st world standards set by the US.
Not to mention you cannot escape hordes of brown foreigners anywhere else but in the US. That isn't an option in the rest of the world.
Using kids to sweep floors at that age is illegal in China, let that be a lesson to the kid's parents.
the one below your post looks even scarier
hold me Sup Forums
That is kind of how it works, you know.
but what's up with that girl?
China is 1st world money with 3rd world people, it's a largest landfill in the world because everyone there is human trash.
What about the grill, are they gonna rape her?
Yea, keep thinking that
>thread making fun of the right and america
>no spammers saying not vidya or anything
>thread making fun of of the left and Europe
>Spammers out the ass saying NOT VIDYA and more
Really make you think
I'm more concerned with the shotgun shell going off from being dropped.
So you're saying Americans are Eurasian nigger tier, if not worse?
The incarceration rate in Russia includes all ethnic groups such as churkas.
Thieves enter LAN Cafe/Whatever, owner chases them out with a pole, thieves return seconds later with machetes, hack him right the fuck up.
Don't watch it, it ruined my day.
I was just expecting some weedy autists having a hilarious shit fight.
Holy shit
>those kids in the background who just keep playing vidya on their computers
Man what the fuck is wrong with china. And I thought white people were bad.
probably the guy who instalocks pa or bs
Hell of a first blood.
>this angry cucked europoor that can't stop expressing buyer's remorse for his citizenship
why tho
t. nigger
Why? It makes no sense.
I'd like to see both of these people killed in painful ways. Electrocution is too good for any of these people.
The power gaps between #1 and #2 are missing.
Chinese are not human user
>Letting a robber who is probably not going to do jackshit to you as long as you dont mess up with him ruin your mmr with a -25 rating and probably get you an abandon.
Priorities are in place here.
Committing virtual violence vs. actual violence in real life are such far crys for each other it's why the argument that video games cause violent people is entirely fucked. People fucked in the head who see no problem with violence are violent the video games are just their scapegoat.
But why
Yellow people are worse!
You see her running out the door at the start of the video to get the cops (first few frames).
They caught her and brought her back.
This is why no one else got up.
There are still people playing dota2 in the back of that camera video. I think OP was trying to make a point about them.
>use babby to clean floor
>just gets more blood and shit everywhere
I thought asains were supposed to me smart?
>Not carrying a gun
>Boo hoo you are mean with us poor neonazis
Sup Forumstards are worse than horsefuckers.
>having a businessman for president who does not understand how economy works
Really makes you think.
Would really appreciate if the mods could come and ban this faggola from /qa/
If you think someone running around threatening the lives of others should live then you're a fucking retard and there is no surprise that millions of third worlders are currently invading your lands with your government holding out welcoming arms.