This makes me so happy! hahahha
I'm LITERALLY crying tears of joy right now
This makes me so happy! hahahha
I'm LITERALLY crying tears of joy right now
Other urls found in this thread:
>out for 1 hour or so
>96 players already finished it
butthurt asians who can't play it because it's region locked
because I wanted it to be a shit port so I would have no reason to buy it at that ridiculous price, and thank God it is
The game is good, the port is shit.
Mustard race wins again, I guess?
All the negative reviews are about how the game has some kinda resolution bug and not the actual game.
>negative reviews complaining about resolution and fullscreen
oh so it's perfectly playable
I think the reviews are about the port
>perfectly playable
>Autistic steamtard reviews.
These faggots go rabid over any little thing.
>Couldn't run the game at 4k with my GTX 650? Shit game, shit optimization, also I'm a fucking child and have never played a game below 120 FPS, in my life.
Just a bunch of spoiled brats. I played on consoles exclusively 6 years ago, most of the shit these faggots complain about are nitpicky whiny shit.
Whether the resolution setting is locked or not, the game runs at 900p at all times. It just upscales to the resolution you set
That's bullshit and you know it, user.
I just refunded this, what a fucking disgrace, I won't even buy it on sale now.
It's not.
I can't even tell anymore if mustards are petty are that the port is bad. PC gaming is such a joke.
you just described most of Sup Forums
So what's wrong with the port?
Just the 900p thing? Is that all? How well does it run?
Post proof then.
I have a GTX 970, which is over minimun requirements, and the game runs at 20fps with everything on minimun. The port is complete ass, fuck Square Enix for lying to us yet again.
It's funny too because they'll dump thousands into video cards and 144hz monitors but if you bring up VR they get defensive about not being able to afford it, quite hilarious when a group touts itself as being "Master race" but can't afford an 800$ periphery and lionizes being too poor to buy it.
The port is pretty bad but it's not locked to 900p. Better than PS4 but subpar still.
The keyboard and mouse controls are HORRIBLE so it deserves the ratings, i like the game, just really really dislike bad keyboard and mouse controls, i refunded it from that alone
>How well does it run?
Well let's put it this way, if you have a GPU weaker than a GTX 980 you'll not run the game at 60fps no matter which settings you use, not even at 900p.
literally the first review from steam
I bought it on ps4 and been PLAYAN comfy for 5 days now. PC dudes just got the game and it's a shit port. From what I can tell it will still run better than or on par with ps4 version. Maybe wait for a fix or patch? Ps4 frame drops quite a noticeable amount but overall no regrets.
>playing a hack n slash on keyboard
retard alert
>That feel when I have a meme70
>You need to play in windowed or use a borderless window app to make it full 1080p or higher
So you literally lied and didn't even bother reading your own source.
Good to know.
i've done it before on games that dont do it horribly
this is one of those times it's horrible
I really love when new games come out and you get the first rush of people frantically trying to shitpost about it while the people who own the game are off playing it.
It's honestly the funniest part of any new release.
Steam reviews are a joke.
>character action game controls horribly on kbm
The only reason I'm shitposting is because I can't play it.
White screen thing keeps fucking me.
>set the game at 1080p
>take a screenshot
Should I just get it on PS4?
>From what I can tell it will still run better than or on par with ps4 version
It really doesn't, PS4 version runs much better, I bet the PC port was outsourced and not made by Platinum like it was claimed.
You're fucked just the same as me, I also have a 970 and it runs like fucking shit, even worse than Arkham Knight from what I can tell.
Get a gamepad, nigger.
>Upscaled everything.
>Cutscenes are pre-rendered and blurry.
>No borderless windowed mode.
>Shuts down my other monitor.
>Not 1440p.
At least dual-audio is in, but seriously, what the fuck are they doing?
You can only review it if you own it. New to steam?
This time they're not, Nier Automata is a really bad port.
>mfw im having no problems whatsoever with performance
Japan literally cannot make PC games. Nobody plays on PC over there.
waiting on crack
This game looks worse than a past gen title. It should run on toasters just like MGR did
Did they outsource this port to fucking Indian poo-in-loos or some shit?
>even worse than Arkham Knight
But Arkham knight ran great for me on release?
I literally only had 2 or 3 times that the frames dropped slightly on Arkham knight on release, no joke.
They can't review a game if they cannot buy it.
that would be true in 2012 but it ain't anymore
previous Platinum games all were good ports and most jap devs learned how to into PC
>works fine on my machine :)
They can buy the official key through Square Enix store.
>"b-but I've played other actions games with beyboard just fine! It was still shit but it wasn't as shitty as this!"
>plays games on PC
>doesn't own a gamepad
still a retard, I feel bad for you for actually playing this type of genre on kbm
But user!
This isn't a console, I can't just use any controller I want
Only official licensed Steam kbm!
What did she mean by this
What reason would I have to lie about Arkham Knight in a nier thread?
Well fuck that's bullshit
Shit. Well thanks for making me feel good about my purchase user. Sucks for PC players but I would rather them have spent less money on the port so the actual game could be better. It was already a small budget game and they have no money for dlc. Not sure what these guys expected wishing for 4K ass.
>my review getting downvoted because its on the front page
im laughin
once again a game the peasants praised to the heavens turns out to be shit
that is beacuse peasants have no taste
sad, i hope they fix the bugs soon so people will change their reviews
How is the price ridiculous? It's not like it's a 5 hour game.
>muster race complaining about a game they didn't have to get
PC unless you want to be a fanboy that acts like poor ports on PC don't ALWAYS perform better than good ports on consoles.
Yeah that I agree with you, they shouldn't even bother with this PC release if the quality of the port would be this bad.
So uh, how about them ps button prompts? They added xbox buttons buit forgot ps?
wow just beat the game by self destructing in the bunker
It's literally a 15 hour game though for all three playthroughs.
>retarded, typical steam user saying retarded things
I know m8, that's why I just refunded. ;^)
I'm going to shit on your plate. You cant complain about it and have to eat it because you didnt have to get my turd on your plate
would it at least be playable with a GTX 950m?
I'm fine with having low settings as long as it's playable
The port is bad, not the game user. Can you read okay?
Bullshit, Source on this?
There's not even 1440p? Haha literally just gonna pirate it. Same shit every fucking time with Japanese games. They run like shit, look like shit and don't have basic options.
Seemed to run fine on a 960 with medium settings.
of course you would say that
>can't even play at 1080p
My sides
No, I have a GTX 960 and I can't reach 60fps even on 720p, that's how bad it is.
I would estimate I'm about a third done with route A, just encountered Adam and Eve underground (heard there's three more routes). I'm 12 hours in. Explain yourself user.
>delay your PC release
>still have universal issues like fullscreen being stuck at 900p and forgetting to include borderless window so everyone has to use the typical 3rd party programs for it
Were they trying for a day one patch and didn't get it out in time or what
>Japan literally cannot make PC games.
Not true at all. MGSV port was actually pretty decent and MGSR was okay-ish. It's just platinum can't into pcports.
Pirates are buying it, leaving a negative review, and then refunding it to make a point. PC gamers are some of the most vile people on the planet.
I enjoy the game along with lots of other people. Sorry you judge something by the amount and quality of shitposting on this board.
Nice source you're pulling out of your ass there, buddy.
I exaggerated it's about 19 hours. First playthrough took me 8 hours of casually playing. Second took 5 and third took 6.
>t. east asia cuck that can't play the game
>pre-order game
>preload it and wait for release day
>play for about an hour and get 2 cards
>realize it's a shit port
>refund it
>they let me keep the cards
>sell each for 1 buck
That went better than expected.
>Caring about weeb hack and slash games
Yeah I'll be playing coh1 and bf1
>Italians get to enjoy italian exclusive
>American wants some too, gets loud and obnoxious like he always does
>demands Italy ships their food to them
>they do
>American bites into 3 week old spaghetti that was never meant to be shipped over because they couldn't stop bitching
Get the picture?
I was originally gonna get this on the ps4 before I realized a PC version will come out. This is really annoying. Do you think it'll get patched up and fixed or no?
>MGSV port
Turn rate cap/negative mouse acceleration.
It played like controlling a tank with the mouse and was completely unenjoyable.
Is there anything to do in the open world besides run from mission to mission
>itt: People too dumb to read the recommended specs section
no, it's shit
dont buy it
>>MGSV port
>Turn rate cap/negative mouse acceleration.
>It played like controlling a tank with the mouse and was completely unenjoyable.
>playing mgs with mouse and keyboard
Fucking lol
The fullscreen is bugged, but the game runs properly in 1080p if you play it windowed.
There's "borderless gaming" if you don't want to wait for the nips to fix it.
They remove your review if you refund the game.
>game comes out
>has Denuvo™
>launches with infinite bugs and glitches and is unplayable
Woah totally never saw that happen before ever, nope. Not once.