PTSD from video games

Can you get ptsd from video games?

I know it's a dumb question but I'm really curious.




No, unless you're a white kid living in the united states, probably in California.

I don't know

It could happen, but it's not very likely.
Arguably, any suitably traumatic experience could cause PTSD, though unless you are a mentally unstable wet cloth of a human being with the emotional development of a sheltered toddler, something specifically designed to relieve stress and anxiety probably won't be that traumatic.

can you repeat the question?

>PTSD from video games won't affect you unless your race, age, and location are correct


maybe if i was tied to a chair and forced to play video games for weeks where every time i fucked up im struck violently across the face

I mean come on, who the fuck gets PTSD from an entertaining and relaxing activity besides calicucks? Or any lbgt apologist?

They're already mentally ill.

I was playing battlefield one and we were on Argonne forrest or something (i don't really keep up with map names) and there was both sides just shooting the fuck out of each other and we were held in the corner of the bunker entrance when we got hir full force by about ten guys.

Then someone tossed a fire grenade and it lit up the entire room and the attackers started to retreat but they were dying quickly as their characters was screaming.

The last attacker was still on fire and was crawling away from us still screaming until someone with us walked up behind him and pulled out a handgun and shot the guy behind his head om the ground.

I would not forget the screams and the fire that set the small area ablazed.

I imagine it's possible, but if you're emotionally fragile enough to actually get medically diagnosed PTSD from a videogame alone you probably have far bigger issues and should probably be in a mental institution.

is this how speedrunners operate

unless someone literally kills a family member of yours and posts it ingame, no. you can't get fucking post traumatic stress disorder from vidya.

Technically, you can, but only if something traumatic happened while playing said game.

Yes. I was playing an mmorpg in the PVE server once, and someone kept stealing my monster kills, I quit the mmorpg and still have panic attacks sometimes when I have to deal with people in online games.

one exception I just thought of

Kaizo mods, but, that is self inflicted suffering.

kill yourself

It was probably me in Ragnarok Online stealing your shit for better XP.

Sissy faggot

Not in the way Tumblr would have you believe. People greatly exaggerate their symptoms. PTSD is normally reserved for people exposed to extreme traumatic events such as wartime, deaths, rape with consistent flashbacks and failure to return to base state. The "PTSD" you would claim to experience during a game would be a fake and more prone in people with mental disorders.

Can you not call me names please? It was hard to talk about my problems here and you treat me like that?

The answer is undoubtedly yes. It would be odd and perhaps indicative of some other underlying condition but there is no reason a videogame cannot induce symptoms of traumatic stress in an individual.

You are a broken human being and a failure at life. Get a job and leave your house, get away from the computer.

Of course not. PTSD is only caused by truly traumatic experiences. Videogames ate fucking toys.

Of course playing too many games can cause plenty of other mental illnesses, such as those which affect the average Sup Forums poster

I was playing BF1 Operations on Monte Grappa.

We were held up in the final objective as the Italians were bearing down on us. The fog had rolled in and my teammates and I were huddled against the wall desperately trying to take cover from the incessant mortar fire and I was literally flinching with every concussive blast.

For a brief moment, the only thing I could think about was surviving.

If you can get one from firing a fucking assault rifle, I guess anything's possible.


Only horror games :)

I can't get a job, I have panic attacks when I go outside.

You would have to have some insane fragile mental strength but it could be possible with some games that are particularly gory or scary. Possibly very young children.

>thinking about those 1% hits from aliens or 99% hit misses in XCOM every time a game gives me a visible percentage chance for an action

Can battlefield one simulate one's own ptsd experience if put themselves with the game alot

What about all those red orchestra 2 threads you fags keep making and spreading about ptsd from that game?


Someone post stories from war games as though they were real life personal experiences!



I saw a guy get killed in a video game

I saw the killer teabagged his corpse

Some years ago, some case officers/judges at the International Criminal Court were said to be suffering from second-hand PTSD passed on by witnesses they interviewed. As far as I know it went nowhere because that's fucking ridiculous.

I'm sure that hearing horrible, true stories all day every day can give you stress and nightmares. So can video games, if you're disconnected enough from reality that games fill in that mental space. However, I don't think that qualifies as PTSD any more than a kid who can't sleep after a scary movie. Even the ICC employees, who were dealing real shit, were out of line suggesting that they could suffer the same thing the witnesses suffered without ever experiencing those traumas. (Since the witnesses were able to accurately relate their stories, they may not have even have qualified for the diagnosis they were said to be passing along contagiously.)

Trauma is not an abstract idea that leaves an impression on you like any other idea, it is a real event. At least that's what I think. If you think a game has given you PTSD, it seems likely that you are suffering from something quite different, like major depression, extreme isolation, and clinically obsessive focus on an entertainment product.

I got 360noscoped jumping from a high place doing a backflip without looking by a guy with one hand.

I got ptsd from that

Triggered, yes, ptsd, no.

Nocturnes block puzzle with no guide triggers me unironicaly, I just get mad by remembering it.

Maybe from playing a game like Trauma Center if you're really bad at it and can't save them and you take things too seriously.

Closest thing I can think of is failing at Pikmin when I was a kid