Did you honestly believe I would trust the warcraft thread to some blind, half night elf mongrel?

>Did you honestly believe I would trust the warcraft thread to some blind, half night elf mongrel?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I feel...edgy

This campaign was so good.
Wish they would do a co-op version of it already so I can play it on insane.

I don't get it.
Why did they call the campaigns by the races' names instead of factions?
It still bugs me to click 'Human Campaign' and play exclusively with elves.
Shit, just call it Alliance campaign or something, it's stupid.

>there will never be a Warcraft 4
>even if there was, they'd just ruin the custom map system like they did in SC2

I never understood what he meant by that

>im blind not deaf
>something need doing? work work
>wot is it? yes me lord? alright then

>I hate working with these... """people"""

anyone remember the weakest link map where you had to choose the unit that made the sound? it was so fun

what about that campaign mission with kael and vashj breaking out of prison
there are 3 sheeps and they are saying different things and if you can choose them in the correct order you get a cool tower defense bonus mission
my english wasn't good
what were the sheeps saying?
what were they saying in the solution?

what the fuck was his problem?

Arthas: I watch my tone with you, old man. I may be the prince, but you're still my superior as a paladin.

Uther: As if you could forget. Yes Arthas, there's something about the plague I should know. ...Oh no, it's already begun. These people may look fine now, but it's only a matter of time before they turn into the Undead!

Arthas: What!

Uther: This entire city must be purged.

Arthas: How can I even consider that There's got to be some other way.

Uther: Damn it, Arthas! As my future king, order me to purge this city!

Arthas: I am not your king yet, old man. Nor should you obey that command even if I were.

Uther: Then you must consider this an act of treason.

Arthas: Treason! Have I lost my mind, Uther

Uther: Have you Prince Arthas, by right of succession and the sovereignty of your crown, you must hereby relieve me of my command, and suspend my paladins from service.

Jaina: Uther! He can't just--

Uther: It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow him. The rest of you... get out of his sight.

Arthas: I've just crossed a terrible threshold, Uther.

Jaina: ...Arthas

Arthas: I'm sorry, Jaina. You can't watch me do this.

Had a shitty daughter.

there will never be one because the genre is dead and dust.

>custom maps
I keep forgetting Sup Forums is casual central

To be fair, the campaign was top tier. But it's a shame that apparently so little people around here have played the real multiplayer.

Warcraft 2 was my shit until hackerfags made online play pointless since almost everyone cheated. That's the only Warcraft I fucked with since I didn't realize how extremely autistic the fan base would later become.

>the core of RTS aren't casual players
And thats why RTS is dying, thanks Blizzard.

>Baa, sheep noise
>Ram, male sheep
>Ewe, female sheep
In that order is BamRamEwe, a memorable code phrase from the movie Babe where a pig herds sheep.


Anub'arak is pretty cool.
It's a shame he was treated so poorly by blizz after Warcraft 3
>Dungeon boss
>At least he says he is free at the end
>Comes back as a raid boss
>He probably still isn't free
>Never says he's kinky anymore.

>We could have gotten this in WoD rather than the abortion they sent out

The new Chronicle is like salt on the wound.

How is it? What stuff is it mostly covering?

Does anyone have the Arthas/Uther baker/chef pasta, i've been trying to find it forever

>off i go then

>tense, nervous, or irritable.

though the other meaning could also apply considering they just renamed themselves blood elves and his other quotes refer to vengeance and having nothing left but anger

Have I? Lord Umami, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown of roast pork, I hereby rehydrate you from your commandard and suspenderoni your pepperoni from service.

This is what casuals actually believe

>It still bugs me to click 'Human Campaign' and play exclusively with elves.
>Shit, just call it Alliance campaign or something, it's stupid.
The fuck are you on about? It was called an Alliance campaign.

Can we keep this thread free of WoWfags?

It covered a lot of the pre-Dark Portal Draenor

>Orcs are living fragments of ancient Titan creature made to fight gigantic plant monsters
>Said ancient Titan creature died and his back became northern Nagrand, his skull is the Throne of Elements
>Apexis were the Arrakoa taught by Ruhkmar herself, annihilated most of the plants using massive solar superweapon
>Arak used to be one massive mountain, after Apexis civil war obliterated it when the super weapon was sabotaged
>Ogres had massive empire, could literally tell the Arrakoa to fuck off and mean it.
>Draenei brought Ogre empire down, caused the Orcs to fear their tech when they did it.

Draenor could have been a lot more than OrcsOrcsOrcsBIRDS!

It's done!

Also referenced by clicking sheep in Warcraft 2

>My life for Aiu- uhhh... I mean... Ner'Zhul...
>All I see is blackness. Oh - my hood is down.

Can you fuck off?

Blood Elf for life, yo.

Its a babe reference

Warcraft 3 battle.net is still comfy as fuck. It's like this abandoned haven where you can do and say whatever you want because Blizzard's not watching over it anymore

What babe?

The babe with the power.


No. Go make your own thread if you want to talk about WoW

>i feel..... edgy

>>Orcs are living fragments of ancient Titan creature made to fight gigantic plant monsters


>they will never make WoW and it's messy shitshow lore non-canon and start over from Warcraft 3

His VA is shit in HotS as well. It's the worst part about the new incarnations of the characters they fuck up their voices. At least Kel is still his smooth badass self.

Legion TD is pretty good

He didn't get the memo that the Orcs are good. Problem 2 is that now he's right (courtesy of Thrall's idiocy of leaving The Horde in Garrosh's care + Blizzard making Garrosh Orc Hitler).

What a shame.

>Draenor had tons of elemental Spirit
>Caused tons of plant life to bloom
>Plant life begins spreading exponentially
>Starts choking the planet
>Three 'Sporemounds' form, living islands of forest and jugle
>Zangaar, Botaan, Talaal
>Agrammar finds the planet, wants to save it due to lots of Spirit
>Doesn't want to get involved himself in case he damages it
>Uses magic to enchant an entire mountain range
>Mountain range comes to life, named Grond
>Grond fights Sporemounds, kills two of them
>Zangar's body becomes the Zangar swamp, later Zangarmarsh, Talaal's becomes Tanaan Jungle
>During the fight chunks of Grond fall off, come to life, form Colossus race
>Botaan kills Grond after absorbing the energy of the other Sporemounds
>Agrammar fits Colossi with Titan disks, makes them incredibly smart and strong
>They fight Botaan, start having shards of themselves break off
>Spirit mixes with Spores, causes Magnaron to form
>At this point Agrammar leaves to investigate something else
>Magnaron don't have intellect and unity of Colossi, barely fight the plants
>Those that do chard again, form the Gronn
>Colossi overload Titan disks, sacrifice themselves to kill Botaan
>Botaan becomes Farahlon, some plants still around though not nearly as strong
>Gronn fight plants and each other, shard some more, forms Ogres
>Ogre mutation from Spores causes Orcs to happen

All this happened over thousands of years, so by the time Orcs and Ogres started taking history none of this could be remembered.

So orcs are also titan creations and come from ogres?

Dont worry it will come some day, you just gotta be patient, 20-30 years from now

Sort of.Ogres and Orcs formed around the same time, so they're mildly related at least.

Also Ogres learned Arcane magic from the Arrakoa, and two-headed ogres are a magical mutation that was considered a massive sign of good fortune.

Orcs are descendants of titan creations
Much like the humans of azeroth

Anime fighting maps were the best.

>Autistic screeching

yes, Legion TD MEGA

wanted to replay warcraft III but i couldn't find my frozen throne CD.

you don't need the CD if you have the serial number. you can add it to your battle.net profile and download it from there.

>every thread degrades into post-WC3 lore discussion, custom maps or both
Just tell me about your strategies you used back then in multiplayer and prove to me that were not some kind of casual.

Demon hunter + druids of the claw was my shit, but I occasionally rushed with the KoG and huntresses.

>Being too much of a faggot to enjoy that golden era of user generated content

How many cocks can fit into your prolapsed anus?

I managed to complete the final mission of RoC on hardest difficulty without the Horde base being destroyed, but is it possible to finish that mission with Alliance base still intact? I could never do it.

>Being so much of a faggot you are too scared to play the game against other players in the games main setting.

How many cocks can fit into your prolapsed anus?

>Darkness called... but I was on the phone so I missed him.

OP's quote is literally from WoW.

goddam arthas got cuckd

I will never forgive Blizzard for what they did to Kael'thas's character.

>How dare a character develop REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>The drug addicted douchebag makes a deal to gt him and his drug addicted douchebag buddies an unlimited supply so he can be their hero when they're not stoned out of their fucking minds


BC was the start of the Warcraft universe tumbling down. It was bad enough when they introduced non-broken Draenei, but then they turned Kael'thas and Illidan evil for no fucking reason. They went completely out of their way to fix that fuck-up by retconning everything so Illidan did nothing wrong and was literally brought back to life in Legion.

Blizzard should just have never killed any characters, it's obvious how badly Warcraft relied on pre-existing characters.

>It was bad enough when they introduced non-broken Draenei

Why people keep repeating this shitty meme?


>Retconned everything so Illidan did nothing wrong

What are you smoking? Illidan was still a gigantic self-absorbed prick who wanted all the glory for himself. Did you ever even read the book?

Ah shit I took the bait didn't I.

>Video game
>Have to read a book to understand the story
>A big duel between Garrosh and Cairne happened in a book instead of in-game

There was no relation between eredar and draenei.
Pic related, it's a draenei.

Yes, there are some videos about it. You can also just cheese the mission by suicide charging into the enamy base with a lot of mines, destroying their necropolis and killing the builders.

Literally did NOTHING wrong and was right about everything.
Too bad Jaina was hungry for that BOC.

>It was bad enough when they introduced non-broken Draenei
Draenei should jave just looked like they did in WC3. Making them the same race as Eredar made no fucking sense and just undermined the Eredar by making them yet another "corrupted" race instead of demon lords. Metzen is a hack and the WoW defenders in this thread should be castrated

Who /lamer/ here?

>massing towers
>tower rushing
>sneaking cannon towers behind their trees
>tier 2 tower pushes with militia and tavern hero + footies and level 3 AM
>tower creeping
>abusing the shit out of invisibility, mechanical critter and tp staff for harass

Illidan was always a bad guy, and Kael'thas joining the Legion was completely in character based on what we've seen of him in TFT. Just because you play with a character in the RTS doesn't mean the character isn't a baddie. You played with undead Arthas in two campaigns.

It's not a meme. You weren't there when it was announced? Back then the fanbase and Blizzard still cared about the lore. Metzen literally wrote an apology for it on the forums after the outcry.

When are we going to get Garithos in HoTS

It makes no sense for the blood elves to join the horde. At worst they'll be a lone, neutral faction, and at best they go back/never leave the alliance.

Im really hoping for a WC4 that runs alongside WoW. Events that happen in WC4 also happen along side in WoW

That way MMObabbies get their fill and i still get my new WC4.

Also all my favorite characters save Sylvannas have been killed/ruined.

>Wants to complain about lore
>Doesn't want to actually read the lore

Truly you are the cancer.

And its still a draenei. The broken are still draenei too. The draenei are also eredar, they just renamed themselves out of shame. Is the concept of subfactions and offshoots is really THAT hard to grasp? A SINGLE line of the WV3 manual was retconned in the process.

>Sargeras was corrupted by the nathrezim and eredar

>Sargeras was corrupted by the nathrezim

And even that retcon was retconned in Chronicles since Sargeras is a good guy now who dindu nuffin.

He preemptively attacked the Horde, dooming his entire colony.

WoD Blackhand looks retarded

Illidan was a anti hero at worst. A jerk, reckless and powerhungry, yep, but not evil. Everything he did in w3 was for the good of azeroth.

>since Sargeras is a good guy now who dindu nuffin.

Congratulations, you're some kind of super retard. What will you parrot next?

Modern WoW designs look retarded. The new models are a disgrace.

They don't even look remotely the same. It's like blizzard wanted the Draenei to look prettier and then stole the Eredar design out of laziness, then just said "oh well let's make them the same species" instead of Ereadar being demons. It's needlessly complicated and confusing and undermines the Eredar like said

>It's not a meme. You weren't there when it was announced? Back then the fanbase and Blizzard still cared about the lore. Metzen literally wrote an apology for it on the forums after the outcry.

>literally an entire continent full of new races gets retconned in twice
>no one gives a shit

>the entire night elven race, war of the ancients and shit gets retconned in
>no one gives a shit

>entire races like the arakkoa, never mentioned before in WC2 get retconned in
>no one gives a shit

>entire factions and backstories retconned back and forth
>no one gives a shit

>single line in WC3 manual changed, giving us an interesting race

>Blizzard goes out of their way to explain that Exodar is not a space ship but a dimension ship
>Legion literally bombards and invades the cities of Azeroth with spaceships

Rumor has it that in development there was going to be more races added for frozen throne.
Naga, Blood elf and Burning Legion were all going to have their own multiplayer faction and campaign.

Apparently that was too much work, so they just threw what units they did create into places they sorta fit. Blood mage to Humans, Sea Witch and Pit Lord to tavern, everything else in the trash.

I guess they wanted to go with a Dawn of War feel where the expansion adds lots more shit, but they got lazy.

So, uh, you know what he did to Maiev in Outland, right?

When are all the orcs going to be genicided once and for all? The "savage noble" does not fucking exist, the very idea of it sucks.

>no one gives a shit
I did. Dropped WoW after vanilla


Nah, most of them look great.