Just finished getting all the main endings, planning on deleting my save data after I get Platinum...

Just finished getting all the main endings, planning on deleting my save data after I get Platinum. Can we talk about how amazing this game is?

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2017 is a pretty fucking good year so far


2017 has a lot of releases that will be incredible around Christmas time, when they are reduced to $19.99 - $29.99.

Why are you bragging about being poor?

Its not. Its just as mediocre as the first one.



Stop bandwagoning shit about this game, STOP

Love the Characters and Music, but the other stuff is not that great.

FUCK Just kill me for wasting time on this boards

ok, one question.
why has a female battle type android high heels? its impractical as fuck to fight with those on

No, now that PCbros have it Nier threads are for shitposting only

it accentuates their butts

Having a human form at all is impractical.

because it's stylish as fuck and everything you do while being stylish is highly approved.

From Yoko Taro's mouth
>I just really like girls

Game is a masterpiece. fuck off contrarians and millenials.

>planning on deleting my save data after I get Platinum
You already scarified someone's save data to get the Ending.
You're gonna sacrifice even MORE just to because? If you wanted to help you should have done it from the get go.

>Ah! 2B-san
>Ah! A2-san

what a great teacher he was

You know, based on the early promotional shots of the game, I always assumed Pascal wanted to fuck 2B. How wrong I was.

*stabs your waifu*
>pshhhh, nuthin personnel, 9S
*slides away*

did anyone actually liked her combat-wise?
i really liked 2Bs hold square finisher more than A2s taunts

Why did he sound like a girl?

i love taunting and her berserk mode is fun

I did

Ah! the children

>Ah! My memories

Muh forest babby

>You're not leaving me like this... are you?

Oy faggots do you think I could run it on AMD HD 5000, 4GB ram and AMD N950 quad 1.7GHz


Any of you fags playing this at 1440p or 4k? How does it look?


holy shit his JP voice was so crazy when he screamed

>reading about the forest king
>seeing his life on teh second playthrough

Is full screen broken? I have it at 1920x1080 and have a black border around everything

Sasuga Tokyo Ghoul.

It looks the same, just slightly sharper. 4k is a meme.

for the forest king!

It isn't the season for reason


this is probably the best game ever made.
Taro did it, he made a game that is of philosophic interest with good gameplay and interesting characters.

Im telling you guys, this is will be remembered as the best game ever made

>generations of robots trained for their lives to fight for a king they never met and threw their lives away at the first chance they got

This is even better than the Tales of Berseria one.


>End credits
>Choir Weight of the World starts playing
>See all the friendly player messages from all over the world who've finished it with you
>People who sacrificed their save files to help you

I actually broke down crying in a video game, for maybe the first time in well over a decade

>tfw get hit intentionally during the credits waste all those pathetic sacrifices

>2B gets happy ending
>9S gets happy ending
>A2 gets to die alone

Wow thanks

For some reason it was a really emotional experience for me, I usually don't get that into a game and think these online connectivity for no real multiplayer is dumb but here it just worked

I didn't even like the song originally but now I love it

>A2 gets to die alone
She is pretty much alive user.
P-042 saved her

A2 is alive in ending E though.

>he didn't get ending E

2B and 9S have heavy trauma and will both likely be pretty fucked up

A2 learnt the value of life and is a happier person now

They are all stuck in a world where robots want to kill them but will never let them quite lose

>do you want to help other player?
me: YES, they helped me so much
>if you do, your save file will be deleted
me: yeah no, fuck them

>They are all stuck in a world where robots want to kill them but will never let them quite lose
Majority of those machines fucked off to space though leaving pascal and the few who remained at disneyland.

You're thinking this is impossible right?
There's light at the end of the tunnel

This is so on point it's stupid.

Even the autistic screeching isn't an exaggeration.

Well now you get to look at your save file every time and see that you are scum

Ok so after Ending E

do all the main characters get their memories and bodies restored? Or are they doomed to repeat the same actions as before?

If you die during the tutorial you have to restart the entire game? Are you serious?

No they didn't

I feel like a horrible person now

Don't die during the tutorial then

>you can see her toes

>do all the main characters get their memories and bodies restored?
Yes they retain all the memories they made and have to live with it's consequences and 2E gets a new body, 9S gets fixed, and A2 is still A2

It wasn't 100% clear, but I think they did but are just likely to fuck it all up again

Yeah seems you don't get iframes during the bits the camera forces your movement. I'm not going to waste 5+ minutes redoing this again.

2B? More like 2E

You are retarded.

You get instantly healed if you go to low health, unless you started on hard mode you'd have to be unbelievably bad to die in the tutorial.

die when you in your flight unit to get a bad ending

>dying during the tutorial

Of course I started in hard mode.

>Run! Run! Android scary
>I wonder what makes them choose those words...

Is the amount of edge normal for japanese games?
I haven't played a lot of jap games.
The edge and the design are kinda stupidly overdone.

It isn't bad


you probably shouldn't do that if you're this bad at video games, then

i haven't really seen anything edgy other than Eve and A2


Why would you bind THE EVADE, arguably the most important function in the game, to a DOUBLE TAP OF A KEY on the Keyboard+Mouse control scheme?


joke ending then.
androids lose instantly and machines take over the world

>playing a ps4 game with m+kb
use a xbox controller at least

>no borderless window
>port is shit

Why would someone play an action rpg/ character action game on a m+kb?

>playing on a keyboard
thats your problem

I gave up the save file cos I figured I'd play through from scratch again anyways, and it'd ruin the moment if I didn't.

What was your message Sup Forums?
It was hard for me as well But... we're here for you

I prefer playing games on K+M, I can actually aim the drone.

I played Metal Gear Rising on the hardest difficulty on K+M and did just fine.

This is literal incompetence.

so a good ending

Not hard to aim drone on controller desu
You are incompetent

Wouldn't it be hot if A2 instead of stabbing 2B in front of 9s she made out with her?

How retarded can one person get? You're literally arguing against more options and forcing people to play games how you like to play them.

Sonybros are some of the dumbest people on the planet.

The pod isn't super accurate anyway, if you are generally facing the right direction it will hit

How would 9S react?

But you do have the option and no one is taking that away, just pointing out it is the worst choice

>game informs you that there is no auto-save
>end up playing the first hour without saving
Wew. I heard there are some changes when you lose and have start again, is that true?

autistic screeching

The exact same way.

Do you even have to ask?

game literally has Dark Souls-death system

I have plenty of options, I can rebind every action to whatever button I want

Why does 2B look like A2?
Im currently on the C Route and it came up a couple of times