ITT: Nostalgia
ITT: Nostalgia
Was there ever a better ui?
>1 gen ago is nostalgia now
Really took it for granted at the time, but man looking back pictochat was some of the coolest shit ever
2 gens already. 9th gen started this month.
>released 13 years ago
>not nostalgia
Ah shit I forgot about the blades. Perfect UI
>we will never have bonus demo & movie discs again
>we will never get to enjoy beta content at the tips of our fingers again
>we will never get to play the entirity of Crash Bash on a free demo ever again
This was legit the comfiest thing ever and fuck Microsoft for going full normie on the revision.
What's the game on the left
Rally X
Shoot yourseslf underage.
>Pokemon Dash
Oh Christ I forgot that was a thing.
>More people in pic with PSP's than DS's
that's some bizarro nostalgia right there
And yet the DS dominated the market.
Probably Europe.
I'll fuck your mom instead.
>Probably Europe
But im a bong and this still looks like some alternate reality. Or did the DS just not take off in mainland Europe?
never found anyone to chat with
It's because you're a Sup Forumsfag
I'm 26 this year and can feel nostalgia for the DS and PSP you weirdo
>poor little white boi
Rereleasing the Wii doesnt count as a new gen.
>Probably Europe
Certainly not. Practically nobody owned a PSP
remember when you could get your old games working well with it.
>t. poorfag who just bought a DS
>It's not Europe
>Nobody owned a PSP
Citation needed. Or get better friends.
Ridge Racer I think
real nostalgia
No, but I remember all the bsods and usb issues.
I automatically associate the dreamcast and this song for some reason
>>It's not Europe
>>Nobody owned a PSP
>Citation needed. Or get better friends.
Just go and see the charts online, or go back in time to live in Europe during the DS/PSP era
If you remember this, your childhood was awesome!
He's not wrong, most people would have a DS and something like MKDS or Pokemon.
If you ever saw someone with a PSP they were using it to listen to music.
what kind of badly maintained toaster did you have?
i knew 2 people with psp and one with ds. generally people just didn't care about handhelds.
That's lies and bullshit, fucking nihon games not working properly
Chatted at lunchtime in 6th grade
Tech doesn't age like people, and DS and PSP came out a decade ago homo
That wallpaper is the comfiest, desu.
that rogue squadron game is actually pretty good
Silly image, no one owned a PSP while people had multiple DSs. Just like how no one owned a vita while 3DS sold millions.
I knew about 5 people with PSP's at school back then. Hardly anyone played games on them, it was just a hot sleek piece of tech, they bought about 1 (shitty) game some UMD movies and nothing else.
DS was fewer(about 3) but at least the DS users played games because that's all the shit did.
This was such a great day to be in Sup Forums
My brother had a PSP. He barely had any games but bought a bunch of anime for it and used it as an MP3 player
>ywn be 14 again when wifi was new and exciting, steal your neighbors, and jack off in the bathroom using the horribly slow mobile internet
comfy computers
This is probably an old meme but shit at my school it was the exact opposite. Pictochat dicks for days and like 8 player matches of metroid hunters.
My brother threw an absolute shit fit when this happened. What a retard
>teenage sony-ggers were watching movies and not playing video games, just like what they are doing now
>steal your neighbors
>went to a friends place
>used his wifi to play some Prime Hunters
>his mother turned it off mid game
>this argument again
It doesn't matter how powerful the consoles are. Sony could release a system as powerful as the PS1 and it would still be a new gen
>All the shit did
It's a portable video game player.
DSs got banned at my middle school when some kid started talking shit about his classmates over Pictochat.
One bad apple ruins the bunch.
13 years ago
Stop trying to be an edgy faggot
>leave the overnight road trips to me
>mfw I didnĀ“t yet have a 360 and installed a blades theme for xbmc on my xbox huege
25 and same
heck, I still miss 2006 and PS3 being the ultimate shit.
Piano Black PSP is the sexiest thing I`ve ever seen
>13 years ago I was 13-14
>somehow can't have nostalgia for bygone teen years
sounds more like you're an underage that wasn't even born then.
The old PS3 startup
Everybody at my school that got a PSP for Christmas in 2005 were carrying iPods by next Christmas and you never seen the PSP again.
One guy even got a Zune. These people weren't really into video games, they just wanted the newest status item. PSP looked sleek ans adult. This is why the handheld market is dying and it hit Sony worse than Nintendo. Those people back in 2005 who would have boughg a Vita just like they bought the PSP all had smartphones now. Back in 2005 the best you could hope to get for phone was a Razr, Sidekick, or Nextel i90 but none did anything or did it too the level of the PSP.
Once you remove that market of casuals who just buy shit because
it's cool then you lose a good chuck of sales. Smartphones came along and became the cool thing that did everything a PSP could do and do it better, except gaming. But the general pop doesn't care about gaming that much. Most people I knew with PSPs used it to listen to music and show off whatever wallpapers they had.
I remember sitting at the lunch table with mines and I was the only guy with games, everyone else was looking at whatever flavor of the month Maxim model and they looked dumbfounded when you asked thek about games.
It was boring and my closest friends had the DS, I dropped my original DS and broke the screen so I got the PSP, said fuck it and got a DS Lite and a iPod and carried those for my last year or high school.
You are now experiencing C O M F O R T
This was not comfy at all, the Gamecube no-disc menu was though.
>Only 90's kids get this
I had more fun on Pictochat than I had with the whole of the PSP. PS got too clouded in the other features that yoy hardly gave a shit about tje games and the battery life was shit. DS players had games, PSP players had MP3s and movies.
I wish more of the weebs at my school had PSPs but they were too busy running around in Naruto headbands and wrestling in the cafe reading Shonen Jump magazines.
The people who had PSP were the kinds now who think you're impressed with their Apple and Samsung shit.
>the Gamecube no-disc menu was though.
>all of the alternate start up sounds
Schools foster too many pussies.
the switch is a handheld
it is 1 generation after the 3ds
the 3ds is 1 generation after the ds
so the ds was 2 gens ago
uh, people born in 1999 can legally browse the site now, grandpa
expect more xbox threads soon.
Firstly, the Wii U was as big of a leap over Wii as the 360 was over the original Xbox.
Secondly, the Wii U was nothing like the Wii. Not in terms of how you played it (no focus on waggle) nor even the types of games for the most part.
y u mad tho
That's the joke.
>ywn be a Japanese teenager in the early 00s playing one of these on a subway with all your friends and tapping QTs in their school uniforms
Why didn't the PSP every take off in US
god the original DS model was a mistake from any kind of aesthetic point of you, and the screens were total shit quality
it was as robust as a tank, and probably the last real "nintendium" console, i'll give them that
Holy shit are you me?
>Get freinds. Thats if you have any
What did he mean by this?
> at the bottom
my heart
>2 dollars to the pound
oh what sweet nostalgia
It's a shame xiii turned out to be so awful.
Why was the 3ds regionlocked?
literally nothing changed since then
>not being 14 years old and browsing Sup Forums on the PSP web browser
I seriously hope you guys did this.
jesus fucking christ