Why do people say the D-pad on Xbox 360 controllers are bad for fighting games?
I need a good fighting pad, and these look pretty sweet. What am I missing, here?
Why do people say the D-pad on Xbox 360 controllers are bad for fighting games?
I need a good fighting pad, and these look pretty sweet. What am I missing, here?
It deteriorates very quickly, especially under extensive fightan usage.
By the same token, the thumbsticks are decent and the buttons are alright, so as a cheap fightan pad it works. If you're willing to spend a bit more, the Bone has a far better dpad in addition to the good parts of the 360 pad.
Any D pad is shit for fighting games
What makes the 360 pad shit is it feels like it has no response. Its soft
Neither of these are the actual reason, it's bad because it's a single solid disc instead of a normal D-pad.
That said, it still works fine for me. I generally default to it in UMVC3 because the deadzone on my first controller's stick is worn to hell.
>It deteriorates very quickly, especially under extensive fightan usage.
this isn't true, The DS4 d pad detiriorates under fighting game use.
360 is a sturdy controller, the issue is you cannot precisely press diagonal directions, so any chance of consistently doing, lets say a hadouken or any semi circle move goes out the window.
In short it is the wore controller for fighing games.
>the Bone has a far better dpad
It doesn't have. The Xbox One controller misses inputs. Like, when you're throwing Ryu's projectile attacks, the D-pad often misses the down, down/right, right command.
That's why II'm thinking the 360 pad is better, because of the D-pad's rounded shape?
Is there a wired version of the Bone controller? I really like my Xbox 360 gamepad partly because it's wired, now I notice the input lag sometimes when I play with a wired one.
Because the chance of pressing in the wrong direction is astronomically high
>it's bad because it's a single solid disc instead of a normal D-pad
Regular D-pads miss input commands.
Yes, they make a wired One controller, but be warned! Lots of users suffered massive hand and wrist pain after using the One pad. I, included.
Google about this, user.