>A character is ugly
Ever consider pure incompetence?
>A character is ugly
Ever consider pure incompetence?
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She's not even SJW ugly. If she was she wouldn't have makeup on.
no, everything disappointing in life is evidence of a vast conspiracy against me
so what about the no white skin tone customization?
>This character is ugly
Ever consider pure incompetence?
>20 fucking threads all dedicated to the same shitposting
Fucking mods.
>Developer that has been around for decades
>Making a worse looking product than something they put out 10 years ago.
It is an SJW agenda when they make diversity hires just for the sake of being progressive. It's obvious that all the real talent at bioware left years ago
I mean im not pol or anything but they are actually right on this one
Considering the writing and the animation, I think it's incompetence over malevolence.
>Space prostitute is ugly
She must not get much business.
>playing western games
No one blames ugly characters on those things, because that would be retarded.
are you actually gonna come here and seriously try to defend neo-bioware as not being sjw?
read it again
such a queer coded character, i hope she is not straight or no-buy from me
I don't get it. You'll need to explain.
Its incompetence + sjws. And both are hand on hand.
assuming that im a nazi because i hate ugly characters
The point is that SJWs aren't making purposeful ugly characters. They're making accidental ugly characters, because they're incompetent.
And sure, you can blame hiring if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that the artists tries their best, and came of short because they're plan incompetent.
making the characters intentionally SJWish ugly would still imply some kind of effort to pull that off.
the things ive seen just look nothing but lazy and incompetent though.
It's mostly incompetence. Not everything is an SJW conspiracy.
It's incompetence as a result of liberal hiring processes.
No one does that. Do you have a victim complex or something?
Wait what? There's no white skin tone to choose from? DIVERSITY!
At least there isn't a fat black transwomyn with a pink mohawk in a wheelchair.
No you retarded fuck get some reading comprehension. OP is saying the characters are ugly because people at BIoware are incompetent when it comes to decent looking charaters and animation. Fuckers like you always have to bring politics into literally every ME thread.
You've clearly never taken an art class. The first thing we learn when we do character design (after gestures, lines, basic construction, etc) is anatomy, and then we are told to draw lots of people of all types so we can master and internalize the details of what constructs beauty, villainy, heroism, innocence, power, etc...
And then we go through like a minimum of 6 years of practice and portfolio building before a studio even considers hiring us. And on top of that, studios don't just have one artist doing this; they hire dozens of folks who are not only good at character design, but actually specialize in tailoring specific parts of the body to specific requirements exactly according to art director spec... and even then, we iterate multiple times to ensure we are delivering exactly the vision the stakeholders had in mind (this is why game development takes 2, 3 years on average).
And after all that, you're saying a known AAA studio is incompetent? I call bullshit.
Bioware makes ugly characters by design, not by accident.
>And sure, you can blame hiring if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that the artists tries their best
That's a lie they are doing that because they think is a good joob, people who really want to make a good game just do it,this is not a shitty indie game we are talking about here
>and came of short because they're plan incompetent.
They were alrdy incompetent but because " muh women " we see the shit that's happening right now.
>It is an SJW agenda when they make diversity hires just for the sake of being progressive.
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe EA hires underqualified women and minorities because they can pay them less and that the shekel loving cunts literally don't give a shit about the politics of it?
from pic related it seems there is some relatable ehm... "dress code", them being also ugly is probably the consequence of them being incompetent,
or people are retarded (very plausible) and they are just incompetent
There kinda is. There's a black woman with stark blonde (actually more proper yellow) hair who is with you on the intro mission, gets injured, and you can talk to her again in the infirmary.
>boohoo there isn't a white option despite the fact every other fucking game that exists has one and most don't even have a dark skin option
You're full of shit. All the problems with the characters stem from technical shit, like proper shading and lighting, so their eyes don't look like doll eyes. Clearly it's not their intent to make animations look like ass either.
So how come they looked better in inquisition? Maybe because EA told them to finish the game in time? It's not the first time ea does this. Look at dead space 3, the original game sounded really fucking cool, but ea wanted the cawadooty audience.
Retards will blindly latch onto anything, even if it's extremely tangential, that might seem to confirm their retarded biases.
And will completely ignore anything that might challenge it. It's how Sup Forums works.
no you idiot its just an ugly character,I have a feeling people like you are gonna buy this shit and then turn around and complain about how shit it is like its a surprise. How about just ignoring it?
>That's a lie they are doing that because they think is a good job
Perhaps. That depends on how self aware the artist is. Some can look at their own work objectively, and others struggle to do that. But I think in most cases, artists are aware when they've reached their limit. And this is their limit. This is what happens when you try hard and come short.
> people who really want to make a good game just do it
Retarded assumption, especially when we know Bioware consists of talentless hacks. Besides, how awful animations are an effect of SJW pushing their agenda?
Name one modern game with custom main that doesn't let you be dark skinned
>Ever consider pure incompetence?
Not really since we actually know from the sourcebook pictures that they specifically made them ugly in late production. It was all done on purpose.
not sure where i gave you the impression of buying this thing but k
pure coincidence goy :^)
What are you guys talking about. Show me proof.
>muh nigger characters
>muh woman power
>muh white male cis character
And let's not forget the shitty job and the shitty people that work at bioware.
Do you want more?
They have good material and equipment how can they do a shitty job?
Please name three, I'll wait.
>They have good material and equipment how can they do a shitty job?
By lacking the skills to fully utilize their tools.
It's not even the skin tone. There is a white one (I don't know how people are so stupid as to get this twisted).
You can't edit the face to look like a white person. You can make a clearly light skinned Asian or a light skinned African, but you cannot make a white face...just go from asian to black.
People actually think that all the shit in Andromeda is due to "SJW propaganda" rather than them being a bad developer?
What the fuck?
why cant it be both?
SJW retards make potato people because they are shit and don't understand how to make appealing characters so they overcompensate by making as many coffee colored people as possible.
I just looked up a video where they made a custom white dude. So I'm not really sure if what you say has much validation.
Hanlon's razor
Because there's a difference between technical/artistic shortcomings, and whether or not you prefer a certain ethnicity than another.
Head 3 was the white preset. She was just ugly.
i meant that they made shitty models because of incompetence and then they painted them all shades of brown for diversity, not that the two were linked.
>Ever consider pure incompetence?
And then why did they get the job?
>muh diversity hires
Check mate sjw san.
>Head 3 was the white preset
Dude, just pay for friggen EA access for a month and try it yourself (it's just $5)
The shitty models are the cause of why they're ugly.
Also, fuck you mod for autosaging.
The diversity hires still tried their best.
Yep. Looks like an ugly white girl. You're supposed to customize her to look better. You can lighten her skin and everything.
Sup Forums has the worst mods.
I wouldn't say all the problems stem from just "proper shading and lighting" though. There are obvious flaws, fundamentally, with facial proportions. Ryder's nose, cheekbones, lips, and jawline are all examples of, in my opinion, artistic incompetence. Especially at the level of a professional AAA studio.
>Ever consider pure incompetence?
There is no conspiracy, it's just the bioware branch making this game has never made a big game by themselves before.
>The shitty models are the cause of why they're ugly.
well yeah that's what I was trying to say, not that brown people are ugly, my ex was a brown woman and she was hot until she doubled in width.