Pc specs listed in steam profile

>pc specs listed in steam profile

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thanks for the pic have been looking fpr it

It's so people can see I'm not running a toaster if they wanna play with me.
Fuck poor people man.

>furaffinity listed in steam profile

>uses a hashtag in their steam name to describe what's going on with them as if anyone cares

>15yo bisexual ;3

You're welcome, user.


>anime avatar picture
>smug anime girl
>long ass description, link to a music page or anything like that
>showcase with tons of anime
>high "steam level"
>+20 steam friends
>go go nippon on recently played

>plays TF2, CSGO and Dota
>spent thousands of dollars on cosmetics
>spams year old reddit memes in chat

>tfw cool guy
>that means boring as fuck

I think streamers and assorted e-celebs do that so they can pre-emptively answer all the people who come asking "so what sort of graphics card/mouse/keyboard/monitor do you have, senpai"

>I know this person IRL
>He's the biggest maxo turbo sperg of all time
>Brags to me about hacking in CSGO
>Isnt a weeb apparently

>uses memes and "ironic" humor in their profile

>name is FB status-tier "Bday today!!!" etc
>links to MAL
>posts memes in his description
Fuck you Steve

>how to spot the "i just got a new barely-decent PC and want everyone to know" tard

>greentext in proflie

>profile is completely blank with no personal flourishes whatsoever

better that than this abomination

sounds like a cool guy.


What? Why the fuck should I decorate it, I just play video games not fucking facebook it up

it was a test and you've all passed

>his steam nickname is greg

but it does suck

>profile lists several mental illnesses and a made-up orientation

Is my account ok?

I used to have a lot of showcases and shit but I cleaned it up yesterday.


>+20 steam friends

Having more than 20 steam friends is a sign of a steam friend collector, thus a redflag.

i have over 50 i met through trading and vidya forums
no one talks to me and if they tried i didn't know what to say so its like i have no friends at all desu

But I have well over 20 friends on steam and 95% of them are irl friends, or does 'steam friend' stand for explicitly someone you only know on steam?

delete them, then
there's absolutely no reason to keep people you don't talk to regularly

i'm guilty of collecting some people though, i have 14 friends when i should have like 3

i find it hard to believe you speak to and vidya with regularly with those well over 20 people.

pfffff 20 would be the bare minimum for having literally any friends and taking part in any sort of video game group chat or general, i have like 60 just because I accept every random who adds me and I'm not an autist who gets nervous about the amount of steam friends they have

>user is so fucking autistic he thinks having 20 friends is a completely unreasonable thing..

Why is it a bad thing to have your actual friends in your contacts, especially if you share the same interest?

Do i just hate vidya?

i'd rather have fake friends than none at all

hmu for some kf2 nigga


Caring this much about steam friend count is a sign of autism.
>muh precious inner circle

>nu tomb raider

no, youre just a redditor

horde mode is fucking boring. i'd refund it if i could.
ROTT was actually fun.

>his steam nickname is gregor
>he's on the enemy team

>i find it hard to believe you speak to and vidya with regularly with those well over 20 people.
Lol what a dweeb. I've got 20 people on my Steam friend list from my fraternity alone.

p-please no bully stop giving me so many rude (you)s

even if you could talk on the regular to +20 people, i'd rather burn several bridges than have +20 chats open at all times
3 already bother me

oh yeah the game fucking sucks honestly, I just play it with the same people ive been playing with for 2 years and you know doing anything with friends is more fun
but I don't talk to most of my steam friends? I just have them added and never play with them, but this doesn't bother me

>Has pastes of his epic csgo/tf2 chat logs that he thinks are hilarious

Someone please add me I want someone to talk to ;-;

autist sperglord confirmed

>I don't talk to most of my steam friends
you're a steam friend collector then

your kind tends to be cancerous

>anything in Steam profile
Who even looks at that shit?

i'm not bullying you user
i don't want to delete my fake friends, because that would make me completely alone

Stop using Steam as a social media platform. I rarely use the chat function to do more than coordinate game sessions. Then I and whoever I'm playing with use voice chat.

I'd much rather be completely alone than surrounded by fake friends

if depression and suicidal thoughts are coming I'm going to meet them head on, rather than hide behind fake hope

what would we talk about

I don't mean to sound rude, but if you actually believe that people cannot and should not be capable of friendships (just because you seem unable to) I think you might have some some serious issues.

>profile has the entire plane scene typed out from memory

i don't add people for any particular reason though, I just don't see any reason not to accept requests because I don't get panic attacks when strangers on the internet interact with me

I don't believe people are incapable of friendships.

I'm saying that no one has time to have meaningful friendships with more than 20 people at a time.

>facebook filename


>Neighborhood, City, State, Country in profile

wew lad, no one fucking cares. just show the country if you feel like you're that important


I want to add you since I'm a nice guy and I like helping people out, but I feel like you'll try to ERP with me or something based on previous experience with adding people on this website

There are reasons other than pure friendship to have more than 20 contacts on most social platforms

"Friend" is a bit of a misnomer for how the feature is used

Also the comments on your profile really aren't helping

baited for this EXACT response

add me up losers

Post Steam ID then cunt.


What about people who are neither?


>loli in a box
>you are the perfect lolicon
>anime avatar
>thigh high socks
>erp comments
That's gonna be a no from me dawg


Are they time travelers?

Profile thread?

No, it's just that that picture is probably older than you are.


>Plays CS:GO
>Plays LoL
>Plays TF2
>Meme steam groups
>Plays Gmod

r8 and h8

most of Sup Forums plays those shit games tho
and if you don't have at least few hundreds hours in something they call you casual


Congrats on being the exact average Sup Forums poster

>profile is private


This is how you do it right, silly anons.

I have a top tier PC and I fucking hate seeing people post their recent purchases. Like nobody gives a flying fuck that you bought two 1080 Ti. You aren't super filthy rich and even if you were people still wouldn't care.

It's just people who crave attention.

You were almost ok

have to insta block every c*lifornian sorry desu

>Sup Forums steam groups

>"I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

Alright lads rate my profile
>meme real name/location
>smug anime girl profile picture
>description is basically "if you want my tf2 stuff please fuck off"
> 23 pages of comments
> 24 friends (I know probably 10 of them irl though)
>level 34
>have achievement showcase and badge collector
>play 0 good games
>am in possession of multiple weeb games
just cuck my shit up senpai

1700x or 7700k? Obviously the 7700k and 7600k are better for games on their own but will they max out with heavy multitasking?

who gives a fuck

are you cute?

wrong thread?

on a scale of
5/10 being average

-chat logs of
>:3 im random
-more than 100 "friends"

Do emos still exist? What are high schools like these days? Even extend that to college, I don't know what the kids are like.


points off for description, profile pic, meme fill-ins.

if you're playing at resolutions above 1080 the advantage from a 7700k will dwindle. At 4K the framerate difference between processors will be less than 1 fps.
For the long run the multiple cores and hyperthreading solution of the AMD card should be a notable advantage.

Intentionally wrong thread. Find a barely relevant thread (mentioned PC specs) that's decent active. The likelihood of someone giving a serious answer is pretty high and I don't have to search the catalog for a closer topic thread. Most people won't even notice the question so it's like I was never here.

bretty good aside from skyrim and civ

r8 h8 masturb8

I know a few people that have a list in their profile of TF2 hats and CS:GO skins that they used to own.

Emos are now metalcore fans but they all say it's death metal.

good because little to no autism showing