>tfw you realize this is coming out this year
praise ninty
Tfw you realize this is coming out this year
Other urls found in this thread:
jesus christ who the fuck still gives a shit about mario games
i literally stopped caring about mario games when i turned 10
Is Mario a nigger now?
yet you still post on a board dedicated to video games
sonybro: the post
Hopefully it can be the BOTW of Mario games
easy for you since that's when Mario 3D world came out.
When I was 10, Mario 64 had just released.
You're the one whose mad people are enjoying things you don't like. Otherwise there's no logical reason why you'd enter a thread and proclaim your dislike of something.
People who enjoy fun.
Honestly I never in a million years expected Nintendo to do something like BOTW, to break so many conventions of one of their largest series like Zelda in a full 3D mainline release and to have such punishing difficulty before you get decent equipment at least.
So yeah if they could do that for the rest of their franchises I'd be pretty excited to see what they could come up with - not make them like BOTW in that they're open world now or something, but in that they aren't afraid to do things significantly differently if they think it will improve the game.
I'm legitimately pissed that I have to buy a Switch for this one game. But I CANNOT die without playing this game.
This is the most i've been excited for a game in a decade
So which of the worlds we've seen is going to be the best one?
u mad
And if I was?
What, why? I can understand being excited, but THIS obsessed? It doesn't look amazing.
>namefag calling others cringeworthy
Absolutely. Mario games have felt too samey and safe since after Galaxy 2, so I'm all for them trying new things.
A lot of work is put into Mario's controls and movements. It's fun to just move around in a Mario game, even just from a mechanical level.
as opposed to games that are so ultra-realistic you can immerse yourself in pretending what it's like to finally leave your mom's basement
>i literally stopped caring
You clearly didn't.
surprised nobody has it up already
this game looks like shit. wheres a real mario 64 sequel? i dont want fucking mario in donkey kong liberty city.
>Mario 64 sequel
REEEEEEEEEEE I want this so bad
Also obligatory:
Fuck off sonyp0ny
And I'm sure it will just be as optimized as BoTW :)
Do you say that because of rap music
It looks like Mario 64 again. That's a good thing. Any Mario game that emphasizes slick movements is a good game.
>Nintendo Direct
>We apologize but, in order to make a better quality game and meet the high standards our customers place on us, we have decided to delay release until the Summer of 2018.
>Thank you
>Please play Mario Run in the meantime
Are you, dare I say it... a mature gamer, who only plays mature games for mature gamers?
It's expanding upon a setting that was already used in one of the best (and most underrated) mario games.
>have to deal with spaniards at my local bodega sporting mario fitteds now
i thought i was in 2017?
>caring about a mario game that isn't Mario 3
think about the implications if they don't release at holiday, they would be missing out on massive switch sale potential
It seems you cared enough to come here :^)
Super Mario World was better.
this image is cringe honestly. I don't know how it caught on. Doesn't even work in reference to the original quote
>Mario 64 successor
God damn I've been waiting a long time for this
Not with the cape and blue yoshi it isn't
Who cares? Nier is out.
literally triggered worse than tumblr
those are bad?
>drones are actually still excited about another mario rehash
I bet you also make fun of AC, CoD and FIFA for yearly releases you cancerous shit.
Agreed. You fucking manchildren pissbabies should be playing a progressive video game, like the PS4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn.
>every normie in this thread
>Hey I know Mario it's my favorite oh booy you member
Then you have those nintenboys trying to defend their shit games.
Speak for yourself
Bitch please. Nintendo invented rehashing. You can't call them when others copy.
>September 2017. Nintendo Direct.
>Miyamoto and Reggie.
>Prease undahstandu.
Delayed until Summer 2018. Calling it now.
Just because the game gives you an easy mode doesn't mean you have to take it.
They need a Christmas release though
>they would be missing out on massive switch sale potential
>massive switch sale potential
>switch sales potential
They'll release Sunshine on VC as a compromise.
1 2 Switch bundle for normies.
I'd love to see Gamecube VC at some point.
Should have been bundled in to begin with desu
The last SM64-style Mario was released in 2002. Fuck off.
epin win post
What the fuck is wrong with this guy's tongue?
Fucking kill yourself drone.
The GIF is backwards. Run it in reverse.
Not an argument
Does that look like the dancing of a nignog? No that's the dance of an old middle age white man.
>mario with unfitting overly realistic environments
What a joy
It doesn't make it less weird.
yes that mexican city in a desert sure was unfittingly realistic
With Mario meeting the "real world" in this game, will we see the movie Mario make a cameo?
>the city level with realistically designed people
>the forest
I meant those retard
yes, there are worlds that look like they belong in a Mario game, and there are unfitting overly realistic environments too
Probably as likely as Mario stumbling upon a hotel owned by Bowser.
there's just the one city level, and it's not as "realistic" as you'd like to make it seem, its still very stylized
damn dude so realistic, looks just like that floating city i visited last spring!
>the city's floating! that means there are no regular humans and no regular looking buildings
>the forest area also stops existing if we keep talking about the city
Post results
Is Donkey Kong the mayor of the city or something?
Then Mario
Damn, already just as many games as the PS4 in year one. That's funny
Even if it's floating, the city buildings and the civilians in it are just too realistically styled to be in a mario game. Isle Delfino was a city, but it fit because it was stylized like a mario game.
It's an old gif/webm. I just remember seeing the source and it was still weird.
Gif size too big, just search bill trinen tongue on images
Actually, I just tried Super Mario Sunshine this morning and it felt really good moving around. Although no backflip move sucks and the water pack is fucking stupid
It's what I've been wanting Nintendo to do for awhile.
"New" SMB for staying to the casual friendly fun, and then other Mario games which get experimental/harder.
>search bill trinen tongue on images
>Implying it won't get delayed.
Remember BoTW's 2015 release date?
Don't remind me.
So, last year?
>he still plays videogames after turning 10
>shitpost response to a dozen links
>calls other people booty flustered
I believe this and Xenoblade will be delayed
Sure. Just like Breath of the Wild came out in 2015 and Pikmin 3 came out at the launch of the Wii-U, right?
>implying they're older than 10
name a better platformer series than the Mario series