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Literally one of the best platformers ever. It gets momentum right in ways that Sonic has tried and failed for decades

It's cheap as fuck now, just buy it.

Not as good as origins.
I'm not a fan of the 2.5d animation and on wii u you're forced to use the big controller for some levels

It's great. Fantastic visuals, gameplay is even smoother than Origins, high skill ceiling.

Love this game. Fantastic level design, great music and soundtrack and great visuals. I hope they continue the series.

origins was better

it was very very very very fun

and i only played the demo!

Origins was way better.

Legends should have been better, but the soundtrack and artstyle were not as cool. They pushed "muh fantasy theme" WAY too hard.

Finally someone gets it

Rayman 4 never

legends had better gameplay and pacing

Would be a good game if it didn't come with mandatory Uplay cancer. Even with Uplay I managed to play it and it was fun.

How so? It plays nothing like Sonic or anything momentum-based.

Had a good time with it on 360. Could have used some more themes for the levels though as it makes them all look too similar.

One of the best 2d platformers of the last 20 years. Origins is even better

Great couch co-op, though 4 players is a damn clusterfuck.

this and origins are legit fun and well made video games, bravo ubisoft

if it didn't require rinding to 100% it, it would've been a great game

Better than Origins and Origins was very good.

I love the music levels.

10/10 alone, 13/10 with friends. Origins was even better though

Will wait for Legends on the Switch just for the extra content.

How was Origins better when Legends contains like half the Origins levels anyway?

If I had to guess...

really happy rayman made a comeback
>see you in rayman 4

Art style and soundtrack mostly. And I'm not really sure what it exactly was since I played them a few years ago, but I remember that they changed few mechanics between them and replaying Origins levels with the new ones felt somewhat worse.

This right here


MUH waifus probably
Which Legends did even better tbqh

>more difficult
>pure platforming and no garbage murphy levels

I love both, but no level in Legends can compete with the underworld levels in Origins, and the fact that they neutered the difficulty of the Origins levels in Legends makes them pointless to play in Legends.

Easily one of the best platformers of all time. Looks stunning as well. Don't buy it on PC though, has mandatory Uplay.

Can easily be fixed so you don't need Uplay.

If you're cracking it, why buy it?

Best Rayman waifu right 'ere.


I really wonder what they're adding.

great game

I don't want to have a "buying video games vs pirating" discussion. All I'm pointing out is that the PC platform is just as viable as the rest and with an easy fix can be rid of the Uplay cancer.

Loved it and I want more.

Godly game, though I prefer Origins.

my brother and i tried playing it multiple times and we both got pretty bored. dont know why though, we both fucking love origins.

the origins levels in legends are literally dumbed down easy versions
which is stupid because they're completely optional

Of course it's viable, I'm just telling them not to support Uplay.

>Ubisoft won't do anything with Rayman anymore

God bless the French

Easier than Origin, but still great-mazing.

They'll continue to make mobile Rayman games and leave all other platform cold.

Really really really good with fun levels and a lot to collect. Also 4 player Co Op. 9/10


Are these at least good?

Michel Ancel seems to have a foot out of Ubisoft, already made a small new company and is making that PS4 exclusive game without Ubisoft being involved.

I hope he leaves Ubisoft, so then I can skip all of their games, and no more Uplay garbage on Ancel's games.


Ridiculously good. IMO even better than Origins. Play it co-op if you can, it's REALLY fun.

? I got the GOG versions, don't recall any Uplay there?

Rights to Rayman would probably still belong to Ubi though

he could make a not-Rayman if he wanted to anyway

Only Origins is on GOG, Legends will never be because of that stupid online challenge bullshit that ties into Uplay.

Meh... I sorta regret not getting it during the PSN flash sale back in December.

Hold the fuck up, WHAT
Who made this, how did they make this, and how can I get it?

Just look in the description. The guy made retextures of all the worlds.

Candy Chateau, Picture City, Blue Mountains etc.

It's just a crappy retexture made in Photoshop.


What was his fucking problem anyways

This faggot should on top of the biggest assholes in video games list.

Second-best platformer of last generation.

Excellent solo experience GOAT-tier coop experience. It's that kind of game you're happy simply holding the controller. Kung Foot is fucking hilarious to top it all off.

>at my brother's best friend's house
>we have yet to decide which game we'll be playing
>brought Rayman Legends just in case
>I say "just give it a try, we can play something else later on"
>they accept reluctantly
>2 hours later we're laughing like absolute madmen playing Kung Foot

Feels good man.

What was first?

Hell, as a Sonic fan I'd agree. I still hate how they took out the whole getting a pink giant Lum and that starting the sequence were you had to get as many Lums as possible. Really, that shit made Returns so good but they just left it out of Legends. Either way the game is crazy underrated.


I had a similar experience. Did not expect such a tiny, barely fleshed-out minigame to be such a blast.

Really good level design, great gameplay. Probably one of the best platformers ever, and I'm a Nintenbro.

Greatest platformer released in my lifetime.

I hope the Switch version has all the WiiU challenges included.

i like legends more but both were good

I enjoyed Tropickle Cheese a bit more.

It wasn't. Origins was good but had too many mosquito levels. Legends is better just by having every ability unlocked at the beginning and getting rid of the mosquito levels. The progression was better as well

there's nothing wrong with ability progression, Rayman always had this

Those stages were so good, shame they didn't have them in Legends. Also Legends has an insane amount of content.

I dont care if the series always had it, it was bad in Origins. Early levels were hurt by being limited to a lack of abilities but also had to accommodate arbitrary replays. It was bad.

I'm pretty sure there were some of the chest-chase levels, but they were noticeably simplified and easier than they were in Origins

Only the first world really, since you couldn't use glide. Everything you got later was useless before getting it.

who is more talented Sup Forums?

Michel still has it, Miyamoto is a has been

Amazing. Literally just completed it a few days ago.

Played through the Origin levels after and bloody hell even though they're toned down I found them quite difficult. Probably had more trouble with them than the Legends levels.

Solid level design, great collectibles, nice music, beautiful art style and to top it off those musical levels are pure sex. Had a good smile on my face playing through, even if finding all the teensies was sometimes a bit frustrating

Well multiplayer in the very least, hope it's coming soon though, really want to have a good collection of cartridges on my shelf.


Mosquito levels and the levels with that green dude you have to constantly press a button for are ass



I dunno about momentum, but I will agree that they nailed down satisfying precision platforming to the letter. I wish there was a Sonic game that was as fun as the challenge and music stages.

It had neat music levels.
Otherwise origins was better

The tricky treasures were in Legends but nowhere near as fun since they removed a ton of obstacles

I played the Origins levels and they were nowhere near as fun as the Legends one. And you people say they're more difficult in the actual game? Screw that shit, Legends was comfy fun, Origins I found a bit frustrating and didn't like some of the mechanics they had in play.

Invasion levels were also really good, nice little challenges.

git gud

chasing chests > music levels

Legends > Origins
Both are fun though.


legends was way too easy, the game basically played itself. also, fairies in origins are goat

literally impossible on kb/m

>that luchador music


Yeah, go be wrong somewhere else

You must literally be a retard if you think so, I maxed it out on kb/m wihout problem. So did my 8 years old brother

I completed them though. I reckon I would in Origins too, it'd just involve more deaths and for some reason, frustration. I tend to get far more pissed off now at games than ever before, strange really.

The mosquito levels in Origins don't help at all, those alone seriously put me off ever wanting to play through Origins. They're no fun and a chore. Looking out for lums bugged me a bit too, always had to be on edge and have that constant nagging feeling I could've missed one

>Played itself
Come on user, it's a good challenge. One that I found hit the sweet spot for me desu. I like it's more rhythmic and flowy style as opposed to Origins which seems like you have to be a bit more calculated.