SFV Patch Notes


get your new patchnotes here.

Urien/Guile/Balrog/Cammy slightly nerfed

Laura unchanged, Zangief gets 3 new moves, Alex still garbage bin dumpster diver tier

People still play this?

Urien and Guile weren't slightly nerfed. Guile lost all his upside down kick combos (including the new boom loop) and the extended v bar means he can't easily get v trigger if he v reversals in the same round. Urien lost frame advantage on his two most spammable moves and lost a lot of setups with the headbutt recovery nerf.

too late to save this game. just fucking forget about it

>we have noticed that his lariat is a large source of frustration for his opponents in that it's extremely hard to punish.
>his lariat
>extremely hard to punish

>Zangief gets 3 new moves
and they're all shit.
He gets the most situational counter ever, another animation for his regular throw against crouching opponents, and a jumping version of his headbutts that only works during neutral jumps.

You make it sound like Gief got a huge buff, but really he's just getting nerfed.


I do like the buff to the DP's. It does add a level of consistency.

>Tundra Storm
>New move: F, D, DF + P - perform a counter (only works against horizontally-angled kick attacks)
What the fuck is this for? This is so situational that you might as well just use his fucking V Skill or s.HP

It's for Dhalsim. He actually has an answer to Dhalsim.

Nobody fucking plays Dhalsim
I get a Dhalsim in ranked maybe once a month

I thiught cammy already had an air throw
She doesnt seemed nerfed really

By that logic its also an answer for Chun Li, Cammy Urien, Juri and Nash.

What about my nigga Roo?

Does he still suck?

Pfft, nice Juri buffs, i'm so glad i dropped this game

He'll be better.

I don't there has ever been a Street Fighter where Ryu sucks. He's always been a solid character.

Shh, don't say that, the shoto players are very sensitive about DP not being too good anymore, just let them say Ryu is garbage tier now, otherwise they'll throw a huge fit and explain why its criminal that Ryu gets nerfed slightly

Wow, I get 25 more points of health, thanks Capcom. It's what I always wanted as an Alex main.

>Sim got a buff
I was expecting a nerf

It's EX headbutt.
Basically they made his reversal easier to punish because it used to be really fast to compensate for not doing that much damage.

Is the game fun now?

He might be better than you'd think with these frame reductions

1f actually does make a big difference

>hold up removed


FANG will be able to punish overheads and other -6 moves with something that isn't a jab, that was his biggest weakness in S2, so FANG players do benefit from this patch.

Ryu had no range at all on any of his buttons, I don't know what his new cr.HP will be, but if his st.LK got its range back to S1 status, plus his st.MP got better range, it means he will be able to play neutral properly again, plus the buffs to Shoryuken as anti-airs helps him a lot.

Vega got the most buffs of this patch, His claw mode will probably have new combo routes because of the massive buffs to frame advantage on hit, plus he got new juggles, and his v-trigger won't get interrupted by a random fireball or Rashid's tornado anymore, definitely greatly buffed.

Laura did get a nerf, she will no longer be able to get a meaty command throw off another command throw in v-trigger, and her cr.lk won't make it so she will be in frame advantage against characters without a 3f move when they block, not a huge nerf, but she wasn't THAT strong outside the thing that actually got nerfed.

So let me get this straight: invincible DPs are back, but only for the fierce DPs and only after the 3rd frame, meaning they still get beaten by meaties. Correct?

Apart from that
>buffs for Sim
>Cammy basically untouched

Fucking why?

World Warrior.

While Alex did get some buffs to his neutral, his most important neutral tool from S1 is still gimped, his cr.MP, while the extra health helps, and the restoration of pre-S2 ex-knee drop hitbox helps his AA game, he still lacks a good NORMAL move to AA attacks that will hit him directly on top of his head, meaning that Bison and Vega can still make Alex's life hell.

Urien's nerfs are all very justified, his Ex-shoulder has no business being +0 OB, it is too fast and has too much priority to also be so safe on block, at least now he will definitely loses his turn if his shoulder is blocked, also his ex-headbutt whiff animation is so fast that if you jumped to avoid it, he can sometimes be at advantage when you landed depending on how floaty your jump is, that's retarded.

I think the one character that really did get away scoot free was Balrog.

And Cammy? I think she is Capcom's new Yun, she gets buffed every patch even through she is already one of the strongest characters.

His normals are still slower than they were in S1. Not say the changes won't make a difference but not enough to get Alex out of "never will be picked for a high level tournament" tier

He's still the worst character in the game.

No, HP dps used to have no invincibility whatsoever, now they get full invincibility from the moment they become active to frame 6.

The biggest change to DPs was the MP ones being fully invincible to air attacks.

>He's still the worst character in the game.
As a Zangief main, you need to suck it up and get used to it if you want to play a grappler.

I'd rather have his cr.MP back to S1 status, plus his cr.MK, while was speed up, kept its nerf to OB advantage.

I guess they want his new to go neutral game move to be st.MK, which leads into nothing.

At least you can AA with his ex-knee again, in S2 it used to become active too late so it would never catch cross ups and people on top of you.

Zangief is good though and was already strong in S2 and he just got 3 new moves.

Alex got some health and some moves reverted back. Zangief will win tournaments this season, I doubt you'll see a single Alex anywhere above top 64.

Zangief is now one of the best characters of the game and got new moves instead of nerfs, you should be happy today.

>Zangief is now one of the best characters of the game

Is that new blonde bitch with the ice any good?

>and he just got 3 new moves.
well, one is just a new animation for his normal throw, the other is an okay but not really necessary AA for neutral jumps, and the last move is a the most situational counter I've ever heard of

Many characters right now can do absolutely nothing against Gief at mid range, and if they try to get closed they are grabbed by the new and improved ex-SPD and are caught in a maelstrom of death and despair.

Why do you think no one would even dare get close to Itazan during FR20?

You don't know if its just animation, it will probably give him oki options even mid-screen unlike his current forward throw does, and will probably do more damage and stun.

I mean it has the requirement of the enemy being crouched, so it makes sense.

And his new headbutt won't work only for AA, he will also be able to use it for things such as stun combos specially if it does more damage than his current jump attacks.

New animation for normal throw means it'll give better oki or positioning so it's flat-out a buff.

the other counter is FOR DHALSIM, the worst matchup in the game. It's legit a 2.5/7.5 matchup for Gief and now he has an answer for limbs.

They literally can't afford to, unless Mahvel makes up for their losses and then some.

>and now he has an answer for limbs.
and only horizontally

Guile main, saw this coming

Amazed that Ibuki and Balrog got away free tho

It says horizontal, I wonder if that means it doesn't matters if its a mid or low, that it counters any grounded kick button.

Alex got buffed I guess but not that interesting

He is still gonna struggle just not be as punishable

>Cammy slightly nerfed

what patch notes did you read

they literally did nothing to adequately address his weaknesses or his shortcomings. He's still down there with FANG as an unusable at high level

>Fix - Delayed Power Drop startup so that it does not connect when H Flash Chop is blocked

honestly, I skimmed and I assumed.


>more Alex whining

>tfw they did nothing to laura really outside of st.lk which was retarded in its own right

Lord help me also fuck these mash inputs for moves its makes it impossible to play chun and kolin but it is my fault for double tapping everything.

he's in a bad spot but there are characters that are still worse

>tfw juri has gotten no buffs and took away her jab AA
>cammy gets an air throw for some reason

What does capcom see in juri that I dont?

>They're never going to nerf Ibuki because she's too complex

It's our time to shine, ninja guys.

>people insist that Zangief is a strong character

Zangief is not in this game. Are people talking about crouching jab man? You mean the same character that does nothing but crouching jab+lariat?

Crouching jab man is not a fucking grappler.

I want to pick her up but whats the basic shit I should know besides target combo and st.mp into st.lk?

His neutral game might get a liiiitttllleee bit less impossible, but it doesn't address some of his bigger weaknesses he got this season.

His elbow slashes are still slow as fuck and have a huge hurtbox on his feet.

While his Ex-knee drop being reverted to S1 status helps him AA better, that takes meter and he still has no good meterless AA for people jumping at him from close

While his st.MK got faster, its still not his old cr.MP which helped him dominate the mid range game, that move is still very dangerous to whiff because it is one of the most punishable medium buttons of the game even through it only leads into v-trigger

Oh and now he is the second most durable character in the game (1025/1050 compared to Gief's 1050/1050), which means you will get to be bullied for a little while longer during matches.

They didn't even address to Alex's biggest flaw from S1, his command throws, that have low range, mediocre damage unless EX and give no okizeme whatsoever.

Alex in S1 was a decent character because he was great at neutral despite being a subpar grappler. But now he is a subpar character in neutral and also a subpar grappler, he got nothing but his v-trigger memes.

he's good, if you can't see it right now you're not doing it right.

Literally a one trick pony. Itabashi jab memed his way into top 8

he's still not worth using, I don't think he has a single good matchup in S2. Everything is neutral to disadvantage at the best of times. And of course, Laura still does everything Alex wants to do except she does it easier, faster, stronger, safer and scarier.

I feel sorry for people who actually bought Alex.

>Still most popular fighting game
>Its too late to save it

God, Sup Forums is retarded

After light command grab you can dash up mp for a meaty

I'll take that. Easy meaties are the best.

>hit people with one EX-SPD
>now they are forced to guess on their wake-up between another SPD, a meaty headbutt or a meaty st.HK
>If hit by the second SPD you have to guess again, while if hit by the meaty you also have to guess again because its at least +2 OH, if he didn't crush counter you for half of your health plus another mix-up
>repeat until you get lucky and gets to live until he gets another EX-SPD on you.

Oh and lets not forget

>Can't jump at him because lariat is the perfect AA for everything
>Can't get close to him because of his crouching jab and standing strong
>Can't use fireballs at him because he punishes you with lariat from half-screen or just turns them into meter from full screen
>Can't whiff buttons because it extends your hurtbox forward and he can EX-SPD it and start the mix-up hell anywhere on the screen.
>You get about 3 chances before you die.

Zangief is a monster ever since they made his EX-SPD drop people super close to him and buffed his Lariat to allow things such as cr.jab cr.jab lariat to work.

Is there any proof or sources to this? I feel kind of skeptical about that.

lp, mp target combo can confirm block into lk, or hp on hit
mk, mp
b+mp x dash
vtrig memes
IA kunai spacing
EX kunai blockstun
and EX kunai, air target combo mixup
linking from f+mk overhead

>Cr. MP is good
>St. HK is good (but also misses crouchers)
>Cancel blocked target combos and other cancellable buttons into Kunai throw so you can't be punished
>Keep an eye on your kunai amount
>Feel free to throw out kunai whenever, even from full screen. You can usually get two or three back before opponent reacts. Also hits low.
>Use her air target combo out of heavy command dash for maximum damage on all your combos. Air target combo does more damage than j. HK and j. HP do for combos
>Remember that your v-trigger bomb has three different timers depending on the direction you hold when throwing it
>Don't be afraid to throw out a bomb and command dash into the opponent. Light dash keeps you in front. Medium puts you behind if the range is correct. Bomb smoke will cover you and them visually. Make it a guessing game.
>NEVER THROW OUT YOUR BOMB AND WAIT FOR IT TO EXPLODE. You can do anything during that time, and most players get ultra defensive once it's out. especially in corners. Take advantage of that.
>Learn proper applications for throwing all your kunai and timing the combos that include them.

That should be a good start.

what else gets played at all?

The only thing that comes close isn't a fighting game and I'm not about to say it by name.

Even steam numbers alone when compared to any other fighting games prove him wrong, and that knowing that the majority of the players play on a PS4.

Its not as popular as Capcom would have hoped, but it is still the most popular fighting game out there.

>Cammy buffed again
Fire Woshige.

There was a tournament this past weekend with 60k people watching on Twitch. Killer Instinct World Cup the day before was struggling to keep 20k viewers

B-but she has low health :P

the KI world cup thing was floating around 10k views before Maximillian came to commentate.

Then it became a glorified Maximillian stream, with the chat being full of Max's subscribers.

It was still a good event, high level matches.


All she got was an airthrow

you mean sm4sh?

This is a little bare but ill run with this

This is great.

>Use her air target combo out of heavy command dash for maximum damage on all your combos. Air target combo does more damage than j. HK and j. HP do for combos

I assume jumping with command dash could be risky is this for juggle and dizzy jumpins or? I need to watch some videos. I also wish I can reset my LP to 0 I hate playing new characters and wasting people time with some of the LP i saved up memeing with ez mode cammy.

I would have trouble not getting in on Cammy.

Now they're gonna show up and start their smelly, furry circlejerk

Even during server maintenance it has more players than any other fighting game by a large margin.

I think the problem with a lot of characters is they don't know what to do with them so just throw general changes at them

Did Alex need more health? No, he was fine in that regard. But they don't know what to do with the character and what options to give so throw a general buff while letting general changes hit them at the same time

Speaking of views, which game at EVO get's the most views?

You can us HK command dash after ex kunai and use either of her air target combos. HP>HK for damage, LP> delayed MK for air reset into a mixup


So I think this cements Alexfags as the most whiny cunts in the entire FGC.

Thanks friend

Now time to try to put it all together and get horrible beat online

In general SF4 did and now SFV does by a huge margin cause of espn

Juri is still an under-explored character, maybe they could do like Urien and Rog and make her OP on purpose so people would pick her up, but they decided not to.

Her DP changes help her to AA anyway, she never had a invincible DP before, and now her medium one is going to be perfect against jumping attacks.

Street Fighter. If your wondering about 2nd and 3rd it's usually Marvel and Melee fighting for 2nd

What Alexfags? Literally everyone who played Alex already switched and this patch isn't going to make them switch back. He sucks.

I watched top 8 completely and it had 20k+ all the time, except for when it began for obvious reasons. When Max arrived it shot up to 28k. Very fun top 8, didn't expect KI to be so good really.

her medium DP had upper body invul and was great before same for the EX dp which was your standard invul until x frame ex DP

Tell that to the retards that cry about him getting nerfed when he's only gotten better from his release.

Damn I gotta stop watching on my phone then because I didn't know that. But yeah the KI top 8 matches were really fun to watch

He's gotten significantly worse since his release and almost all subsequent patches.

Yeah, removing cr.mp and Slash Elbow from the game helped him a lot.

Now her mp dp is going to be fully invincible against airborne attacks from frame 1 through 8, more than enough to AA anything.

No he hasn't. His combo game has only gotten better and now his ability to survive and participate in the neutral is better on top of that and the one actual change that really fucked him got reverted with his EX Knee Smash.
This is what I mean. He's only gotten better and dipshits like you say this garbage.
>uwahh I can't spam low strong over and over and beat every button for free why is alex so bad DDDD:
And his Elbow is being reverted as well. None of you cunts can cry anymore at all with this upcoming patch.

While I still use cr.MP from time to time, I only use it when I'm absolutely sure that it won't whiff, because it has a fucking LONG whiff animation, which is its biggest weakness now.

But slash elbow is pretty much useless, moves too slow, and its hurtbox is too big, people can sweep HK and MK elbow on reaction.

I was expecting more buff to my nigga Fang but I guess its okay

Not a fighting game.