Gamer fuel

What's your gamer fuel?
Pic related having some tendies right now

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Honey battered dipped tendies, top tier taste senpai

Man that looks like frozen bagged fish sticks to me, I really want some fish.

Those Tyson beer battered nuggers are the best

I started going on a diet these past few weeks and chopped mangos are delicious.

good taste

looks like frozen processed tendies. Shit taste if it is my dude

>tfw can't eat anything good for at least 4-6 weeks

just kill me desu fampai


breakfast, lunch and dinner. snacks are for fatasses

lol enjoy dying


>Replies 8
>Posters 9

Sorry you can't and the truth

Almost done

semen haha
coffee with milk best gamer fuel


Tonight? Garlic shrimp linguine with diced peppers and alfredo.

Being able to cook rocks.

thats some queer shit

Makin Crack NIGGUH


>look at me! I'm not a mortal! Pls pay attention to me...
Nobody cares

>look at me! I'm a mortal! Pls pay attention to me...
Nobody cares

For me, it is the McChicken Nuggers.

>People who actually touch greasy or fried food and then touch their keyboard and mouse

>Posts at exactly one minute of difference

People used to try to at least be subtle when samefagging.

Joke's on you guys. My D&D group prefers my cooking over me just bringing snacks.

did you know that if you mix grape jelly and yellow mustard together it magically turns into a delicious tendie sauce?

it sounds weird but it works, I promise


Do you see a (You) anywhere?


Is that what Americans consider to be bread?


everyone knows popcorn chicken is where it's at

yes in the civilized world that is called sliced bread. where do you live, Africa?

Is this stuff any good?

I see my friend drink it all the time.

This nigga has the right idea.

Spicy yuca(cassava) chips and plantain chips.

or usually popcorn made naturally by myself with a bit of olive oil and no salt

I feel so sorry for you. You never had real bread.

White bread vs brown search on google first result:

"Despite its popularity, a slice of white bread is a particularly unhealthy thing to put into your body. To make it they strip the wheat grain of almost all of its nutrients and fiber, often bleach it with toxic chlorine dioxide, potassium bromate or benzoyl peroxide and then further treat the lifeless refined starch with chemicals such as azocarbonamide, polyoxyethylene monostearate and ammonium chloride."

If you want I will provide you with better and more reliable sources but it's kind of sad I have to explain this at all. But thank you for making it clear that this is indeed what Americans consider bread.

>same monitor
>same purple toolbar

that looks like breaded slushie meat made by tyson

neither have you, faggot

lol look at this fuckin queer

Considering I live in central Europe, yeah, I see and have real bread every day

>Triggered by bread

Wew lad

Post pic of your finger tips covered in sauce.

calling that thing ((bread)))

what the fuck?

i eat rice bread, and im pretty sure muh white rice bread doesnt have any of that shit done do it, it should be exactly the same as brown rice bread except they stripped the layer of fiber off the rice before making it

theres gotta be a way to make white bread with wheat without doing all that stupid shit to it

you could ask for dick
this is just weird


>disgustingly flat boule

Jesus christ post some actually good bread.

those look nasty as shit
>not making a spicy chicken sandwich with cheese dip and fries

That is a bread roll. Not a slice of brown bread. Stupid 3rd worlder. Next you'll be saying you put vegimite on a hamburger.

Or you could just eat normal bread.

>but mooooooooooom, it doesn't look yummy!

i have malnutrition from celiac disease and 30 other known food allergies determined from blood work

He has nice squarish thumbs and I want to see them covered in sauce. Why is that weird?

holy shit it looks processed as fuck, enjoy cancer kunt


Also white bread just doesn't fill you as much. So you'll have a few sandwhiches and get hungry 1 hour later and start snacking on unhealthy shit. That's how lots of people get fat. And then they're like dude I put like only vegetables on my lunch it's totally fine.

are you sexualizing innocent user's fingers


>often bleach it with toxic chlorine dioxide, potassium bromate or benzoyl peroxide

None of those are toxic in the proportions used for bleaching flour.

Chlorine Dioxide breaks down into oxygen and chlorimates, then into (in the case of flour) various types of salts that break down into gases evaporate when heated.

The bleaching action is literally oxygenation of the wheat flour.
You can also bleach flour just by agitating it in an oxygen rich, warm environment for several days.

The chemical option just does this much much faster.

Using Chlorine Dioxide is perfectly safe as long as they warm the flour, and pack it in a breathable container (like a PAPER BAG).

No. I just want to take that innocence away. They are too clean.

those names are hilarious


>t. people that eat sugar instead of homemade bread made with fire

my sides

>Nuts of Destruction

Fucking anglosphere with its shitty bread and nonexistant bakeries.
First time I went to England I was shocked by this.

This is real bread.

The problem with white bread is you need a lot of it to feel full. Whole wheat bread is also rich of fibers and quite important for your stool.

>that many tendies
>by yourself
I know Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck about health but damn