The PC port is shit (fullsreen is always 1600x900 regardless of what resolution you pick)

The PC port is shit (fullsreen is always 1600x900 regardless of what resolution you pick)

Get it on PS4 if you can.

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck me why are ports always so FUCKING SHITTTTTTTT REEEEEEEE
Have it on ps4 anyways but man I wanted the steam version too

>Implying it's not the same on PS4...
It is.

That's why it's locked on PC too, because of dev laziness changing from the console version.

Welp, I guess it's time to wait around for based modders to fix the shitty nip port, as usual.


liar, theres a developer post on the steam page that says it can even run in 4k

I was looking forward to playing this game at 600x480 on my toaster of a pc

>you didn't pre-order and can now wait for CPY to crack this shitty port
Thank fuck. I was close at one point, but decided to wait for the PC release reception.

Thanks for beta tes-


Just came to post this. Though I got it on PC mainly so I could play with AA turned on, so not sure if I should care.

incompetent studio again

People are reporting that If you are using HDMI cable and change it to DVI it starts to work properly. Anyone have that piece of archeotec to test it out?

>windowed mode
>third party borderless program

Fixed it for you.

Good thing I'm just going to pirate this shit because Square Enix hates SEA.

Fuck you Japan. You didnt gives us MGR and now I'll happily pirate this shit too.

Changing AA settings probably doesn't do anything either though.

What's this then?

The difference is that on PS4 you can also get the version with japanese dubs and english text or the one with the PS1 skin for the drone

>get it on ps4 and have it stuck in an unplayable resolution forever
Or you could just not buy shitty waifu games from terrible developers.
But even then pc master race will hack that shit into a playable state in weeks.

The first fuckin review on the Steam page say the guy can run the game on 1440p at stable 60FPS.

Runs like shit even on the lowest settings, GTX 970. No apparent way around atrocious letterboxing.

Fuck this, refund time. Day One edition still available for PS4 so it's all good.

They forgot to unlock it because japs can't make pc games, and probably won't bother with a patch to fix their shit.

I'm actually lagging like hell i'm not sure what to do about it

The PC version has jap dub

It's a shitty upscale. Like those in animu blurays. Japs cant into technology for fucks sake.

How long untill this gets cracked?


this desu
it's running fine for me.

Anytime now. :3

Never because the Chinese cracker can't get the game :^)

It doesn't. AA settings don't work, alt-tabbing crashes the game, and settings keep reverting to windowed mode.

All mods that don't mess with the executable are fine though

Is this 2002? How the fuck did they miss the most widely used resolution of 1920x1080?

What is MGSV and Total War Warhammer?


still waiting for those nu DOOM mods

>preordering games
When will you learn?

>4k resolutions are not officially supported
As in it upscales, like the PS4 Pro version retard.

That's nothing to do with Denuvo now though, since they removed it...


Well and the dumbfuck that I am I bought it from a key reseller and can't refund it.
Should've just went with the PS4 version, FUCK

Total warhammer allows modding to certain extent (only replacing existing assets because GW fears copyright infringements)

Just gotta run it in borderless windows for now
That fixes the resolution problems

On the other hand I'm getting the white screen they said they fixed even though I'm on the newest AMD drivers like they said.


a pain in the ass to mod?

>all these butthurt complaints on Steam

AHAHA cant wait for the negative reviews to come pouring in like on Dishonored 2. The schadenfreude makes my dick hard

For what reason?



Why do developers still want to port games to Pee Cee is beyond me...

It's upscaled.

Although the game is so graphically shit you could probably run it at native 8k and still get 60fps in a mid range card.

meh, guess I could get it on the bloodborne machine to get some use out of the thing

stupid question but I assume that the PS4 version isn't running at 60?

It should not be hard to fucking test your game before shipping it.

>buying japanese games

nips are incompetent

No it isn't. Download the snakebite launcher. That way you don't need to use the QAR unpacker. It works exactly like Texmod.

Just run it in borderless fullscreen.

What is the problem?

It'll be cracked in less than a week, just like RE7

Why the fuck can't I view any reviews on steam

>playing games in fullscreen mode ever
next you're gonna tell me you only have one monitor

Anyone else on a 960? Is there an yway to make it run above 40-50 fps with everything on low?

It was 15€ cheaper

What frames are you getting on 970? This will determine if I get it on PS4 or not.

SeeAnytime now.


>60 fps
lmao nice one bro XD

well the reason ports are shit now is because the begging poorfag race pirates everything in sight

why put any effort into porting it if neckbeards are gonna pirate it all day long just to fap to some waifus ass

the gameplay isn't even good and the story seems like it was written by a try hard angsty teenager.

save yourself the time and don't even pirate it

More money than both the consoles combined...
Money drives business not ideology or 'loyalty'.

>check reviews
>haha epic robot ass xD 11/10
>mostly positive
Color me fucking surprised.

I will buy it on PS4 and pirate an play it on PC. No pint in giving my money to valve and cupport cancerous comunity like PC gamers.

>tfw weeb and pc only
I should just buy a ps4 and maybe a pstv already

>Being suprised by this
They didn't even make a proper PS4 Pro version, and didn't send out any preview codes what so ever. Also
>Jap devs
>Ever making good ports
There's exceptions, true. But 90% of Jap games are optimized like shit, or just console ports.

t. East Asia cuck

>40 britbongs and doesn't even support higher than 1080p

I ain't paying that. Fucking £40 for a digital game is not on lads.

The PS4 version is 15 euro cheaper than a keysite steam version?

Plat MGRR port was really good, though.

If it makes you feel better at all, you spend FAR less time playing as 2B than the other characters in the game.

So it's the same issue MGR had

Get borderless gaming you retards
This runs better than the PS4 version if you have a non shit PC

Console video game market is far bigger than PC market you delusional mustard

Fucking this. Japs cant to technology. These fucking elevens are still using fax machines in 2017.

Do I tell the resistance member that her friend is dead or lie

PS4 Pro version is 1080p though

Wonder why they'd cap the PC to 900p, makes no fucking sense to cap it at all, especially not to 900p

Whatever you reckon buddy ;)

>This runs better than the PS4 version if you have a non shit PC
Thanks Sherlock

but reviews say it runs 1440p just fine. maybe you should join us in 2017 and run borderless.

The reseller version was 15 bucks cheaper than the steam version.
I can't refund the game because I didn't buy it from steam directly. Understand now?

>releasing anything these days

Thats what I say. PC doesn't deserve shit.


More likely it's just going to have graphical glitches like MGR and the current resolution cap is a bug.

The fuck? I thought the PS4 version runs at 1080?

Platinum and Capcom are pretty great at PC ports generally. DMC4 is some serious wizardry with what can run it.

As confirmed elsewhere and in this thread, PS4Pro is also upscaling from 900p...

They didn't just fuck up the PCPort they also fucked up the PS4Pro port.

This thread is about the PC version if you haven't noticed :)

Just check the numbers next time, friendo

>tutorial shrump

good to know, pc gaymers deserve this

You should.

Not really. Pc makes more money, but most of it comes from retards that play F2P shit. I only PCfags werent such a bunch of retards that only play Dota, LOL etc.

You do know that skidrow, the site, releases every crack right? Even CPY's

the pro version does

ps4 runs at 720 60fps iirc

I understood that, I was wodnering why you thought you should have just purchased the PS4 version?

Like for what reason?
In what way would the PS4 version have been a better choice?

>but reviews say it runs 1440p just fine
I doubt it's native, probably just upscaled trash like the PS4 Pro version.

And maybe you should join us in 2017 and run at 4k, which it should support.

get fucked, exclusive fullscreen masterrace