You're playing competitive

>you're playing competitive
>someone picks Bastion on attack
What is your reaction?

If there's a competent Reinhardt, its a legitimate pick these days and a powerful threat to the enemy team.

Bast isn't a meme pick anymore

Uninstall and play some more Titanfall

I pick a complementary hero to the team's intended strategy and adjust as needed. It's more skillful to recognize what works and use that than to bang your head against a rock and hope the other team is bad enough to give me some cherry-picked "x gets rekt" footage on youtube.

ctrl alt delete

Its all about shitters picking sombra now. Or symmetra on a control point

Bastion is broken as fuck now, so if he is at least some diamond it's ok for me

Considering I main soldier and know how to bullet hose and gank properly, bastion could be quite a plus to my teams front line if he is competent

Hm, I stopped playing at the end of season 3 but I'd probably pick genji or zarya.

I'm happy for them because they're playing the character they want and I'm not an autist.

If its a hybrid map I am perfectly ok with it. Bastions eat tanks for breakfast and can take down the enemy Rein sheild like nothing then scatter the team for the other DPS to get a pick. Once t hat happens move in. His recon mode is acceptable and he can pressure the point without being on it covering both the point and the defenders entrance to it.

I seen Bastion utterly ruin choke holds so fast its not uncommon to have the point in 60 to 90 seconds if the defenders try to diehard choke hold.

Any other map is iffy.

Honestly at this point as long as I don't see a Genji or Hanzo and we have some number of tanks and healers I don't care.

Hell, plop his ass behind a Reinhardt or someone else that can soak up damage and you can break a turtling enemy pretty handily.

Bastion is a slightly better 76, so I see no problem with this.
The only people who suck a shit with bastion are the people who play him like bastion and stay a stationary target.
A Bastion that moves around, surprising the team at choke points far outweighs a Bastion that sits on one single point and does fuck all but hope people forget he's there.

Pick Mercy and damage boost them.

Go reinhardt and properly shield my robot companion, making sure my dues vult knight ass isn't in his face while he blasts away everything in sight. Bastion is now high tier since he was buffed.

Bastion really hasn't been buffed that much

by playing better games

We'll see how they do. Usually they dont take full advantage of the buffed recon mode and think they can just post up as turret. Politely ask them to change if someone is shitting on them. Hope he and our ana combo ults.

recon mode melts pharahs far better than a 76 can.


Being winner at retard olympics still makes you retard. Is it possible to turn off autoaim already?

Yeah, i meant to type not* think they can just post up as a turret.

>Is it possible to turn off autoaim already?
Stop playing on consoles

nah i was agreeing with you, m8.

Bastion buffs almost negate the needs for a 76 if you have the right player. The only downside is the massive hit box bastion has (which is a well deserved size of a hit box for the dps output)

So far, at this point, Bastion has been forced into meta on both side, so I've made Mei my main. She counters a Bastion pretty well with cutting off his choke points and using her ult on him for the team to focus him down.

At this point these are the only heros I despair over when I see them.




All other heros are fine in anything that resembles a comp. I've won payload defense maps with Junk, 76, Bastion, Phara, Hog, and Ana before. We just worked together as a team and focused and crowd controlled them. There are only problems when one of the universal heros I listed tries to play. very rarely do I see them do anything useful. I have seen good players but they are rare as fuck and normally they don't do shit. If I had to pick the single worst hero it would be Tracer. She does fuck all but buzz around until a Junkrat or Hog one shots her. I don't know why but Tracers just don't seem to understand that Junkrat hard counters her more than any one hero hard counters another in the game. His carbomb deletes her with no effort planing or even a long cool down. Its like they just assume he is squishy and cant aim and gun for him only to die repeatedly..

I dont play competitive.

Mei is one of the strongest assassins in the game, she's great in every mode

>complaining about mei
She's pretty much a universally good player in the right hands. I'm a Mei main and I can tell you multiple times how her ult has turned the tide of more than a few KoTH games.
It's Mei's that are incapable of using her long range spike that make her a shit character for most people. A well placed spike can take out most DPS characters fairly fast. Also I have literally never lost to a Zarya 1v1 as Mei.

Nigga, you have to be absolute shit with Mei.

>good player in the right hands.
Well yeah like I said I've seen good Hanzos shut down the match. Thats besides the point though.

I'm talking about my own personal experience in the game at 2900 plat. Mei's biggest counter is the enemy team staying together. On defense she is fine. On KotH I see mixed results Zarya stops her from doing much and usually it ends with her icing up then walling to run away to try again. I would rather have a hero consistently do damage than her sporadic random kills. She mostly works when her team is already winning the fight which doesn't help much. She doesn't do enough to initiate the tilt to her teams favor.

On attack its a mixed bag if the defenders play on top of the payload shes as it it was a KotH map. If the defenders spread out or mostly use high ground she does fuck all.

I was just out of top 500 on pre-buff Zenyatta during season 1 I dont give a fuck what you pick if you play well enough just play the fuckin game

>Trashmouse counters Tracer

If the Tracer is shitty she'll get wrecked by anything but a Junkrat never really kills me unless I miss his trap which is easy enough to see if you're looking for it.

Well, shit, at least he'll probably try to do something.

These days too often you get Genjis that do fuck all and the only times you see him is when he's being chased by a Symmetra or Zarya.

Like shit, even a Hanzo can throw a scatter arrow out every 10 seconds.

Once again, proving that Rank is not a representative of a player's skill, because you get so many retards that you think Mei is bad on attack and KoTH

It's fine on maps like Hanamura or Castlevania where there's a near guarantee that the enemy has a Reinhardt. Bust through that shit.

>Falling for the Redditfall meme

They can't be Bastion cuz I'm Bastion