Why do game developers treat PC gamers like shit?

Why do game developers treat PC gamers like shit?

Am I missing something? Isn't Low EXACTLY the same as Max?

>he doesn't get 100+ fps in Andromeda


Because they pirate everything

As always, if a game runs like shit on PC it runs even worse on console. I think it targets 30 fps on consoles, which any piece of shit PC will be able to do.

nono, the plants disappear at max.

different frames get you different framerates

Aren't most of the people working on this the type of folks who hate video games and set out to do whatever they can to "destroy" the industry.

apart from ambient occlusion I can't see any real difference

because what goes around comes around.

because you deserve nothing more.

Devs have given up on optimization years ago, both on console and on pc. The difference is that pc gamers usually can brute force the performance to an acceptable level with newer hardware. So when a game comes along that´s even worse performing than the rest it´s especially annoying

AAA games are console port, therefore the only differences are AA/AO/Draw distance or Shadow quality.
So you won't notice that shit on that kind of pic.

Because you don't pay for your games.

>As always, if a game runs like shit on PC it runs even worse on console.
Thats completely wrong.

It's completely correct. Significantly weaker HW will always run worse.

>I don't know shit about video game development.

??? Why would I go any higher than low even if I have a GTX 1080ti?


youre wrong, arkham knight was an almost entirely unplayable mess on PC when it came out

Optimizing a game for a few platforms is relatively easy. Making it run well across all platforms is a fucking nightmare. There is just one version of PS4 you have to test it on and make it meet your FPS goals. Same on XBone. On PC you have dozens of combinations - different CPUs, GPUs, amounts of memory. It's fucking hard as fuck and apparently people buy unoptimized games anyway, so why bother.

>It's the pirates fault so will make all our consumers suffer.

same engine than battlefield
can't get good optimisation
bioware kek

>have a 1070
>Run game max settings 1080p
>60+ FPS
Works on my machine you autist poorfag

>literally a single exception
>pc players were still playing it at 4k 30fps or 1080p 60fps day one

what did he mean by this

He's right though. Console games just run at a lower FPS while looking worse.

But like the OP shows, the difference between low and max is barely noticeable.
So basically, a decent PC will run the game at MAX at the same FPS a console will run it at medium.

However, since the actually graphical improvements are so minor, you're better off playing it on medium on PC too to get 60fps.

No one gives a shit about PC because it's a dead market. Most PC gamers are pirates so it's just not worth wasting money on them.

i like you

low looks the same as the rest

>what is FH3
>what is quantum break
>what is ROTTB

>He's right though.

No, exemples have been provided, and Mass effect andromeda is another proof.
It depends on the hardware AND the optimization.

>it's totally out of spite and not because they make less money on the PC because PCfags pirate everything

>60FPS on low

Fucking this.


Is that video ram or system ram?

There are thousands of possible pc combinations, with ps4 and xbone you have four. How are game devs supposed to be expected to put in all that work, on an OS that will most likely just end up being pirated.


games that run like shit on console

>have 1080
>run max settings 1080p
>stable 30+ fps
Just get a decent machine, halfwits.

>get unreal or cry sdk
>make a good game
>swim in money

And even worse on PC with the same hardware.

Oh come on it's easy to shit on Andromeda, why lie on top of that ?
It's the benchmark on 4k, the result is standard for this type of resolution without game ready drivers (not out yet).
I played the trial on a 970 with a shit i5 on i was at 60fps constantly at 1080 with vsync and beetween 70 and 150 fps with vsync off.


on high/ultra (custom)

There is no 'same hardware' dipshit but nice goal posts.


because working is hard and cost money

yeah that's the sole reason
>why bother trying to optimize a game to make it run on 5 different computer, when you can just change 1 or 2 shit and make it run on 5 consoles ?

Because for the most part, people will buy it anyway. People bought Dark Souls despite it being fundamentally broken and needing a fan patch for it to even work as intended.

Plus if it runs poorly on most machines, they can just say it's very demanding.

>pirate everything
>market reaches and all time high of 30billion dollars


sure developper get more money of a pc copy than a console copy.
you know nothing kid

>max settings is blurrier than low

This shit is pushing it way too far.

The plants are there you blind son of a bitch.

Look at the nier threads on Sup Forums right now following the fucking release. People bought the game before it released. Why the fuck should anyone try hard for people who will lap up shit regardless?

This goes for consoles too, don't get me wrong.

You miss the joke retard

How do you even compare PS4 and PC hardware then nigger

>This memory usage
It will run worse than rage on consoles.

daily reminder pirating and talking about andromeda means time not spent playing better games

you're ultimately the loser if you touch this game in any way shape or form

Bioware is GARBAGE, I have 970 and BF1 runs like a charm on high 1080p 60fps same happened with bf 4 and bf3 when I had mid/low spec pc. Frostbite is actually a pretty good engine but bioware is fucking incompetent.

Because console gamers give them much more money, while PC gamers are whiny cunts that complain about nonproblems like being unable quicksave every three seconds in the middle of battle. MEA is a dumpster fire on all accounts, but I just read some autismo's post on leddit about how having to redo 15 seconds of play was unacceptable because he died once.

It is clear as day that Intel, AMD and Nvidia have paid them to make game use huge amounts of memory for no reason to get better graphics card and processor sales.

20 billion is from MOBAs and f2p game pirate poorfag



>moving goalpost

Stop stealing games then you'll get treated better.

Did any of you play this game yet???

PC gaming is a meme

>calls other poorfags

Console typically outsells PC with most titles by a big margin unless it's a potato-friendly fps / moba, a CD Projekt game, or a minecraft style buildathon.

>As always, if a game runs like shit on PC it runs even worse on console.

Enjoy medium at 22fps.

There was no goalpost. He brought up something factually irrelevant and the other user pointed it out.
