Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

>Who was in the wrong here?
Blizzard for creating this abhorrent pile of aids shit game

>twitter screencap
Probably OP, for being a massive faggot once again.

>Things That Totally Happened™

>Then my daughter, aged 8, said she was "woke" and called the Trump presidency a "Xenophobic scam of idiocy and contempt". So proud!

Am i supposed to know what a hanzo main is

But why would anyone lie on internet?

>liberal """parents"""

You are in the wrong for posting not vidya on a vidya board.

You for posting this clearly fake Twitter shitpost.

we reddit now?

we always reddit

i know too many retards whose parents play MMOs with them. like, these poor fuckers can't even log in without their parents being there, too. and they're all in the same guild. they can't escape their families, ever.

Dear Sup Forums, this thread makes me want to kill myself. It also gave me cancer with the tumors having AIDS at the same time. Please avenge me and fuck OP in the ass with a rusty wire brush.

>shittiest game of all time is popular with kids
Whaaaat a surpriseeee

this didn't happen

>raise kids without "sexist bigoted gender roles" and even call them the sexless prefex "hen" or whatever the fuck

>be surprised when they grow up and cant man up/arent happy with the gender they're born with

it's kinda funny, but stained by being a twitter post thus probably fake as shit

>Russian "news"

the reason isn't even kids mentality, it's because doctors makes literal millions from subscribing people to a life time treatment, a complex castration surgery, and monthly psychological supports afterwards.

Knowing how statistics work, that is one hell of a clickbait title.

I bet its actually "number of boys wanting to be girls" though.

xD us nerd right loooooooooooool