Is he the first canon gay character in a Nintendo game?

Is he the first canon gay character in a Nintendo game?

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I recall him mentioning his wife and kids.

And no. He wouldn't be even if he was gay.

What's up with furfags painting him as gay?

making a thread like this every day will only make me mad he's not actually gay

>he's got wife and kids
are you in denial, OP?

it's a well known fact that all furfags are gay

How young you are, OP.

There's no proof those kids are his. Or that his wife is female.

Its been confirmed he is an a open relationship so just fucking stop.

one he's a bird, two he probably doesn't mention his family too explicitly, 3. people want to fuck him including mostly furfags

Long story short furfags are just projecting
that he's gay

actually he's aromatic

And there's no proof the other way either. So it defaults to the normal way of things. A female wife with kids fathered by her husband.

Furfags and barafags. Two of the worst fetishes to grace Sup Forums.


>s-stop guys he has to be gay I'm literally shaking right now

I don't give a FUCK if he's gay or straight, post the fucking lewds!

Nah, that would be thiccfags and m-mommy posters.

The bird is not for lewds, user

>implying it's not scat

This, absolutely disgusting

>canon gay
>has a wife and kids
I like Kass just as much as the next degenerate, but what the fuck dude

not enough kass lewds that focus on his butt and thighs/hips

>arguing about if kass is gay

He got laid, though.
(skip to 0:32)

waifufags are the absolute worst

Nobody denys that bolson is gay.
Hell Bolson might even be that guy who makes you were the gerudo clothes.

I've never seen anyone really post about scat on this board, they are a non-vocal minority/nearly non-existent.



/trash/ proves this theory wrong.

>he probably doesn't mention his family too explicitly
He mentions his wife and kids literally every single time you meet him.

That's because they get banned.

They do look a bit like his wife, though.

Tony from Earthbound

>With thicc fags and waifufaggots posting literally every second
neck yourself

Sup Forums would be a much better place if barafags were dead

Atleast most barafags like accurate good anatomy.

But then how can they be the worst fetish, when there fetish gets removed almost immediately? I mean think about every other fetishist on this board, that includes, waifufags, shota fags, m-mommy fags, thicc fags, barafags, thiccfags, footfags, trapfags. These are the kinds that have multiple threads up at once, rarely gets deleted (such is the case with hetero porn stealth porn threads on Sup Forums), and are constantly ignored by mods and bumped to high hell by their respective fetishists.

absolutely false



What the fuck?

>Who is Niles from Fire Emblem Fates
And I'm sure there were quite a few before him.


They take after the mother. It's not unheard of that children resemble one parent and not the other.

Cocky shota is objectively the best fetish. Anyone denying this is a closeted homosexual.

His kids are in the game, and his wife.

>Gears of War tier musclebound meatheads
>accurate good anatomy

>every character is automatically straight unless they explicitly state otherwise

Straightfags are so fucking fragile it's pathetic. This is exactly why video game companies today are going out of their way to make as many gay characters as possible.

Great. You just triggered the Sup Forums.
Prepare for the cuck posting.

Not that I care about the original poster since artists all draw differently, but Gears of War wasnt made by barafags.

Short smug psychos with shit eating grins are top tier fuck off

I'm talking about the fetish itself.

cocky shotas are only good when their kemoshotas

God damn it, this game was fanfuckingtastic. I'm honestly surprised the sequel wasn't released outside Japan, but I guess the first game did terribly in Europe because of how shit our tastes are. Just replace Tingle with Wario and slap fart jokes ever everything, #1 best seller Nintendo, hire me


>5 children
>not one resembles their ""dad""

Sure. I'm calling fowl play.

they're fucking desperate and didn't play the game long enough to realize he's not gay at all but hey that won't stop them.

burn in hell barneyfag

OP can make a Mii of himself, so no.

This. They need to die.

What's the big deal about finding males attractive?

Feminists need to leave.

no that would be Feet faggots and /u/ posters

>Is he the first canon gay character in a Nintendo game?

Did you seriously just ask that question?

He's hot therefore he is the same sexual orientation as the furfag in question.

This. Kemoshotas are the best.



Its just a joke dummies.

The faggots ran wild with the women Rito primarily being the singers and the men being the warriors. This guy was just passing the prophecies on like his teacher did for the king.

The best rito is the one vacationing in the gerudo town tfw I will never be able to feed her poultry until she is pleasantly plump

Weren't there gay romance options in one of the recent Fire Emblem games? I think they were DLC only though.

Also, Twilight Princess has that rather eccentric cuckoo guy in Lake Hylia. I can't remember his name.


>pleasantly plump
>not pheasantly plump

Nii-san, aren't you embarrassed that you have a smaller dick than your otouto? Can you even call yourself a man with that thing?

FE is more of an Intelligent Systems game than a Nintendo-produced one.

no one is talking about barney and friends in here
fucking retard



Niles is bi. You want the gay Fire Emblem character, you're looking for Heather.

It's mostly his eyes.

>liking the perfect ideal male body is bad
Spotted the mouth breathing neckbeard

Does Kass even have a questline or something? I just see him randomly and one time he started a shrine quest.

I want to play Kass' game but he has no fucking quests!!

>that pic

kek but all the races hit me right

>that zora warrior girl and BroSideon
>that wife of the warrior and the vacationing rito in gerudo town
>the little leader gerudo girl,the captian gerudo,the champion and that one girl slumped over the shrine pedestal


He has a selection of separate quests and a resolution when you've finished all of them. There are no real rewards beyond the things you do the quest for, e.g. a treasure chest or a shrine.


Genetics lottery isn't predictable. They're also still kids, who's to say whey won't show more of the father's traits when they hit adulthood?

He's modeled with the same proportions as barashit

>come back to thread after making this post , see all the replies

I said two of the worst, not the worst. I'd put Futafags up there as well.

I don't think that's what he's implying. He's saying the type of bodies of the GoW characters are pretty fucking retarded and about the level of 'quality' that Barafags like.

Everyone who said waifus were worse, you're on the wrong website.



Fucking reddit tier fetish that's trying to push loli and traps out.

>>Everyone who said waifus were worse, you're on the wrong website.
>implying this website is straight only

THICCfags are literally meme tier. You can't even have a normal milf thread /d/ without people just posting THICC over and over.

>THICCfags and trapfags are literally meme tier


>Kass with pants

All the rito, including Kass, are pantsless. Look closely and you'll see.

>not boipucci, futa, and feminine penis

You're not a good barafag if you don't care about appealing anatomy. Meanwhile THICC gives less a shit about art quality. Waifufags are fine.

Looks like pants to me.

if they're supposed to be his legs, theyre not textured very well.

Mods might as well move this thread to already.

Bara is top tier. It's the ideal body type that every man should strive for.

Kass isn't trash. He's a cute video game character.

Fart, thicc and wafiufags are all cancer

You can clearly tell those are bare legs from that pic alone, there is a bit of blue that comes from the back that leads into the tailfeathers.

Plus the blue marks on the legs being the exact same color as the rest of him being on the pants would be a little odd, wouldn't it?