ITT: Things you wish you could experience for the first time again.
>pic related
ITT: Things you wish you could experience for the first time again.
>pic related
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>wow was released 12 years ago
Elwynn is objectively the worst starting zone. Everything about it is token generic fantasy rpg. The only thing good about it was the music. Then you go to Westfall and find everything even worse as Westfall was one of the worst designed zones Blizzard ever shat out.
The human leveling experience doesn't get good until duskwood or if you take the tram to the dwarf zones.
>tfw Cataclysm Westfall
the defias storyline is literally one of the best stories blizzard ever told
westfall was almost perfect, except maybe for HUH
theres a reason all Nelves went through the wetlands meatgrinder after reaching lvl 10
git out of my face hordefag
>token generic fantasy rpg
because of idiots like you we got the Naaru and multiverse bullshit
>theres a reason all Nelves went through the wetlands meatgrinder after reaching lvl 10
Because that continent was dead AF either after or before dankshore.
It was my first character's starting zone in WoW, hence the title. Nothing compares that first several weeks in an MMO where everything is new and exciting.
it was dead because all the questing was shit
Looking forward to playing Bloodborne for the first time, who jelly?
So glad I never fell into the mmo trap, all those hours I spared myself from being wasted.
Yall glad you poured that time down the drain?
>Post-Cata Northshire
Objectively the best.
Loch and dark shore were always dead and empty (more so loch).
It was fun. So yes.
fuck you i'm crying now
everything was so magical, so perfect, so mysterious
we'll never get that feel ever again, it hurts
Why did they turn that area into a children game?
Seriously, it's so wacky...
It was only magical and mysterious cause you were a fucking child. The same can be said for any decent MMO.
t. grampa who was 18 when WoW was launched and was not impressed
Modern MMO players have ADHD
Give me WoW stories.
I never could get into it (or any MMO for that matter) but threads about it are like grandparents talking about the good ol' times.
I can still hear it...
>The same can be said for any decent MMO
I agree, but every alternative is a korean grindfest and not as immersive as WoW.
Wow was the pinnacle of mmo, it had it all.
Everquest, Guild wars, Ultima might have been better gameplay wise but nobody got as close as WoW when it comes to sense of wonder, adventure and immersion.
>be 17 at the time
>find out about KaZaA and Limewire
>first game I ever downloaded illegally
>loved it so much I went out and bought it at Wal-Mart for $10 so that I could play online
>got really involved in the modding community
>first gaming "Clan" I ever joined (shout out to Skulls of Death)
>get promoted to mod after 1 year
>meetings in our server every Sunday night
>scheduled duels matches between rival Clans
> first real online friends
>one of our female members lived in Indonesia
>Indian Tsunami of 2004 happens; we never hear from her again
>another guy die in car accident
>another guy get stomach cancer and dies (R.I.P. KyleCopter
>older members graduate college and go to get jobs
>clan slowly drifts apart
This game was my fucking life for about 3 years. Good times and sad times.
>Grinding at Tyr's Hand
>Undead mage, PVE Server
>Gnome mage farming as well
>Fire blast his targets right before his frostbolts/firebolts hits targets
>I cap them, but he gets the aggro forced to kill them due to density of mobs
>Continue like this on/off for roughly 1 hour
>Feel a bit guilty, help him kill off some that he manages to cap
>Stop stealing all together
>Gnome emotes me to follow him
>Have a duel outside the gates
>He wins, we bow and continue grinding
We never met again after that.
The game was and still is good but when it first came out it was fucking magical. Maybe it's just because I was ten when it came out and still had a sense of wonder and exploration
God damn WoW...
Sounds like an awesome ride. My wow guild was the same for me. First time really conversing with strangers and learning more about the world, albeit a slightly jaded view from edgy turds on the internet.
Pretty much all dark souls related.
Kicking the ladder down after the taurus demon and understending that 'the world is conveluted'.
Beting o&s for the first time.
Expeiriencing the reveal of the boreal volley
>one of our female members lived in Indonesia
>Indian Tsunami of 2004 happens; we never hear from her again
>another guy die in car accident
>another guy get stomach cancer and dies (R.I.P. KyleCopter
christ that's depressing. wonder if the indonesian woman actually died? gotta assume so...
Fuck I miss that period of my life so much. Can't believe it's already been 11 years since I started playing WoW. Going to be 30 this year. Simpler times.
WoW up to Burning crusade
Dayz (mod)
Dark Souls 1
>Everything about it is token generic fantasy rpg.
That's a bad thing? Blizzard did it right and it made the zone incredibly comfy.
PSO in general. My first "MMO" despite never playing it online until I emulated a few years ago , I went in expecting an action/adventure game like Zelda, it wasn't quite how I imagined it but I still loved it. Too bad I never had a modem for my GC.
I'd still play it, but fuck, I really wish I could play it for the first time again.
The naaru are the coolest race in WoW you pleb. Shame the hacks at blizzard completely forgot about then.
ur mom
When they turned gear from a tool to enjoy content, to the core of content, the game went to shit.
And when they added welfare gear that replaces you well earned raid gear each and every patch (Im looking at you TOC) they effectively killed end game progression, by turning raid gear into vendor trash.
And whats stupid is they still haven't realized that the more gear they give us, the less fun end game becomes, especially when your 'upgrades' are just metzenforged to have more ilvl but has the same stats, just 5% more of them.
It was dead because
>tfw no auction house
>Deep Ocean, Vast Sea
>Head on in.
Was mindblowing when I was a kid
Problem with Dankshore is they moved BFD from North dankshore to east ashenvale so that the horde could reach it.
Everyone ran from dankshore to WC so they could do VC
Elwynn was the most solid leveling experience Alliance-side until the Cataclysm revamp. It had a steady flow of quests to get you familiar with surviving in the world.
>posts the cata northshire
>you will never play Breath of the Wild for the first time again
>you will never enter the Zora's Domain for the first time
>you will never find and tame the Lord of the Mountain
>you will never crossdress for a bunch of qt muscle girls
>you will never kill a Lynel for the first time ever again