Claim your vidya whyfoo

do it for her

Other urls found in this thread:


>liking an autistic girl : OP

>dude I'm SUCH a weeb lmao!! x33


So has anyone ever discovered your waifu? Have you told anyone that you have one? Do you go out in public on dates with her?

Whoops, forgot to post my own waifu.


Done. 17 minutes to go until playing with her.

I love Fuuka!



>So has anyone ever discovered your waifu?
>Have you told anyone that you have one?
Course not, why would I?
>Do you go out in public on dates with her?
Only on special occasions like our anniversary or Fuuka's Birthday.

I want Seija to flip the situation and make me her waifu!




So what happen when you claim one?

Kill yourself ironic weeb normalfag.

Absolutely nothing!


Do you have a waifu?

The concept of "claiming" that you own someone is dumb.

Im not a ironic weeb.

Right, so you must unironically have a waifu?


I just told you I don't stupid weeb.

Oh, I see now.
You were on your way to reddit, and got lost?

You don't know what you're missing.

Tell me more, ironic weeb.

Its pretty simple. I like her design, and I like the game the character is in. Simple as that.

Thanks for the bump, by the way. Mighty white of you.

not him but that sounds very shallow.

>I like the character so she's my waifu

So how many waifus do you have? 400?

poor user


Not really a waifu, but thanks for the effort,

isn't she incapable of feeling love?

Waifu is just a concept, as it exists in your mind. It is up to the individual to determine what it is.

Thanks for the input, ironic weeb.

I don't gave to claim my waifu because no one else wants her.

>Waifu is just a concept

All mine


Well, yes, waifu is just a conceptual thing, but it's a concept that has a lot of meaning to a lot of people. Saying a character is a waifu because you like her design is like saying you're a hardcore gamer because you play CoD. You're really just scratching at the suface level of waifu subculture.

You should post her because you love her!

I thought gaming was meant to be inclusive. You can enjoy a game for the story or gameplay, for example, without getting involved in the deeper aspects, like multiplayer or leaderboards. Why can't waifu be any different?






It's worth breaking the rule.

>"good enough" personality
>godtier design
Yep, waifu/favorite female character material
stop using the term whyfoo as a substitute for waifu before the faggot mods catch on and autosage it as well


claim a better waifu! play monster girl gamu!

What rule?

That was easy

Inb4 Bill

Don't stick your dick in crazy, or in this case, marry the crazy.

>tfw banned because of posting lewd Maya pubes in a P4 thread
fucking kids

She's pretty stable user, don't know what you're on about

You deserved it


>Do you go out in public on dates with her?
Back to It's okay to have a favorite female character but you fags take it too far


>bitching at based Rein at every match

Only thing I didn't like about her

If the waifu is from vidya then it's Sup Forums

Dragon waifu is the best waifu~

Well, at least she seems like she's enjoying it.

Relax, user, I was just asking a question.
Why get made about loving waifus in a waifu thread, anyway?

I was talking about the public dates remark. That's straight up Sup Forumsutism that Sup Forums does not need more of

>tfw obtained her 3x in 24hrs of Heroes
I mean I was asking for her since she's super qt but I didn't expect this much

>+def -skill
>knight/monk personal class, A+/S to get the other one.
>Become the biggest wall.

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female video games character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example reddit

Thanks for reading!

All me.

Probably something to do with getting banned from Sup Forums for posting pic related
Fuck those assholes, I'll enjoy multiple female characters as little or as much as I want to

You only quoted one

What makes you think that I don't love her?

Jokes on you, I'd totally marry Alice.


Kys faggot

No, fuck you. I've never liked the definition that Sup Forums has pushed and I'm tired of your Sup Forumsutism. Keep it in the Waifu Wednesday thread or go fuck yourself

My waifu isn't vidya related, so pic unrelated


You're the one who destroyed the definition of the word, normalfag ironic weeb.

Kill yourself and ban deserved.

But seriously it's not a waifu if you have more than one. It's haremfaggotry that got the word waifu autosaged.

>Every P4 girl claimed except the best one

Fools, all of you.

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female video games character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example reddit

Thanks for reading!

At least get more pictures

not every girl


All mine.

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female video games character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example reddit

Thanks for reading!

Jokes on you, they are both my waifus!

You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female video games character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example reddit

Thanks for reading!

Here's your (You), now leave.


Jokes on you, I didn't say she was vidya related. Try to change the words before using the pasta


You seem to have used "waifu" to mean favourite female video games character out of a certain series. Oops!

Don't worry, I've got your back. I suggest that you should learn what it means, by lurking more. Alternatively you could visit a a website more suited to your kind, for example reddit

Thanks for reading!

>Two waifus
That's not how it works.