Would you go to a Nintendo themed bar ?

Would you go to a Nintendo themed bar ?

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if there was vidya games to play with people yes.

Yes and I also though about opening one here in Frankfurt, It would get visited by the biggest scum walking this planet but it's easy money, I think the gaming industry can be milked in ways we still haven't seen.

t.Frankfurt investor

I mean I don't go to bars. I'd enjoy a video game themed bar a fuckload more than a non video game themed bar but I'm 30 years old. Going to bars is for sad old men and kids just old enough to be there. I don't have the social pressure to go drink.


>Going to bars is for sad old men and kids just old enough to be there
What do you do for fun, oh mature one ?

I sure as hell don't play vidya games, that's for sure

So what do you do ?

I mean sure, I'd

Oh wow, no, that's trash.

What's the points of a bar which doesn't serve alcohol?

>I'd enjoy a video game themed bar a fuckload more than a non video game themed bar but I'm 30 years old.


>he doesnt order grenadine

"I'll have a pint of beer please"
"One Super Mario beer coming right up!"
"Oh just a regular beer... is fine"
"One regular Super Mario beer coming right up!"
"What... no just-"
"That will be $25.99"
'cue Mario death music'

No, I don't want to get stabbed by some trenchcoat wearing robot


>Get drunk on Kraken
>They call it Blooper Ink

Only in Japan.

>playing Billiards and Darts
>fucking whores
>trying to talk to people that are shitfaced and/or the salt of the Earth

Ordering pizza and beer while meeting up with buds for some Bomberman or Mario Kart at said bar sounds fucking great.

Tch, you're squidding me, right?

You know it'd have a Splatoon name.

Although a "Blooper" would be a great drink name.

Only if it was a cannabis lounge instead

stop being normal

*tips fedora*


He's right, though. Bars are for lonely old people and little kids who still think anyone's impressed by their ability to drink age-restricted liquid from a cup.

What do you do for fun oh mature one ?

You keep parroting this mature thing. Calm down. No one is saying, or even implying, that you're immature. You're doing that to yourself.

What do you do for fun then ?

>dont like night clubs or bars because i feel like i cant trust anyone
>too self-conscious to do anything exercise related in public despite not being fat
>spend most of my days sitting at home playing vidya even though its increasingly unsatisfying
>remember that most people born 199X are unlikeable and borderline narcissistic and i wouldnt want to be their friends anyway

at this point i just want to become a reclusive monk or something.

I don't go to bars. As previously discussed, they're for weird old people and little kids.

what do you do for fun then

Well, I'm on a website originally founded for weebs to discuss weebshit, and I'm more specifically on the video games board of said website. I'm sure there's at least a couple of things you could infer with just this information alone.

>inb4 Sup Forums no le play le gaymes meemay xD

What do you do for fun
>remember that most people born 199X are unlikeable and borderline narcissistic and i wouldnt want to be their friends anyway
You sound unlikable and narcissistic

bars are for kids?
what world do you live in

>under 25
>not a little kid
pick one

No. Too garish.

If the drinks are cheap, I'll go to any bar.

Where do you live where that's the case?

Back to plebbit OP
Literally copy pasted from the comment section

>actually being a normie and waste money at a bar

So you don't go to bars?

>I'd rather talk about anime on the internet alone in my room than go out to a cool bar with my friends and get drunk, that is just for kids and weird people

How do you find strangers to have sex with if not pars? Tinder?

Do people that's over 20years old still think it's cool to get drunk?

>going to Le ebin videogaym maymay bar instead of just staying home and actually playing video games

For what purpose

What do 'older' people do for fun?

Is this your first time on Sup Forums or something?

There's this bar here in Tacoma called Dorkys. It's filled with arcade machines that only cost 25 cents. That place is like heaven. This is a view of one side of it. It has a lot more arcade machines

>you have to be under the age of 20 to find getting drunk with friend fun

After working they usually work with some project, watch TV, make food and play around with their hobby.

Forgot pic

I would but the cringey customers would put me off.


>go to ninty bar with Sup Forumsirgins
>shitpost irl
>pick a cute twinky guy to take back to my place
>hot dog him until he caves to sex without condoms

Why are you such a slut Sup Forums?

Bars are one of the biggest wastes of money ever. Literally a ponzi scheme made by the kikes on capital hill. On par with smoking cigarettes.

>bar for kids

no i will not

again what fucking world do you live in?

>drinking alcohol
>current year

fucking degenerates

no , it would be infested with normies

>It's so much fun getting drunk with your friends at a bar, we gamers amirate xD?

Give me one reason why you would not just hang out with your friends having a barbecue, playing some games or something like that while drinking beer?
There's nothing more sad than people that can't have fun without getting shitfaced drunk.

No, I don't go to bars. Never have and never will. They're exclusively for drunks, STD filled women and 19 year olds with fake ids.


Reminds me of this abomination

this is not nintendo theme, this is just mario. If i was in charge of a nintendo themed bar i would have samus without her powersuit on everywhere. Fight me

I can have fun without getting drunk, you can have barbecues AND getting shitfaced. 'Le mature' redditors are fucking ridiculous, clubbing is fun as fuck, sound like you are just a jaded contrarian

So why the fuck would you get shitfaced if you "can have fun without it"? Sounds like you're just the biggest normie that can't do stuff with people without being drunk.

user here only drinks age restricted liquid out of a cock.

why are you so upset that people dont like what you like

I would
Then again I have no friends
And if you do you dont belong here

Because it's also fun. You can fun in more than one way.
I don't personally care just consider it a sad and pathetic opinion

went there last year, put 40$ worth of quarters in to bubble bobble bust: Bust-A-Move. Game is addicting af

Guys is it weird to go to bars alone?
>tfw no friends

>people who dont like what i like are sad and pathetic

youre fucking retarded

"i would like to buy some meat"
"Well here's some meat" *Hands over slab of meat
'cue AWWWWWWW here goes'

It's pathetic that you/whoever consider that bars are only for old sad people and kids. Learn to read the thread

>people that don't have to be shitfaced to have fun are sad and pathetic lul xD

Sure, looks mighty cool. But I am worried it would be exactly this

Nice food analogy

>opening a business that caters to ant-social autists that prefer to stay at home and play vidya

I don't know, user. I'm not much of a businessman, but that sounds like a gamble to me.

Any games with those 2 little dinosaurs in it is addictive as fuck. There used to be this arcade across the street from my house when I was growing up and I was in there every day trying to get as far as I could in Bubble Bobble

Nice strawman

>going to bars
>posting on Sup Forums
Pick one.

>Go to Nintendo bar
>All the drinks have doofy names
>Cost twice as much because "Atmosphere"

Nah, now if they do it right and get a Donkey Kong cabinet in there and a karaoke machine with DO THE MARIO


I'll be there every night of the week


I don't go to bars and I find gaming themed shit liek that cringey as fuck, so no, that's extra cringey.

It's for the MLP level 'gaming' autists or trendy fucks who think gaming is neat.

wow, that's exceptionally shit

Someone recently did this in Sweden, opened a gaming bar(without alcohol due to Swedish fucked up alcohol permissions).
So it was basically a place where they served food and had 2-3 hacked emulator arcades, some regular consoles which you had to pay to switch games on and some board games.
Obviously the place didn't last for long

No, I don't want to pay 20 hambucks for a watered down beer when I can pay 20 cents for my own and play Nintendo at home.

You do realize that people go to bars to socialize and have fun, not for the drinks themselves right

is weed a neckbeard meme now or is it just this neckbeard in particular?

Theres a Bar in Glasgow near where I live that has a ton of classic arcade machines and the drinks are pretty good. It's called Super Bario so it counts as nintendo.

It's breddy good.

t. friendless losers

>take a thot into the bathroom to smash
>bing bing wahoo sounds softly through the walls

That's sad, actually.

wat ? there is a ton of businesses like this across the USA they are half bar and half arcade. The places that don't have liquor licenses let you bring your own beer.

Here in Germany the average "gamer" is social as hell, it's a weird german thing, autistic behaviour is really common here and nothing weird. I know plenty of people (in my age late 20s) that behave like fucking kids, a Shishabar here in Frankfurt offers Fifa Cups, and it's booming.

Imagine a bar with several TVs that offer the most normie games, trust me, here in Germany this is an open market, people here take those games way to seriously and German also as Turkish people (most common immigrants) are total Fifa fanatics.

>implying you'd want to go to a bar filled she-spergs and Tumblrites.

I take the normie bar anyday.

how would you know when you spend all your time in a bar?

so long gay bowser

depends what type of bar. my local corner dive bar, not at all. Le hip socialite bar, yeah would be very weird to go alone.

fuck off