Hi I'm the only good class in Dragon's Dogma!

Hi I'm the only good class in Dragon's Dogma!

>Dragon's Dogma
Pick one

It's pretty good.

>only three moves

Only real downside. One-shotting bosses with Arc of Deliverance is still one of the most satisfying things to do in the game.

Hahah nice one OP!

that's not sorcerer
not only the best class in DD but also the best magic using class in any video game ever

>worst class is the only good one

>best class
>not assassin

It's funny because that's actually the only bad class.

Dark Arisen ruinind by making shit imposible to stagger, Warrior is shit when it can't stagger enemies.

>only feature of the class is they can one shot bosses
>when half the classes in the game have a one-shot skill

I mean in BBI, you can still stagger enemies in the continent.

>tfw Exequey, Necromancy, and Grapnel

>not magic archer or magic knight
They make your class worthless

>not strider

Mage is disputably worse, but at least it actually gets six skills.

>playing through on easy mode
Sounds fun.

problem is that magic archer is fun as fuck
skills come out fast but feel sufficiently different, can successfully switch between several types of offense ensuring you never feel useless or have downtime and its still fairly flashy

I play on speed run mode

And you can save your shekels in the beginning by casting healing.

Monster Hunter vs Dynasty Warriors

>I try to play the game as little as possible

Now Pray

I can't stand how fucking sluggish warrior feels. Strider is my go-to class. Implicate wrecks anything smaller than an ogre, skull splitter annihilates weak points, and cutting wind/mad dash gets me all over the battlefield in an instant. Fracture dart also shreds everything to pieces if timed correctly.

2 strider pawns can stunlock daimon 2 with fracture dart

What the fuck was his problem?

Warrior's a pretty good class for an offline main pawn. Just don't give him charged skills and you'll actually start noticing him helping.

Literally this, if the entire novelty of the game co mes from the ability to scale giant creatures then why the fuck would you not pick the best class to accomplish this?

I bested Grigori by just jumping on his chest and proceeding to hundred kiss his heart to death.


Can they jump attack though?

I didn't know he had one?

Assassin has some cool scaling abilities too, and he can use the most different weapons

Assassin is better for scale n' stab. It's redundant on a strider, because skull splitter and fracture dart do the job so much better.

desu climbing just sucks. camera gets all goofy and you can't use most skills while doing it

Mfw I always do assassin because dire gouge makes me cum buckets, it's a shame skull splitter is a strider only move I love using that one.


i picked it up on the basis of angry jose's review, it was pretty great at the time of release i'd say. now it's kinda jank

>two-handed warrior with a sorceror pawn buffing you up
too much fun